{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let in { config = { services.cohost-blogger = { enable = true; domain = "blog.oat.zone"; port = 3500; }; services.nlw-api = { enable = true; domain = "nlw.oat.zone"; apiKey = builtins.readFile /etc/sheets-api-key; #apiKey = ""; port = 1995; }; services.cardgen = { enable = true; port = 25290; }; services.gd-icon-renderer-web = { enable = true; port = 3435; domain = "gdicon.oat.zone"; }; modules = { services = { #nextcloud = { # enable = true; # domain = "nextcloud.dark-firepit.cloud"; # settings.app.federation = true; #}; #writefreely = { # enable = true; # name = "Corruption Biome"; # domain = "blog.dark-firepit.cloud"; #}; forgejo = { enable = true; domain = "git.oat.zone"; port = 3000; enableActions = true; }; matrix.conduit = { enable = false; domain = "matrix.dark-firepit.cloud"; }; vaultwarden = { enable = true; domain = "vault.dark-firepit.cloud"; }; # not entirely necessary but makes it so that invalid domains and/or direct ip access aborts connection # prevents other domains from "stealing" content by settings their dns to our ip # this has happened before by the way on the vps. i have no clue how or why # update: also optimizes gzip and tls stuff nginx-config = { enable = true; }; staticSites = { "aether.gay".dataDir = "/var/www/aether.gay"; "dark-firepit.cloud".dataDir = "/var/www/dark-firepit.cloud"; #"dark-firepit.oat.zone".dataDir = "/var/www/dark-firepit.oat.zone"; "va11halla.oat.zone".dataDir = "/var/www/va11halla.oat.zone"; "giger.yugoslavia.fishing".dataDir = "/var/www/giger.yugoslavia.fishing"; "modfiles.oat.zone".dataDir = "/var/www/modfiles.oat.zone"; "shop.yugoslavia.best".dataDir = "/var/www/shop.yugoslavia.best"; "shop.yugoslavia.best".forceSSL = false; "tesco-underground-dev.oat.zone".dataDir = "/var/www/tesco-underground-dev.oat.zone"; "tesco-underground-dev.oat.zone".auth = { tesco = builtins.readFile /etc/tesco; }; "oat.zone".dataDir = "/var/www/oat.zone"; "oat.zone".php = true; #"beta-blog.oat.zone".dataDir = "/var/www/beta.blog.oat.zone"; "yugoslavia.fishing".dataDir = "/var/www/yugoslavia.fishing"; "yugoslavia.fishing".php = true; "educationmath.oat.zone".dataDir = "/var/www/proxy.oat.zone"; "educationmath.oat.zone".php = true; "educationmath.oat.zone".auth = { twh = builtins.readFile /etc/proxy_twh; }; "rivervalleychocolate.com".dataDir = "/var/www/rivervalleychocolate.com"; "rivervalleychocolate.com".php = true; "play.mayf.pink".dataDir = "/var/www/play.mayf.pink/"; "play.mayf.pink".php = true; "play.mayf.pink".phpHandlePathing = true; "pjsk.oat.zone".dataDir = "/var/www/pjsk.oat.zone"; "mayf.pink".dataDir = "/var/www/mayf.pink"; "mayf.pink".php = true; "mayf.pink".phpHandlePathing = true; "promotion.yugoslavia.best".dataDir = "/var/www/promotion.yugoslavia.best/public"; "promotion.yugoslavia.best".php = true; "promotion.yugoslavia.best".phpHandlePathing = true; "promotion.yugoslavia.best".forceSSL = false; "star.yugoslavia.best".dataDir = "/var/www/star.yugoslavia.best"; "star.yugoslavia.best".forceSSL = false; #"wint0r.zone".dataDir = "/var/www/wint0r.zone"; #"puzzle.wint0r.zone".dataDir = "/var/www/puzzle.wint0r.zone"; "femboy.industries".dataDir = "/var/www/femboy.industries"; } // (listToAttrs (map (value: { name = "${value}.femboy.industries"; value = { dataDir = "/var/www/femboy.industries/_subdomains/${value}/"; }; }) ["sage"])); nitter = { enable = true; lightweight = false; # enable if shit gets wild; check config for more info port = 3005; domain = "nitter.oat.zone"; }; libreddit = { enable = true; domain = "libreddit.oat.zone"; port = 1950; }; #watch-party = { # enable = true; # port = 1984; #}; matomo = { enable = true; }; metrics = { enable = true; domain = "grafana.dark-firepit.cloud"; port = 2342; }; }; }; services = { nginx.virtualHosts = { "oat.zone" = { locations."/f/".extraConfig = '' add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"; ''; locations."/f/cards/gen".extraConfig = '' rewrite /f/cards/gen/(.*) /$1 break; proxy_pass; proxy_redirect off; ''; extraConfig = '' error_page 404 /404.html; error_page 403 /403.html; ''; }; "femboy.industries" = { locations."/_subdomains".extraConfig = '' deny all; return 404; ''; }; # todo: move to flake "gdpstest.oat.zone" = { enableACME = true; forceSSL = false; addSSL = true; locations."/" = { proxyPass = ""; }; extraConfig = '' client_max_body_size 500M; ''; }; # todo: move to flake "jillo.oat.zone" = { enableACME = true; forceSSL = true; locations."/" = { proxyPass = ""; }; }; "drawdog.oat.zone" = { enableACME = true; forceSSL = true; locations."/" = { proxyPass = ""; extraConfig = '' proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade"; proxy_set_header Host $host; ''; }; }; #"git.oat.zone" = { # forceSSL = true; # enableACME = true; # root = "/var/www/temporarily-down"; # extraConfig = '' # error_page 503 /index.html; # ''; # locations."/".extraConfig = '' # return 503; # try_files /index.html =404; # ''; #}; }; }; }; }