{ //Welcome to Mo'Structures Config! // //This config used to allow you to modify our mod's structures. //However, Mojang changed the way structures were done. //Now, most of our structures are fully in code. // //The purpose of this config file is to lead users to find //the necessary resources needed to modify our structures. // //And, this is a good change. // //Not only can you now modify the generation of a structure, but you will also get //to modify the biomes they spawn in and as much other stuff. // //All you need to know is that you will have to find //how to make structure datapacks and use that knowledge //to modify Mo' Structures. // //To modify the chance of a structure spawning, you will have to work with //datapack structure_sets. // //To modify biomes, you will only have to use tags, a convenient way to modify the mod. // //To modify the structures to avoid collision to, you will also have to work with structure_sets. // //To modify the height range the terrain around the structures may be, you will also have to work iwth structure_sets. // //Go to Frqnny's Discord for questions; link is in the curseforge page. // //Below is a lilboolean, do whatever you want with him. "lilboolean": true }