import { AutocompleteInteraction } from 'discord.js'; import { CustomItem, ItemInventory, db } from '../db'; export type DefaultItem = Omit; // uses negative IDs export type Item = DefaultItem | CustomItem; export interface Items { item: Item, quantity: number } export enum DefaultItems { COIN = 1, WORKBENCH = 2, PEBBLE = 3 } export const defaultItems: DefaultItem[] = [ { id: -1, name: 'Coin', emoji: '🪙', type: 'plain', maxStack: 9999, untradable: false }, { id: -2, name: 'Workbench', description: 'A place for you to work with tools, for simple things', emoji: '🛠️', type: 'plain', maxStack: 1, untradable: false }, { id: -3, name: 'Pebble', description: 'If you get 5 of them you will instantly ! !!!', emoji: '🪨', type: 'plain', maxStack: 64, untradable: false } ]; export function getDefaultItem(id: DefaultItems): Item export function getDefaultItem(id: number): Item | undefined { return defaultItems.find(item => Math.abs( === Math.abs(id)); } export async function getItem(id: number): Promise { if (id >= 0) { return await getCustomItem(id); } else { return getDefaultItem(id); } } export async function getCustomItem(id: number) { return await db('customItems') .where('id', id) .first(); } export async function getItemQuantity(user: string, itemID: number): Promise { return (await db('itemInventories') .where('item', itemID) .where('user', user) .first()) || { user: user, item: itemID, quantity: 0 }; } export async function giveItem(user: string, item: Item, quantity = 1) { const storedItem = await db('itemInventories') .where('user', user) .where('item', .first(); let inv; if (storedItem) { inv = await db('itemInventories') .update({ quantity: db.raw('MIN(quantity + ?, ?)', [quantity, getMaxStack(item)]) }) .limit(1) .where('user', user) .where('item', .returning('*'); } else { inv = await db('itemInventories') .insert({ user: user, item: Math.min(, getMaxStack(item)), quantity: quantity }) .returning('*'); } return inv[0]; } export function getMaxStack(item: Item) { return item.type === 'weapon' ? 1 : item.maxStack; } export function formatItem(item: Item | undefined) { if (!item) return '? **MISSINGNO**'; return `${item.emoji} **${}**`; } export function formatItems(item: Item | undefined, quantity: number) { return `${quantity}x ${formatItem(item)}`; } export function formatItemsArray(items: Items[]) { return => formatItems(i.item, i.quantity)).join(' '); } export async function itemAutocomplete(interaction: AutocompleteInteraction) { const focused = interaction.options.getFocused(); const customItems = await db('customItems') .select('emoji', 'name', 'id') // @ts-expect-error this LITERALLY works .whereLike(db.raw('UPPER(name)'), `%${focused.toUpperCase()}%`) .where('guild', interaction.guildId!) .limit(25); const foundDefaultItems = defaultItems.filter(item =>; const items = [...foundDefaultItems, ...customItems]; await interaction.respond( => ({ name: `${choice.emoji} ${}`, value: })) ); }