{ pkgs, inputs, lib, ... }: let keys = import ./authorizedKeys.nix; fetchSSH = (host: lib._.getSSH host keys); fetchSSHKeys = map fetchSSH; agenixPkg = inputs.agenix.packages.${pkgs.system}.default; in { imports = [ ./hardware-configuration.nix ./minecraft ./srb2k.nix ./yugoslavia-best.nix ./webapps/default.nix inputs.nix-minecraft.nixosModules.minecraft-servers #inputs.watch-party.nixosModules.watch-party inputs.cohost-blogger.nixosModules.cohost-blogger inputs.vscode-server.nixosModules.default ]; services.vscode-server.enable = true; user = { packages = with pkgs; [ git curl ]; }; users.groups.dotfiles = {}; users.groups.yugoslavia = {}; # TODO: temporary fix; please find root cause. i'm begging you nixpkgs.config.permittedInsecurePackages = [ "nodejs-16.20.0" ]; normalUsers = { # aether??? is that... reference.../.??? aether https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/aether mod Curseforge minecraft Forge Patreon Chat twitter code license Assets license All rights reserved categories Last Updated apr 17 2021 Game Version 1.12.2 aether aether = { conf = { packages = with pkgs; [ bat duf broot helix nil ]; shell = pkgs.unstable.fish; extraGroups = [ "wheel" "nix-users" "dotfiles" ]; initialHashedPassword = "!"; openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = fetchSSHKeys [ "aether@subsurface" "aether@phone" "aether@Aethers-Mini.station" ]; }; homeConf.home = { sessionVariables = { EDITOR = "hx"; NIX_REMOTE = "daemon"; }; }; }; # oatmealine ?? is that a reference to jill oatmealine monoids from the beloved videogame franchise "oateamelin jill monoids???" .oat. zone??? from va11hall-a??? video game???? woman????? minecraft??????? oatmealine = { conf = { packages = with pkgs; [ bat tmux micro direnv nix-direnv ripgrep agenixPkg ]; shell = pkgs.unstable.fish; extraGroups = [ "wheel" "nix-users" "dotfiles" "yugoslavia" ]; initialHashedPassword = "!"; openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = fetchSSHKeys [ "oatmealine@void-defragmented" "oatmealine@beppy-phone" "oatmealine@boykisser" ]; }; homeConf.home = { sessionVariables = { #EDITOR = lib.trace (lib.readFile age.secrets.huge-furry-cock.path) "micro"; EDITOR = "micro"; NIX_REMOTE = "daemon"; }; }; }; # i yearn for the day this name ceases to mean mayflower = { conf = { packages = with pkgs; [ micro tmux ]; shell = pkgs.unstable.fish; extraGroups = [ "wheel" "nix-users" "dotfiles" "yugoslavia" ]; initialHashedPassword = "!"; openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = fetchSSHKeys [ "mayflower@BMW-M550d-xDrive" "swag@BMW-M550d-xDrive" ]; }; homeConf.home = { sessionVariables = { EDITOR = "micro"; NIX_REMOTE = "daemon"; }; }; }; #winter = { # conf = { # packages = with pkgs; [ micro ]; # shell = pkgs.unstable.fish; # extraGroups = [ "wheel" "nix-users" "dotfiles" ]; # initialHashedPassword = "!"; # openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = fetchSSHKeys [ # "lilith@bms-cab" # ]; # }; #}; }; keyboard = { locale = "en_US.UTF-8"; variant = "qwerty"; }; modules = { shell.fish.enable = true; security.isLocalMachine = false; editors.neovim.enable = true; remote = { enable = true; keys = [ "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAQEAoV7ymOtfC8SYvv31/GGso8DoHKE/KOfoEZ0hjmYtaQg7dyi5ijfDikLZUux8aWivvRofa7SqyaK0Ea+s9KuTX/dreJKz/RKG+QHLjw6U0FSoJ765q56pUy0j0TZoVy4PjSb38of56urg1UmHkK13WQXrvjwdHUjAcVx6PurHAxsbmxhYkJO9Jmvr8CB+PZFKIHjewkgBWkBxD97WFNwDfmBmvh1F5xRn8WhgT+2DVdQ2coN4Eqwc4NWzBUSfrro0gARsJsUvQxdx8f1kJDQKy2lQWCnlgRiD+pK5ocf1wCZfJMs0NQ6xqCZDKDJTcyGNLWH/L57Pg5U5t7BWRTTPmQ== yugoslavia" "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCX2uRTaL1Nu4KzsSJSVc7R2yCIa4Mw3KuJAMluQO746eXBFeTmRN6Pqc+H0Rpz9nkQ/fB8tYl70FfrYy4suM0QCY1IDbPWaUBmLQYCt6nzCfFY8PTpLoJmeQW3jzG7VqSjjl+uG2KLQqPtzxmvukIJRovhrKcUnPzw4tU4BLy2uGWgJN9sGofWczmtxdijADyOYtasVIr6/Hca5IwMCldbqQ9B1k+VIE87Kv2k5n+LVRVMsVHaVSubIMYZFbZFDW2/oRVg2ainewO0e9XPbtBREVraPnuf7s4uBByk4goQfLhz3B6L4JLbYYijw25+SmeJcesDxJUIIKMCuZChNcyb aura@LAPTOP-MEN8UH6Q" "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDRI9sGl0EmOkNNnh8SgRq197gkEy3XEwKZjLIr27V9PfaVOLIAcZiGcOa5q7rc5FjcCtkQ9+/twE24bZpxkK0ygrRJBEdT+HGAUmpY/kRPEn/tqjmwNu43vQqOhNSYmAAzdjJ4AuRPK5st8QQyOzKv5Pnghwy8xPAjOM3o4n9ULMLjVvAu0eTmCJMKxEvz5FUEIVZtEid/ng46k/bJ/njSh8vyGBQV4fJei6M9Ovw0HPqqzWyV/e0c3hTClG4dfLCK3Qv3hLhXQ+8I9iaL7D2wZdr3F2lbg0vS/QctPZc28f1gpkFEzVflEzAk4aFwJMMflY04IG1Dr44IfM1gJbpj rsa-key-20220423" "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCL75/Pg5bP7LaXE6uPyyv8QDRivWJC6YcH6oJJztkjqL6g+0xPPiN6I54q/bNF4nHA2BHVUktKUU9bGDEOpYIRq7kegp2/K/+FNTM1Kz6rJSrSc8e0Ogxg8vhD6maxqLU8q+D1OMhBu0UiWUB+GxXmeYfBtXPjpcE+AaJ80BPs7vwiulHPGn7UAcRuP36Z+3JJiN2BQnU2aizXWsgyU575Uy3DVvAt7eHon+SoJiTCs2//5KexJ42U6ZiE6f/oTFdiud70lpxhGgiiFvj6M9RZ0aLoxspiskW45jKLXIMJ+mO6husg9GfvCchbps3YkmH0hZ24Ii1EiFhi5HZMY0Lt mayflower" "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIHrlqH2OShvXdzq1sV5IDuWQzeC9OHBVvwj0+Y0XXwi7 mayflower-thinkpad" "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCBKMXTLBJ5iIPiO9jiN+AHWxpgG1kcdI0h23+G1FLMnK+xhkmaP9Vjr9QbqQ4mmRqfGERfJW5H2/OvTEUXnrkAp1Jc8oPrc14/auwKivtbMC5tsWzioDMbcAYKrcP37D3Kw1P7nzSyAz3QsRXBRx26OE5NeTo4YfGl/TOkQnoBCDTt8kcziWEvUVeOgnHf3hnszs2H4P6RAyOqjuOH6BWhtbKsCHThTHaAadLgeH5nB1WXLYqG2N1KEzAhj8WBBzPmeZcMMRr5xkqYVj14cd+9syEaenV+wXapoPyDtOb6YtOKArN9RkT0OOqQk17OzxvGqHUEXQ4eGmNgc8BLsGJn rsa-key-20230402" #fetchSSH "oatmealine@void-defragmented" #fetchSSH "oatmealine@beppy-phone" "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIIAIphRdy+g7zfj+KxfONoD24lzk+/mGhQ0EnOe8QGf8 oatmealine@disroot.org" # gh actions ]; packages = with pkgs; [ tmux micro ]; shell = pkgs.unstable.fish; }; services = { ssh = { enable = true; requirePassword = false; }; postgres.enable = true; mosh = { enable = true; }; wireguard = { enable = true; server = true; externalInterface = "eno1"; interfaces."wg0" = import ./wireguardInterface.nix; }; dendrite = { enable = true; hostDomain = "dark-firepit.cloud"; }; terraria = { enable = false; port = 7777; # port-forwarded messageOfTheDay = "hi"; openFirewall = true; worldPath = "/var/lib/terraria/gbj.wld"; autoCreatedWorldSize = "large"; dataDir = "/var/lib/terraria"; }; nextcloud = { enable = true; domain = "nextcloud.dark-firepit.cloud"; }; jmusicbot = let baseOptions = { owner = 276416332894044160; game = "Listening to your heartbeat :heart"; status = "ONLINE"; songinstatus = true; success = "<:observer:1004408859831586907>"; warning = "<:slugclose:1000202980403974144>"; error = "🚫!!!!! 🚫🚫🚫 >:(((("; loading = "<:handsl:966010145698086993><:handsr:966010145886830692>"; searching = "<:scripulous_fingore_point:1012777703323222087><:scripulous_fingore:1012777704455667754>"; npimages = true; stayinchannel = true; updatealerts = false; aliases = { nowplaying = [ "np" "current" ]; play = [ "p" ]; queue = [ "list" "q" ]; remove = [ "delete" "d" ]; skip = [ "s" ]; forceskip = [ "fs" ]; movetrack = [ "move" "m" ]; }; queuetype = "REGULAR"; }; in { enable = true; instances = { "jomble" = { enable = true; package = pkgs._.gmusicbot; options = baseOptions // { token = lib.removeSuffix "\n" (builtins.readFile /etc/jomble_token); prefix = ";"; }; }; "jillo" = { enable = true; package = pkgs._.gmusicbot; options = baseOptions // { token = lib.removeSuffix "\n" (builtins.readFile /etc/jillo_token); prefix = ":"; }; }; }; }; }; }; programs.fish.enable = true; security.doas = { extraRules = [ { users = [ "aether" ]; noPass = false; persist = true; keepEnv = true; } { users = [ "oatmealine" ]; noPass = true; persist = false; keepEnv = true; } ]; }; time.timeZone = "Europe/Amsterdam"; # If you uncomment this, I will uncomment the spores in your body # mmm spores ymmnu.uyyy.., :) networking.useDHCP = false; networking = { # for docs, start here # https://nixos.org/manual/nixos/stable/options.html#opt-networking.enableB43Firmware # temporarily disabled # enableIPv6 = true; usePredictableInterfaceNames = false; interfaces.eth0 = { ipv4.addresses = [{ address = ""; # prefixLength = 27; prefixLength = 24; }]; /* ipv6.addresses = [{ address = "2a01:4f8:140::1"; prefixLength = 64; }]; */ }; defaultGateway = ""; /* defaultGateway6 = { address = "fe80::1"; interface = "eth0"; }; */ nameservers = [ "" "" ]; firewall.allowPing = true; # minecraft proximity voice chat firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 24454 24464 25567 25577 4499 21025 21027 ]; firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [ 24454 24464 25567 25577 4499 21025 21027 ]; }; # environment.etc."dhcpcd.duid".text = "d0:50:99:d4:04:68:d0:50:99:d4:04:68"; }