{ pkgs, inputs, lib, ... }: let keys = import ./authorizedKeys.nix; in { imports = [ ./hardware-configuration.nix inputs.nix-minecraft.nixosModules.minecraft-servers #inputs.watch-party.nixosModules.watch-party (fetchTarball "https://github.com/msteen/nixos-vscode-server/tarball/master") ]; # services.auto-fix-vscode-server.enable = true; services.vscode-server.enable = true; user = { packages = with pkgs; [ git curl ]; }; normalUsers = { aether = { conf = { packages = with pkgs; [ bat duf broot nftables tmux ]; shell = pkgs.unstable.fish; extraGroups = [ "wheel" "nix-users" ]; initialHashedPassword = "!"; openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ keys."aether@subsurface".ssh ]; }; homeConf.home = { sessionVariables = { EDITOR = "nvim"; NIX_REMOTE = "daemon"; }; }; }; oatmealine = { conf = { packages = with pkgs; [ bat tmux micro direnv nix-direnv ripgrep ]; shell = pkgs.unstable.fish; extraGroups = [ "wheel" "nix-users" ]; initialHashedPassword = "!"; openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ keys."oatmealine@void-defragmented".ssh keys."oatmealine@beppy-phone".ssh ]; }; homeConf.home = { sessionVariables = { EDITOR = "micro"; NIX_REMOTE = "daemon"; }; }; }; }; keyboard = { locale = "en_US.UTF-8"; variant = "qwerty"; }; modules = { shell.fish.enable = true; security.isLocalMachine = false; editors.neovim.enable = true; remote = { enable = true; keys = [ "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAQEAoV7ymOtfC8SYvv31/GGso8DoHKE/KOfoEZ0hjmYtaQg7dyi5ijfDikLZUux8aWivvRofa7SqyaK0Ea+s9KuTX/dreJKz/RKG+QHLjw6U0FSoJ765q56pUy0j0TZoVy4PjSb38of56urg1UmHkK13WQXrvjwdHUjAcVx6PurHAxsbmxhYkJO9Jmvr8CB+PZFKIHjewkgBWkBxD97WFNwDfmBmvh1F5xRn8WhgT+2DVdQ2coN4Eqwc4NWzBUSfrro0gARsJsUvQxdx8f1kJDQKy2lQWCnlgRiD+pK5ocf1wCZfJMs0NQ6xqCZDKDJTcyGNLWH/L57Pg5U5t7BWRTTPmQ== yugoslavia" "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCX2uRTaL1Nu4KzsSJSVc7R2yCIa4Mw3KuJAMluQO746eXBFeTmRN6Pqc+H0Rpz9nkQ/fB8tYl70FfrYy4suM0QCY1IDbPWaUBmLQYCt6nzCfFY8PTpLoJmeQW3jzG7VqSjjl+uG2KLQqPtzxmvukIJRovhrKcUnPzw4tU4BLy2uGWgJN9sGofWczmtxdijADyOYtasVIr6/Hca5IwMCldbqQ9B1k+VIE87Kv2k5n+LVRVMsVHaVSubIMYZFbZFDW2/oRVg2ainewO0e9XPbtBREVraPnuf7s4uBByk4goQfLhz3B6L4JLbYYijw25+SmeJcesDxJUIIKMCuZChNcyb aura@LAPTOP-MEN8UH6Q" "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDRI9sGl0EmOkNNnh8SgRq197gkEy3XEwKZjLIr27V9PfaVOLIAcZiGcOa5q7rc5FjcCtkQ9+/twE24bZpxkK0ygrRJBEdT+HGAUmpY/kRPEn/tqjmwNu43vQqOhNSYmAAzdjJ4AuRPK5st8QQyOzKv5Pnghwy8xPAjOM3o4n9ULMLjVvAu0eTmCJMKxEvz5FUEIVZtEid/ng46k/bJ/njSh8vyGBQV4fJei6M9Ovw0HPqqzWyV/e0c3hTClG4dfLCK3Qv3hLhXQ+8I9iaL7D2wZdr3F2lbg0vS/QctPZc28f1gpkFEzVflEzAk4aFwJMMflY04IG1Dr44IfM1gJbpj rsa-key-20220423" keys."oatmealine@void-defragmented".ssh keys."oatmealine@beppy-phone".ssh ]; packages = with pkgs; [ tmux ]; shell = pkgs.unstable.fish; }; services = { ssh = { enable = true; requirePassword = false; }; postgres.enable = true; nextcloud = { enable = true; domain = "cloud.aether.gay"; }; gitea = { enable = true; domain = "git.oat.zone"; port = 3000; }; matrix.conduit = { enable = false; domain = "matrix.aether.gay"; }; minecraft = { enable = true; servers = { "dark-firepit" = { enable = true; autoStart = true; openFirewall = true; serverProperties = { server-port = 25565; gamemode = 0; motd = "dark-firepit, 1.19.2 Fabric"; white-list = true; max-players = 8; allow-flight = true; enable-command-block = true; enforce-secure-profile = false; level-type = "terra:overworld/overworld"; snooper-enabled = false; spawn-protection = 0; }; whitelist = { oatmealine = "241d7103-4c9d-4c45-9464-83b5365ce48e"; RustyMyHabibi = "e20305fa-a44c-44c9-b62e-6918e7c779d6"; Dj_Afganistan = "1f879917-1ad4-49c3-9908-90769ee73f85"; DumbDogDoodles = "d33e5e3b-85ab-4c93-a61b-605e2673fbe8"; SuneFoxie = "82e82ef9-ea17-4794-9051-928b5b8629c1"; FuzziestRedMoth = "21e1adf8-93f7-4173-a087-b3a9c02edec5"; }; package = pkgs.minecraftServers.fabric-1_19_2; jvmOpts = "-Xmx6G"; }; }; }; wireguard = { enable = true; server = true; externalInterface = "eno1"; interfaces."wg0" = import ./wireguardInterface.nix; }; vaultwarden = { enable = true; domain = "vault.aether.gay"; }; jillo = { enable = false; dataDir = "/var/lib/jillo"; }; # not entirely necessary but makes it so that invalid domains and/or direct ip access aborts connection # prevents other domains from "stealing" content by settings their dns to our ip # this has happened before by the way on the vps. i have no clue how or why # update: also optimizes gzip and tls stuff nginx-config = { enable = true; }; staticSites = { "aether.gay".dataDir = "/var/www/aether.gay"; "dark-firepit.oat.zone".dataDir = "/var/www/dark-firepit.oat.zone"; "va11halla.oat.zone".dataDir = "/var/www/va11halla.oat.zone"; "giger.yugoslavia.fishing".dataDir = "/var/www/giger.yugoslavia.fishing"; "modfiles.oat.zone".dataDir = "/var/www/modfiles.oat.zone"; "shop.yugoslavia.best".dataDir = "/var/www/shop.yugoslavia.best"; "tesco-underground-dev.oat.zone".dataDir = "/var/www/tesco-underground-dev.oat.zone"; "tesco-underground-dev.oat.zone".auth = { tesco = "Jn2DVTM7yVZtRKKyz3b2Tjj7Ss8vpuLB"; }; "oat.zone".dataDir = "/var/www/oat.zone"; "oat.zone".php = true; "yugoslavia.fishing".dataDir = "/var/www/yugoslavia.fishing"; "yugoslavia.fishing".php = true; }; nitter = { enable = true; lightweight = false; # enable if shit gets wild; check config for more info port = 3005; domain = "nitter.oat.zone"; }; #watch-party = { # enable = true; # port = 1984; #}; terraria = { enable = false; port = 7777; # port-forwarded messageOfTheDay = "hi"; openFirewall = true; worldPath = "/var/lib/terraria/gbj.wld"; autoCreatedWorldSize = "large"; dataDir = "/var/lib/terraria"; }; matomo = { enable = true; }; isso = { enable = true; port = 1995; }; yugoslavia-best = { enable = true; domain = "yugoslavia.best"; }; }; }; services.nginx.virtualHosts."oat.zone" = { locations."/f/".extraConfig = '' add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"; ''; }; security.doas = { extraRules = [ { users = [ "aether" ]; noPass = false; persist = true; keepEnv = true; } { users = [ "oatmealine" ]; noPass = true; persist = false; keepEnv = true; } ]; }; time.timeZone = "Europe/Amsterdam"; # If you uncomment this, I will uncomment the spores in your body # mmm spores ymmnu.uyyy.., :) networking.useDHCP = false; networking = { # for docs, start here # https://nixos.org/manual/nixos/stable/options.html#opt-networking.enableB43Firmware enableIPv6 = true; # true by default, but better safe than sorry interfaces.eno1.ipv4.addresses = [ { address = ""; prefixLength = 24; } ]; defaultGateway = ""; nameservers = [ "" "" ]; interfaces.eno1.ipv6.addresses = [ { address = "2001:41d0:0700:3308::"; prefixLength = 64; } ]; defaultGateway6 = { address = "2001:41d0:0700:33ff:00ff:00ff:00ff:00ff"; # address = "33ff::1"; # address = "2001::1"; interface = "eno1"; }; /* dhcpcd.persistent = true; dhcpcd.extraConfig = '' clientid d0:50:99:d4:04:68:d0:50:99:d4:04:68 noipv6rs interface eno1 ia_pd 1/2001:41d0:700:3308::/56 eno1 static ip6_address=2001:41d0:700:3308::1/56 ''; */ firewall.allowPing = true; # minecraft proximity voice chat firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 24454 ]; firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [ 24454 ]; }; # environment.etc."dhcpcd.duid".text = "d0:50:99:d4:04:68:d0:50:99:d4:04:68"; }