remove unneeded configs; update existing ones a little

This commit is contained in:
Jill 2022-09-03 17:16:59 +03:00
parent 003ecb226f
commit f23ea453e2
42 changed files with 30 additions and 2336 deletions

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
"desert_rhino_well_spawn_chance": 1,
"shaman_spawn_weight": 1,
"deer_spawn_weight": 6,
"enderwarthog_spawn_weight": 1,
"enderwarthog_spawn_weight": 0.2,
"allow_stone_golem_summoning": true,
"allow_the_eye_summoning": true,
"allow_dragon_hatching": true,
@ -38,4 +38,4 @@
"stoned_heart_duration": 72000,
"stoned_heart_amplifier": 0,
"allow_other_dragon_hatching": false

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
version = 3
# (Default: 1) Configures the parallelism of global executor
globalExecutorParallelism = "default"
# Configuration for io system
# (Default: true) Whether to use async chunk loading & unloading
async = "default"
# (Default: -1) Defines which chunk compression should be used
# -1 for Vanilla default
# 1 for GZip (RFC1952) (Vanilla compatible)
# 2 for Zlib (RFC1950) (Vanilla default) (Vanilla compatible)
# 3 for Uncompressed (Fastest, but higher disk usage) (Vanilla compatible)
# Original chunk data will still readable after modifying this option
# as this option only affects newly stored chunks
# Invalid values will fall back to vanilla default
chunkStreamVersion = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to use the optimized implementation of IO system
replaceImpl = "default"
# (Default: 1536) Soft limit for io worker nbt cache
chunkDataCacheSoftLimit = "default"
# (Default: 6144) Hard limit for io worker nbt cache
chunkDataCacheLimit = "default"
# Configuration for threaded world generation
# (Default: true) Whether to allow feature generation (world decorations like trees, ores and etc.) run in parallel
# (may cause incompatibility with other mods)
allowThreadedFeatures = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to allow reducing lock radius
# (may cause incompatibility with other mods)
reduceLockRadius = "default"
# (Default: false) Whether to enable this feature
enabled = "default"
# Configuration for async scheduling system
# (Default: true) Whether to enable async and parallel scheduling
# This will reduce server thread load
# (may cause incompatibility with other mods)
enabled = "default"
# Configuration for vanilla worldgen optimizations
# (Default: true) Whether to enable aquifer optimizations to accelerate overworld worldgen
# (may cause incompatibility with other mods)
optimizeAquifer = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to enable End Biome Cache to accelerate The End worldgen
# This is no longer included in lithium-fabric
# (may cause incompatibility with other mods)
useEndBiomeCache = "default"
# Configuration for general optimizations
# (Default: true) Whether to enable mid-tick chunk tasks
# Mid-tick chunk tasks is to execute chunk tasks during server tick loop
# to speed up chunk loading and generation
# This helps chunks loading and generating under high MSPT but may raise
# MSPT when chunks are loading or generating
# Incompatible with Dimensional Threading (dimthread)
doMidTickChunkTasks = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to let async chunk request no longer block server thread
# (may cause incompatibility with other mods)
optimizeAsyncChunkRequest = "default"
# Configuration for auto-save
# (Default: ENHANCED) Defines how auto save should be handled
# VANILLA: Use vanilla auto-save behavior (auto-save performed every tick during ticking)
# ENHANCED: Use C2ME enhanced auto-save (auto-save performed when the server have spare time after ticking)
# PERIODIC: Use pre-1.18 vanilla auto-save behavior (auto-save performed every 6000 ticks during ticking)
# Please preserve quotes so this config don't break
mode = "default"
# (Default: 20000) Defines the delay in milliseconds between performing auto-save for a chunk
# This is only used when mode is set to ENHANCED
delay = "default"
# Configuration for no-tick view distance
# (Default: true) Whether to use compatibility mode to send chunks
# This may fix some mod compatibility issues
compatibilityMode = "default"
# (Default: false) Whether to ensure correct chunks within normal render distance
# This will send chunks twice increasing network load
ensureChunkCorrectness = "default"
# (Default: 12) No-tick view distance updates per tick
# Lower this for a better latency and higher this for a faster loading
updatesPerTick = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to enable no-tick view distance
enabled = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to modify maximum view distance
enabled = "default"
# (Default: 34) Max render distance allowed in game options
maxViewDistance = "default"

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"debugMode": false,
"spawnWeight": 3,
"minGroupSize": 1,
"spawnWeight": 4,
"minGroupSize": 2,
"maxGroupSize": 4

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
# If set to false, warnings will not get logged when a component fails to be resolved (typically due to mods being removed)
# Default value: true
log-deserialization-warnings = true
# Internal value, do not edit or your changes may be arbitrarily reset
config-version = 1

View File

@ -15,31 +15,31 @@
#Dimensions in which biome ambience will be played.
"Valid dimensions" = ["minecraft:overworld", "minecraft:the_end"]
#Biomes that will have badlands ambient sounds.
"Extra badlands biomes" = []
"Extra badlands biomes" = ["terra:overworld/overworld/badlands_buttes", "terra:overworld/overworld/badlands_mountains", "terra:overworld/overworld/cracked_badlands_plateau", "terra:overworld/overworld/eroded_badlands_buttes"]
#Biomes that will have beach ambient sounds.
"Extra beach biomes" = []
"Extra beach biomes" = ["terra:overworld/overworld/beach", "terra:overworld/overworld/palm_beach", "terra:overworld/overworld/palm_forest", "terra:overworld/overworld/shale_beach"]
#Biomes that will have desert ambient sounds.
"Extra desert biomes" = []
"Extra desert biomes" = ["terra:overworld/overworld/desert", "terra:overworld/overworld/desert_flats", "terra:overworld/overworld/desert_pillars", "terra:overworld/overworld/desert_spikes", "terra:overworld/overworld/desert_spikes_gold", "terra:overworld/overworld/frozen_beach", "terra:overworld/overworld/rocky_desert"]
#Biomes that will have forest ambient sounds.
"Extra forest biomes" = []
"Extra forest biomes" = ["terra:overworld/overworld/birch_flats", "terra:overworld/overworld/birch_forest", "terra:overworld/overworld/birch_forest_hills", "terra:overworld/overworld/dark_forest", "terra:overworld/overworld/dark_forest_hills", "terra:overworld/overworld/eucalyptus_forest", "terra:overworld/overworld/evergreen_flats", "terra:overworld/overworld/evergreen_forest", "terra:overworld/overworld/evergreen_forest_hills", "terra:overworld/overworld/evergreen_overhangs", "terra:overworld/overworld/flowering_autumnal_forest_hills", "terra:overworld/overworld/flowering_forest", "terra:overworld/overworld/flowering_forest_hills", "terra:overworld/overworld/forest", "terra:overworld/overworld/forest_flats", "terra:overworld/overworld/forest_hills", "terra:overworld/overworld/rainforeset", "terra:overworld/overworld/rainforest_hills", "terra:overworld/overworld/redwood_forest_hills"]
#Biomes that will have icy ambient sounds.
"Extra icy biomes" = []
"Extra icy biomes" = ["terra:overworld/overworld/frozen_archipelago", "terra:overworld/overworld/ice_spikes", "terra:overworld/overworld/tundra_hills", "terra:overworld/overworld/tundra_midlands", "terra:overworld/overworld/tundra_plains"]
#Biomes that will have jungle ambient sounds.
"Extra jungle biomes" = []
"Extra jungle biomes" = ["terra:overworld/overworld/bamboo_jungle", "terra:overworld/overworld/bamboo_jungle_flats", "terra:overworld/overworld/bamboo_jungle_hills", "terra:overworld/overworld/bamboo_jungle_mountains", "terra:overworld/overworld/bamboo_ponds", "terra:overworld/overworld/jungle", "terra:overworld/overworld/jungle_flats", "terra:overworld/overworld/jungle_hills", "terra:overworld/overworld/jungle_mountains"]
#Biomes that will have mountain ambient sounds.
"Extra mountain biomes" = []
"Extra mountain biomes" = ["terra:overworld/overworld/active_volcano_base", "terra:overworld/overworld/active_volcano_base_edge", "terra:overworld/overworld/active_volcano_pit", "terra:overworld/overworld/active_volcano_pit_edge", "terra:overworld/overworld/dry_rocky_bumpy_mountains", "terra:overworld/overworld/dry_temperate_mountains", "terra:overworld/overworld/dry_temperate_white_mountains", "terra:overworld/overworld/dry_wild_highlands", "terra:overworld/overworld/large_monsoon_mountains", "terra:overworld/overworld/monsoon_mountains", "terra:overworld/overworld/mountains", "terra:overworld/overworld/rocky_bumpy_mountains", "terra:overworld/overworld/sakura_mountains", "terra:overworld/overworld/snowy_eroded_terraced_mountains", "terra:overworld/overworld/snowy_mountains", "terra:overworld/overworld/snowy_terraced_mountains", "terra:overworld/overworld/temperate_alpha_mountains", "terra:overworld/overworld/temperate_mountains", "terra:overworld/overworld/wild_bumpy_mountains", "terra:overworld/overworld/xeric_mountains"]
#Biomes that will have ocean ambient sounds.
"Extra ocean biomes" = []
"Extra ocean biomes" = ["terra:overworld/overworld/cold_deep_ocean", "terra:overworld/overworld/cold_ocean", "terra:overworld/overworld/coral_ocean", "terra:overworld/overworld/deep_ocean", "terra:overworld/overworld/frozen_deep_ocean", "terra:overworld/overworld/frozen_ocean", "terra:overworld/overworld/ocean", "terra:overworld/overworld/subtropical_deep_ocean", "terra:overworld/overworld/subtropical_ocean", "terra:overworld/overworld/tropical_deep_ocean", "terra:overworld/overworld/tropical_ocean"]
#Biomes that will have plains ambient sounds.
"Extra plains biomes" = []
"Extra plains biomes" = ["terra:overworld/overworld/plains", "terra:overworld/overworld/snowy_plains", "terra:overworld/overworld/sunflower_plains", "terra:overworld/overworld/xeric_plains"]
#Biomes that will have river ambient sounds.
"Extra river biomes" = []
"Extra river biomes" = ["terra:overworld/overworld/frozen_river", "terra:overworld/overworld/mountains_river", "terra:overworld/overworld/dry_temperate_mountains_river", "terra:overworld/overworld/dry_temperate_white_mountains_river", "terra:overworld/overworld/badlands_mountains_river", "terra:overworld/overworld/river", "terra:overworld/overworld/snowy_eroded_terraced_mountains_river", "terra:overworld/overworld/snowy_mountains_river", "terra:overworld/overworld/snowy_terraced_mountains_river", "terra:overworld/overworld/temperate_mountains_river", "terra:overworld/overworld/xeric_mountains_river"]
#Biomes that will have savanna ambient sounds.
"Extra savanna biomes" = []
"Extra savanna biomes" = ["terra:overworld/overworld/grass_savanna", "terra:overworld/overworld/grass_savanna_hills", "terra:overworld/overworld/grass_savanna_low_hills", "terra:overworld/overworld/oak_savanna", "terra:overworld/overworld/savanna", "terra:overworld/overworld/savanna_hills", "terra:overworld/overworld/savanna_low_hills", "terra:overworld/overworld/savanna_overhangs"]
#Biomes that will have swamp ambient sounds.
"Extra swamp biomes" = []
"Extra swamp biomes" = ["terra:overworld/overworld/frozen_marsh", "terra:overworld/overworld/frozen_wetlands", "terra:overworld/overworld/mangrove_swamp", "terra:overworld/overworld/marsh", "terra:overworld/overworld/rocky_wetlands", "terra:overworld/overworld/swamp", "terra:overworld/overworld/wetlands"]
#Biomes that will have taiga ambient sounds.
"Extra taiga biomes" = []
"Extra taiga biomes" = ["terra:overworld/overworld/taiga", "terra:overworld/overworld/taiga_flats", "terra:overworld/overworld/taiga_hills"]
#Biomes that will have The End ambient sounds.
"Extra End biomes" = []

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
#The renderer to use for monitors. Generally this should be kept at "best" - if monitors have performance issues, you may wish to experiment with alternative renderers.
monitor_renderer = "BEST"
#The maximum distance monitors will render at. This defaults to the standard tile entity limit, but may be extended if you wish to build larger monitors.
monitor_distance = 64

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
"enabled": true

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
"MC-100991": true,
"MC-108948": true,
"MC-111516": true,
"MC-112730": true,
"MC-116379": true,
"MC-119417": true,
"MC-119754": true,
"MC-121706": true,
"MC-121772": true,
"MC-121903": true,
"MC-122477": true,
"MC-122627": true,
"MC-123739": true,
"MC-124117": true,
"MC-127970": true,
"MC-12829": true,
"MC-129909": true,
"MC-132878": true,
"MC-135971": true,
"MC-140646": true,
"MC-143474": true,
"MC-145748": true,
"MC-147605": true,
"MC-14923": true,
"MC-151412": true,
"MC-155509": true,
"MC-159163": true,
"MC-160095": true,
"MC-162253": true,
"MC-165381": true,
"MC-165595": true,
"MC-176559": true,
"MC-179072": true,
"MC-183776": true,
"MC-183990": true,
"MC-193343": true,
"MC-197260": true,
"MC-199467": true,
"MC-200418": true,
"MC-2025": true,
"MC-206922": true,
"MC-214147": true,
"MC-215530": true,
"MC-215531": true,
"MC-217716": true,
"MC-223153": true,
"MC-224729": true,
"MC-22882": false,
"MC-228976": false,
"MC-231097": true,
"MC-231743": true,
"MC-232869": true,
"MC-233042": true,
"MC-237493": true,
"MC-249059": true,
"MC-26757": true,
"MC-30391": true,
"MC-31819": true,
"MC-4490": true,
"MC-46766": true,
"MC-55347": true,
"MC-577": true,
"MC-69216": true,
"MC-72151": true,
"MC-7569": true,
"MC-79545": true,
"MC-80859": true,
"MC-84873": true,
"MC-88371": true,
"MC-89146": true,
"MC-90084": true,
"MC-90683": true,
"MC-93018": true,
"MC-93384": true,
"opt_out_updater": false,
"gameplay_fixes_in_multiplayer": false,
"default_disabled": false

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
reduceFPSWhenUnfocused = true
unfocusedFPS = 1
restoreFPSWhenHovered = true
unfocusedVolumeMultiplier = 0.25
hiddenVolumeMultiplier = 0.0
runGCOnUnfocus = false

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
"generateCascades": true,
"generateSplashes": true,
"shouldFlowingWaterSpawnParticlesOnFirstTick": true,
"lapisBlockUpdateParticleChance": 10

View File

@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
/** EMI Config */
#general {
* Whether EMI is enabled and visible.
enabled: true;
* Whether cheating in items is enabled.
cheat-mode: false;
#ui {
* Whether to move status effects to the
* top of the screen.
move-effects: true;
* Whether to have the search bar in the
* center of the screen, instead of to the side.
center-search-bar: true;
* Whether to display a gray overlay when
* hovering over a stack.
show-hover-overlay: false;
* Whether to add mod name to item tooltips
* In case another mod provides behavior
append-item-mod-id: true;
* Whether an empty search should display
* craftable recipes, instead of the index.
empty-search-craftable: false;
* The amount of columns to display
* on the favorites sidebar.
* A value of zero will disable it.
max-favorite-columns: 999;
* The amount of columns to display
* on the index sidebar.
* A value of zero will disable it.
max-index-columns: 999;
* The amount of vertical margin to
* give in the recipe screen.
vertical-margin: 20;
* Prevents recipes being quick crafted
* from shifting around under the cursor.
miscraft-prevention: true;
* The unit to display fluids as.
fluid-unit: liters;
* Display cost per batch when hovering
* a recipe output
show-cost-per-batch: true;
* Whether recipes should have a button to
* set as default.
recipe-default-button: true;
* Whether recipes should have a button to
* show the recipe tree.
recipe-tree-button: true;
* Whether recipes should have a button to
* fill the ingredients in a handler.
recipe-fill-button: true;
* Whether to use the batched render system.
* Batching is faster, but may have incompatibilities
* with shaders or other mods.
use-batched-renderer: true;
#binds {
* Toggle the visibility of EMI.
toggle-visibility: "ctrl key.keyboard.o";
* Focuse the search bar.
focus-search: "ctrl key.keyboard.f";
* Display the recipes for creating an item.
view-recipes: "key.keyboard.r";
view-recipes: "key.mouse.left";
* Display the recipes that can be created
* using an item.
view-uses: "key.keyboard.u";
view-uses: "key.mouse.right";
* Favorite the item to display on the
* side of the screen opposite of
* recipies for quick access.
favorite: "key.keyboard.a";
* Display the recipe tree for a given item.
view-stack-tree: "key.keyboard.unknown";
* Display the recipe tree.
view-tree: "key.keyboard.unknown";
* Return to the previous page in EMI.
back: "key.mouse.4";
* Toggle between index and craftable
* search modes.
toggle-craftable: "key.keyboard.unknown";
* Toggle craftable filter between
* all recipes and current workstation.
toggle-local-craftable: "key.keyboard.unknown";
* When on a stack with an associated recipe:
* Move ingredients for a single result.
craft-one: "key.mouse.left";
* When on a stack with an associated recipe:
* Move ingredients for as many results as possible.
craft-all: "shift key.mouse.left";
* When on a stack with an associated recipe:
* Move ingredients for a single result
* and put in inventory if possible.
craft-one-to-inventory: "key.keyboard.unknown";
* When on a stack with an associated recipe:
* Move ingredients for as many results as possible
* and put in inventory if possible.
craft-all-to-inventory: "key.keyboard.unknown";
* When on a stack with an associated recipe:
* Move ingredients for a single result
* and put in cursor if possible.
craft-one-to-cursor: "ctrl key.mouse.left";
* Cheat in one of an item into the inventory.
cheat-one-to-inventory: "ctrl key.mouse.right";
* Cheat in a stack of an item into the inventory.
cheat-stack-to-inventory: "ctrl key.mouse.left";
* Cheat in one of an item into the cursor.
cheat-one-to-cursor: "ctrl key.mouse.middle";
* Cheat in a stack of an item into the cursor.
cheat-stack-to-cursor: "key.keyboard.unknown";
#dev {
* Whether certain development functions should be enabled.
* Not recommended for general play.
dev-mode: false;
* Whether to log untranslated tags as warnings.
log-untranslated-tags: false;
* Whether hovering the output of a recipe should show
* the recipe's EMI ID.
show-recipe-ids: false;
* Whether stacks in the index should display a highlight
* if they have a recipe default.
highlight-defaulted: false;
* Whether to display exclusion areas
highlight-exclusion-areas: false;
#persistent {
craftable: false;
local-craftable: true;

View File

@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
"cool2;(•_•) ( •_•)\u003e⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)",
"dance2;ᕕ( ᐛ ) ᕗ",
"table1;(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻",
"table2;(╯°□°)╯︵ ʇɟɐɹɔǝuᴉɯ",
"table3;(╯°□°)╯︵ ƃuɐɾoɯ",
"gimme;༼ つ◕_◕༽つ",

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
#Indigo properties file
#Mon Aug 29 00:17:17 MSK 2022

View File

@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
"version": 1,
"displayDebugData": false,
"enabled": true,
"leafSize": 5,
"leafLifespan": 200,
"leafSpawnRate": 10,
"coniferLeafSpawnRate": 0,
"dropFromPlayerPlacedBlocks": true,
"leavesOnBlockHit": true,
"minimumFreeSpaceBelow": 1,
"windEnabled": true,
"windlessDimensions": [
"leafSettings": {
"minecraft:jungle_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 0.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"minecraft:flowering_azalea_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"minecraft:azalea_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"minecraft:birch_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"minecraft:acacia_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"minecraft:oak_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:cinnamon_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"minecraft:dark_oak_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"minecraft:spruce_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": true
"croptopia:nectarine_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:pecan_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:cherry_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:plum_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:lemon_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:avocado_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:kumquat_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:mango_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:coconut_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:dragonfruit_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:banana_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:cashew_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:date_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:persimmon_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:starfruit_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:nutmeg_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:almond_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:walnut_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:apple_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:orange_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:apricot_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:pear_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:grapefruit_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:peach_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:fig_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:lime_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"minecraft:mangrove_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"charm:ebony_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"spectrum:magenta_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"spectrum:orange_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"spectrum:green_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"spectrum:purple_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"spectrum:light_gray_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"spectrum:blue_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"spectrum:white_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"spectrum:brown_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"spectrum:black_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"spectrum:red_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"spectrum:pink_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"spectrum:spirit_sallow_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"spectrum:light_blue_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"spectrum:cyan_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"spectrum:gray_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"spectrum:lime_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"spectrum:yellow_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"spectrum:jade_vine_petal_block": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"yttr:squeeze_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"yttr:squeezed_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"leafSpawners": [],
"fallSpawnRateFactor": 1.8,
"winterSpawnRateFactor": 0.1,
"startingSpawnRadius": 0,
"decaySpawnRateFactor": 2.6,
"maxDecayLeaves": 9

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
"allowLocalFiles": false,
"minPermLevel": 0

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
#Indium properties file
#Mon Aug 29 00:17:17 MSK 2022

View File

@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
"jukebox": "fancy",
"sign": "fancy",
"advanced_tooltips": {
"repair_cost": true,
"lodestone_coords": false
"filled_map": {
"enabled": true,
"show_player_icon": false
"food": {
"hunger": true,
"saturation": "merged"
"containers": {
"campfire": true,
"storage": {
"enabled": true,
"compact": false,
"loot_table": true
"shulker_box": {
"enabled": true,
"compact": false,
"loot_table": true,
"color": true
"effects": {
"food": true,
"hidden_motion": true,
"beacon": true,
"potions": true,
"tipped_arrows": true,
"spectral_arrow": true
"entities": {
"fish_bucket": {
"enabled": true,
"always_show_name": false,
"spin": true
"spawn_egg": {
"enabled": true,
"always_show_name": false,
"spin": true
"pufferfish_puff_state": 2,
"armor_stand": {
"enabled": true,
"always_show_name": false,
"spin": true
"bee": {
"enabled": true,
"always_show_name": false,
"spin": true
"armor": true,
"banner_pattern": true

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
"ModSettings": {
"enable_updates_check": false,
"first_run": false
"GuiSettings": {
"enable_profiles_ui": false,
"continuous_crafting_saved_value": false
"AutoRefillSettings": {
"refill_before_tool_break": false,
"visual_durability_notification": false
"Hotkeys": {
"sort_inventory": {
"main": {
"keys": ""

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
# LambdaBetterGrass configuration.
# The better grass mode. Values: "off", "fastest", "fast" and "fancy".
mode = "fancy"
# The better layer option.
better_layer = true
# Debug mode. Debug mode allows to output the generated texture in the debug folder of your minecraft instance.
debug = false

View File

@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
# LambDynamicLights configuration.
# The dynamic lights mode
mode = "fancy"
# Light sources settings.
# Enables water-sensitive light sources check. This means that water-sensitive items will not light up when submerged in water.
water_sensitive_check = true
# Enable block entities light source.
block_entities = true
# Enable entities light source.
entities = true
# TNT lighting mode. May be off, simple or fancy.
tnt = "off"
# Creeper lighting mode. May be off, simple or fancy.
creeper = "simple"
bee = true
axolotl = true
egg = true
arrow = true
cow = true
magma_cube = true
pig = true
skeleton = true
llama = true
bat = true
frog = true
husk = true
hoglin = true
rabbit = true
drowned = true
experience_orb = true
dolphin = true
item = true
stray = true
turtle = true
salmon = true
wandering_trader = true
piglin_brute = true
goat = true
ocelot = true
furnace_minecart = true
horse = true
phantom = true
minecart = true
glow_squid = true
glow_item_frame = false
squid = true
parrot = true
creeper = true
enderman = true
chicken = true
trader_llama = true
donkey = true
fox = true
chest_minecart = true
tropical_fish = true
slime = true
pillager = true
iron_golem = true
zombified_piglin = true
area_effect_cloud = true
piglin = true
blaze = true
cat = true
zombie = true
guardian = true
ghast = true
sheep = true
fireball = true
player = true
pufferfish = true
potion = true
wolf = true
villager = true
tnt_minecart = true
zombie_villager = true
elder_guardian = true
small_fireball = true
boat = true
strider = true
polar_bear = true
cave_spider = true
witch = true
cod = true
spider = true
deer = true
amethyst_golem = true
gilded_stone = true
blaze_guardian = true
blaze_guardian_shield = true
soul_star = true

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
# This is the configuration file for Lithium.
# This file exists for debugging purposes and should not be configured otherwise.
# You can find information on editing this file and all the available options here:
# By default, this file will be empty except for this notice.

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
"Generic": {
"ignoredKeys": {
"keys": ""
"openGuiConfigs": {
"keys": "A,C"
"realmsCommonConfig": true

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
"config_screen_list": "MODMENU",
"special_hats": true
"special_hats": false

View File

@ -1,576 +0,0 @@
"InfoLineOrders": {
"infoBeeCount": 36,
"infoBiome": 19,
"infoBiomeRegistryName": 20,
"infoBlockBreakSpeed": 6,
"infoBlockInChunk": 28,
"infoBlockPosition": 6,
"infoBlockProperties": 27,
"infoChunkPosition": 7,
"infoChunkSections": 14,
"infoChunkSectionsLine": 15,
"infoChunkUpdates": 16,
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"infoCoordinatesScaled": 4,
"infoDifficulty": 18,
"infoDimensionId": 5,
"infoDistance": 33,
"infoEntities": 21,
"infoEntitiesClientWorld": 22,
"infoEntityRegistryName": 24,
"infoFacing": 8,
"infoFurnaceXp": 30,
"infoFPS": 0,
"infoHoneyLevel": 37,
"infoHorseSpeed": 36,
"infoHorseJump": 37,
"infoLightLevel": 10,
"infoLookingAtBlock": 25,
"infoLookingAtBlockInChunk": 26,
"infoLookingAtEntity": 23,
"infoMemoryUsage": 0,
"infoLoadedChunksCount": 31,
"infoParticleCount": 17,
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"infoRegionFile": 29,
"infoRotationPitch": 12,
"infoRotationYaw": 11,
"infoServerTPS": 9,
"infoSlimeChunk": 22,
"infoSpeed": 13,
"infoSpeedAxis": 13,
"infoSpeedHV": 13,
"infoSprinting": 40,
"infoTileEntities": 32,
"infoTimeDayModulo": 35,
"infoTimeIRL": 1,
"infoTimeTotalModulo": 34,
"infoTimeWorld": 2,
"infoWorldTimeFormatted": 3
"Colors": {
"beaconRangeLvl1": "#20E060FF",
"beaconRangeLvl2": "#20FFB040",
"beaconRangeLvl3": "#20FFF040",
"beaconRangeLvl4": "#2060FF40",
"blockGridOverlayColor": "#80FFFFFF",
"conduitRange": "#2030FFFF",
"lightLevelMarkerBlockLit": "#FF209040",
"lightLevelMarkerDark": "#FFFF4848",
"lightLevelMarkerDim": "#FFC0C040",
"lightLevelMarkerSkyLit": "#FFFFFF33",
"lightLevelNumberBlockDark": "#FFC03030",
"lightLevelNumberBlockDim": "#FFC0C040",
"lightLevelNumberBlockLit": "#FF20FF40",
"lightLevelNumberSkyDark": "#FFFFF030",
"lightLevelNumberSkyDim": "#FFC0C030",
"lightLevelNumberSkyLit": "#FF40E0FF",
"randomTicksFixedOverlayColor": "#30F9F225",
"randomTicksPlayerOverlayColor": "#3030FE73",
"regionOverlayColor": "#30FF8019",
"shapeAdjustableSpawnSphere": "#6030B0B0",
"shapeBox": "#6050A0A0",
"shapeCanDespawnSphere": "#60A04050",
"shapeCanSpawnSphere": "#60A04050",
"shapeCircle": "#6030B0B0",
"shapeDespawnSphere": "#60A04050",
"shapeLineBlocky": "#6030F0B0",
"shapeSphereBlocky": "#6030B0B0",
"slimeChunksOverlayColor": "#3020F020",
"spawnPlayerEntityOverlayColor": "#302050D0",
"spawnPlayerLazyOverlayColor": "#30D030D0",
"spawnPlayerOuterOverlayColor": "#306900D2",
"spawnRealEntityOverlayColor": "#3030FF20",
"spawnRealLazyOverlayColor": "#30FF3020",
"spawnRealOuterOverlayColor": "#309D581A",
"spawnableColumnHeightsOverlayColor": "#A0FF00FF",
"textBackgroundColor": "#A0505050",
"textColor": "#FFE0E0E0"
"Generic": {
"axolotlTooltipsTooltips": false,
"beeTooltips": false,
"honeyTooltips": false,
"biomeOverlaySingleColor": true,
"debugMessages": false,
"debugRendererPathFindingEnablePointWidth": true,
"dontClearStoredSeedOnDimensionChange": true,
"enableVanillaDebugRendererFix": true,
"lightLevelAutoHeight": false,
"lightLevelCollisionCheck": false,
"lightLevelColoredNumbers": true,
"lightLevelNumberRotation": true,
"lightLevelRenderThrough": false,
"lightLevelSkipBlockCheck": false,
"lightLevelUnderWater": false,
"mapPreview": false,
"offsetSubtitleHud": true,
"requireSneak": false,
"shulkerBoxPreview": false,
"shulkerDisplayBgColor": true,
"shulkerDisplayRequireShift": true,
"sortLinesByLength": false,
"sortLinesReversed": false,
"structuresRenderThrough": false,
"useCustomizedCoordinateFormat": true,
"useFontShadow": false,
"useTextBackground": true,
"mainRenderingToggle": {
"enabled": true,
"hotkey": {
"keys": "H"
"openConfigGui": {
"keys": "H,C"
"requiredKey": {
"keys": ""
"setDistanceReferencePoint": {
"keys": ""
"shapeEditor": {
"keys": ""
"blockGridOverlayMode": "all",
"lightLevelMarkerCondition": "spawnable",
"lightLevelMarkers": "square",
"lightLevelNumberCondition": "always",
"lightLevelNumbers": "block",
"hudAlignment": "top_left",
"biomeOverlayRange": 4,
"biomeOverlayRangeVertical": 0,
"blockGridOverlayRadius": 32,
"coordinateFormat": "x: %.1f y: %.1f z: %.1f",
"dateFormatReal": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss",
"dateFormatMinecraft": "MC time: (day {DAY}) {HOUR}:{MIN}:xx",
"fontScale": 0.5,
"lightLevelMarkerSize": 0.84,
"lightLevelNumberOffsetBlockX": 0.26,
"lightLevelNumberOffsetBlockY": 0.32,
"lightLevelNumberOffsetSkyX": 0.42,
"lightLevelNumberOffsetSkyY": 0.56,
"lightLevelRange": 24,
"lightLevelThresholdDim": 0,
"lightLevelThresholdSafe": 1,
"lightLevelRenderOffset": 0.005,
"mapPreviewSize": 160,
"slimeChunkOverlayRadius": -1,
"spawnableColumnHeightsOverlayRadius": 40,
"textPosX": 4,
"textPosY": 4,
"timeDayDivisor": 24000,
"timeTotalDivisor": 24000
"InfoTypeToggles": {
"infoBeeCount": true,
"infoBiome": false,
"infoBiomeRegistryName": false,
"infoBlockBreakSpeed": false,
"infoBlockInChunk": false,
"infoBlockPosition": false,
"infoBlockProperties": false,
"infoChunkPosition": false,
"infoChunkSections": false,
"infoChunkSectionsLine": false,
"infoChunkUpdates": false,
"infoCoordinates": true,
"infoCoordinatesScaled": false,
"infoDifficulty": false,
"infoDimensionId": false,
"infoDistance": false,
"infoEntities": false,
"infoEntitiesClientWorld": false,
"infoEntityRegistryName": false,
"infoFacing": true,
"infoFurnaceXp": false,
"infoFPS": true,
"infoHoneyLevel": false,
"infoHorseSpeed": false,
"infoHorseJump": false,
"infoLightLevel": false,
"infoLookingAtBlock": false,
"infoLookingAtBlockInChunk": false,
"infoLookingAtEntity": false,
"infoMemoryUsage": false,
"infoLoadedChunksCount": false,
"infoParticleCount": false,
"infoPing": true,
"infoRegionFile": false,
"infoRotationPitch": false,
"infoRotationYaw": false,
"infoServerTPS": true,
"infoSlimeChunk": false,
"infoSpeed": false,
"infoSpeedAxis": false,
"infoSpeedHV": false,
"infoSprinting": false,
"infoTileEntities": false,
"infoTimeDayModulo": false,
"infoTimeIRL": false,
"infoTimeTotalModulo": false,
"infoTimeWorld": false,
"infoWorldTimeFormatted": false
"InfoHotkeys": {
"infoBeeCount": {
"keys": ""
"infoBiome": {
"keys": ""
"infoBiomeRegistryName": {
"keys": ""
"infoBlockBreakSpeed": {
"keys": ""
"infoBlockInChunk": {
"keys": ""
"infoBlockPosition": {
"keys": ""
"infoBlockProperties": {
"keys": ""
"infoChunkPosition": {
"keys": ""
"infoChunkSections": {
"keys": ""
"infoChunkSectionsLine": {
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"infoChunkUpdates": {
"keys": ""
"infoCoordinates": {
"keys": ""
"infoCoordinatesScaled": {
"keys": ""
"infoDifficulty": {
"keys": ""
"infoDimensionId": {
"keys": ""
"infoDistance": {
"keys": ""
"infoEntities": {
"keys": ""
"infoEntitiesClientWorld": {
"keys": ""
"infoEntityRegistryName": {
"keys": ""
"infoFacing": {
"keys": ""
"infoFurnaceXp": {
"keys": ""
"infoFPS": {
"keys": ""
"infoHoneyLevel": {
"keys": ""
"infoHorseSpeed": {
"keys": ""
"infoHorseJump": {
"keys": ""
"infoLightLevel": {
"keys": ""
"infoLookingAtBlock": {
"keys": ""
"infoLookingAtBlockInChunk": {
"keys": ""
"infoLookingAtEntity": {
"keys": ""
"infoMemoryUsage": {
"keys": ""
"infoLoadedChunksCount": {
"keys": ""
"infoParticleCount": {
"keys": ""
"infoPing": {
"keys": ""
"infoRegionFile": {
"keys": ""
"infoRotationPitch": {
"keys": ""
"infoRotationYaw": {
"keys": ""
"infoServerTPS": {
"keys": ""
"infoSlimeChunk": {
"keys": ""
"infoSpeed": {
"keys": ""
"infoSpeedAxis": {
"keys": ""
"infoSpeedHV": {
"keys": ""
"infoSprinting": {
"keys": ""
"infoTileEntities": {
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"infoTimeDayModulo": {
"keys": ""
"infoTimeIRL": {
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"infoTimeTotalModulo": {
"keys": ""
"infoTimeWorld": {
"keys": ""
"infoWorldTimeFormatted": {
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"RendererToggles": {
"overlayBeaconRange": false,
"overlayBiomeBorder": false,
"overlayBlockGrid": false,
"overlayConduitRange": false,
"overlayLightLevel": false,
"overlayRandomTicksFixed": false,
"overlayRandomTicksPlayer": false,
"overlayRegionFile": false,
"overlaySlimeChunks": false,
"overlaySpawnableColumnHeights": false,
"overlaySpawnChunkReal": false,
"overlaySpawnChunkPlayer": false,
"overlayStructureMainToggle": false,
"shapeRenderer": false,
"debugChunkBorder": false,
"debugChunkInfo": false,
"debugChunkOcclusion": false,
"debugCollisionBoxEnabled": false,
"debugNeighborsUpdateEnabled": false,
"debugPathfindingEnabled": false,
"debugSolidFaceEnabled": false,
"debugWaterEnabled": false
"RendererHotkeys": {
"overlayBeaconRange": {
"keys": ""
"overlayBiomeBorder": {
"keys": ""
"overlayBlockGrid": {
"keys": ""
"overlayConduitRange": {
"keys": ""
"overlayLightLevel": {
"keys": "KP_0"
"overlayRandomTicksFixed": {
"keys": ""
"overlayRandomTicksPlayer": {
"keys": ""
"overlayRegionFile": {
"keys": ""
"overlaySlimeChunks": {
"keys": ""
"overlaySpawnableColumnHeights": {
"keys": ""
"overlaySpawnChunkReal": {
"keys": ""
"overlaySpawnChunkPlayer": {
"keys": ""
"overlayStructureMainToggle": {
"keys": ""
"shapeRenderer": {
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"debugChunkBorder": {
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"debugChunkInfo": {
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"debugChunkOcclusion": {
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"debugCollisionBoxEnabled": {
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"debugNeighborsUpdateEnabled": {
"keys": ""
"debugPathfindingEnabled": {
"keys": ""
"debugSolidFaceEnabled": {
"keys": ""
"debugWaterEnabled": {
"keys": ""
"StructureColors": {
"Bastion Remnant Main": "#302171F5",
"Bastion Remnant Components": "#302171F5",
"Buried Treasure Main": "#302298E6",
"Buried Treasure Components": "#302298E6",
"Desert Pyramid Main": "#30FFFF00",
"Desert Pyramid Components": "#30FFFF00",
"End City Main": "#30EB07EB",
"End City Components": "#30EB07EB",
"Igloo Main": "#300FAFE4",
"Igloo Components": "#300FAFE4",
"Jungle Temple Main": "#3099FF00",
"Jungle Temple Components": "#3099FF00",
"Mansion Main": "#30FF6500",
"Mansion Components": "#30FF6500",
"Mineshaft Main": "#30F8D650",
"Mineshaft Components": "#30F8D650",
"Nether Fortress Main": "#30FC381D",
"Nether Fortress Components": "#30FC381D",
"Nether Fossil Main": "#30868E99",
"Nether Fossil Components": "#30868E99",
"Ocean Monument Main": "#3029E6EF",
"Ocean Monument Components": "#3029E6EF",
"Ocean Ruin Main": "#300FAD83",
"Ocean Ruin Components": "#300FAD83",
"Pillager Outpost Main": "#300FAD83",
"Pillager Outpost Components": "#300FAD83",
"Ruined Portal Main": "#309F03D3",
"Ruined Portal Components": "#309F03D3",
"Shipwreck Main": "#30EB1995",
"Shipwreck Components": "#30EB1995",
"Stronghold Main": "#30009999",
"Stronghold Components": "#30009999",
"Village Main": "#3054CB4E",
"Village Components": "#3054CB4E",
"Witch Hut Main": "#30BE1DFC",
"Witch Hut Components": "#300099FF",
"Unknown Main": "#50FFFFFF",
"Unknown Components": "#50FFFFFF"
"StructureHotkeys": {
"Toggle Bastion Remnant": {
"keys": ""
"Toggle Buried Treasure": {
"keys": ""
"Toggle Desert Pyramid": {
"keys": ""
"Toggle End City": {
"keys": ""
"Toggle Igloo": {
"keys": ""
"Toggle Jungle Temple": {
"keys": ""
"Toggle Mansion": {
"keys": ""
"Toggle Mineshaft": {
"keys": ""
"Toggle Nether Fortress": {
"keys": ""
"Toggle Nether Fossil": {
"keys": ""
"Toggle Ocean Monument": {
"keys": ""
"Toggle Ocean Ruin": {
"keys": ""
"Toggle Pillager Outpost": {
"keys": ""
"Toggle Ruined Portal": {
"keys": ""
"Toggle Shipwreck": {
"keys": ""
"Toggle Stronghold": {
"keys": ""
"Toggle Village": {
"keys": ""
"Toggle Witch Hut": {
"keys": ""
"Toggle Unknown": {
"keys": ""
"StructureToggles": {
"Bastion Remnant": false,
"Buried Treasure": false,
"Desert Pyramid": false,
"End City": false,
"Igloo": false,
"Jungle Temple": false,
"Mansion": false,
"Mineshaft": false,
"Nether Fortress": false,
"Nether Fossil": false,
"Ocean Monument": false,
"Ocean Ruin": false,
"Pillager Outpost": false,
"Ruined Portal": false,
"Shipwreck": false,
"Stronghold": false,
"Village": false,
"Witch Hut": false,
"Unknown": false
"config_version": 1

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
"sorting": "ascending",
"count_libraries": true,
"compact_list": false,
"count_children": true,
"mods_button_style": "classic",
"count_hidden_mods": true,
"mod_count_location": "title_screen",
"hide_mod_links": false,
"show_libraries": false,
"hide_mod_license": false,
"hide_badges": false,
"hide_mod_credits": false,
"easter_eggs": true,
"modify_title_screen": true,
"modify_game_menu": true,
"hide_config_buttons": false,
"hidden_mods": []

View File

@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
// General settings
general: {
// Sets the interval in milliseconds in which certain packets are fired.
// Lower numbers increase the speed but might be rejected by servers.
// default: 10
// Must be greater or equal to 1
interaction-rate: 10
// Enables using armor/elytra items to swap them with the currently equipped item.
// default: true
enable-quick-armor-swapping: true
// Enables dropping items when pressing alt and clicking on them.
// default: true
enable-alt-dropping: true
// Enables right-clicking in recipe books/villager trading to swiftly craft/trade.
// default: true
enable-quick-craft: true
// This option will treat the hotbar as a separate scope.
// This means that pushing the inventory or sorting the main inventory will not affect the hotbar and vice-versa.
// default: true
hotbar-scope: true
// This helps when you regularly move your mouse faster than the game can pick up.
// This will impact performance though.
// default: false
better-fast-dragging: false
// Sets the interval in milliseconds for singleplayer and local multiplayer.
// default: 1
// Must be greater or equal to 1
integrated-interaction-rate: 1
// Whether item types should check nbt data.
// This is for example used by scrolling and drop-clicking.
// NONE disables this, ALL checks for exactly the same nbt and SOME allows for differences in damage and echantments.
// default: SOME
item-kinds-nbt-match-mode: SOME
scrolling: {
// Enables scrolling of stacks
// default: true
enable: true
// Invert the scroll direction when scrolling items
// default: false
invert: false
// If enabled items will be moved according to whether your scrolling up or down.
// If disabled you will scroll to change the amount of items present (up will increase - down will decrease
// default: true
directional-scrolling: true
// Sets whether to by default scroll items
// out of the creative menu.
// default: true
scroll-creative-menu-items: true
// Sets whether creative mode tabs can
// be switched by scrolling over them.
// default: true
scroll-creative-menu-tabs: true
// Change sort modes. Existing sort modes are ALPHABET, RAW_ID and QUANTITY
sort: {
// Sets the sort mode for normal sorting.
// default: raw_id
primary-sort: raw_id
// Sets the sort mode for sorting whilst pressing shift.
// default: quantity
shift-sort: quantity
// Sets the sort mode for sorting whilst pressing control.
// default: alphabet
control-sort: alphabet
// Configure refill related stuff here.
refill: {
// Refills stacks in the off hand
// default: true
off-hand: true
// Refill when eating items
// default: true
eat: true
// Refill when dropping items
// default: true
drop: true
// Refill when using up items
// default: true
use: true
// Refill on other occasions
// default: true
other: true
// Enable/Disable specific rules for how to refill items
rules: {
// Tries to find any block items
// default: false
any-block: false
// Find items of the same item group
// default: false
itemgroup: false
// Try to find similar items through the item type hierarchy
// default: false
item-hierarchy: false
// Try to find similar block items through the block type hierarchy
// default: false
block-hierarchy: false
// Try to find other food items
// default: false
food: false
// Try to find equal items (no nbt matching)
// default: true
equal-items: true
// Try to find equal stacks (nbt matching
// default: true
equal-stacks: true
// Restore the refilled item to the originally selected slot.
// This will take a tad more time. You might want to turn this off on slow connections.
// default: true
restore-selected-slot: true
// Configure picking the correct tool for the currently faced block.
tool-picking: {
// Pick correct tool when middle clicking whilst holding a tool.
// default: true
hold-tool: true
// Pick correct tool when middle clicking whilst holding the same block as faced.
// default: false
hold-block: false
// Allows picking tools from the inventory.
// If disabled picking will only happen from the hotbar.
// default: true
pick-from-inventory: true

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
//Whether the 'missing indium' screen can show up. This config value is set to false if the user uses the checkbox.
"showIndiumScreen": true,
//Whether the 'remove optifabric' screen can show up. This config value is set to false if the user uses the checkbox.
"showOptifabricScreen": true,
//Allow the user to proceed to the Title Screen even if one of the screens shows up. Setting this to false also removes the checkbox.
"allowToProceed": true

View File

@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
features: {
// Defines the cinematic camera while zooming.
// "OFF" disables the cinematic camera.
// "VANILLA" uses Vanilla's cinematic camera.
// "MULTIPLIED" is a multiplied variant of "VANILLA".
cinematic_camera: "OFF",
// Reduces the mouse sensitivity when zooming.
reduce_sensitivity: true,
// Adds transitions between zooms.
// "OFF" disables transitions.
// "SMOOTH" replicates Vanilla's dynamic FOV.
// "LINEAR" removes the smoothiness.
zoom_transition: "SMOOTH",
// The behavior of the zoom key.
// "HOLD" needs the zoom key to be hold.
// "TOGGLE" has the zoom key toggle the zoom.
// "PERSISTENT" makes the zoom permanent.
zoom_mode: "HOLD",
// Allows to increase or decrease zoom by scrolling.
zoom_scrolling: true,
// Adds zoom manipulation keys along with the zoom key.
extra_keybinds: true,
// Adds an overlay in the screen during zoom.
// "VIGNETTE" uses a vignette as the overlay.
// "SPYGLASS" uses the spyglass overlay with the vignette texture.
// The vignette texture can be found at: assets/okzoomer/textures/misc/zoom_overlay.png
zoom_overlay: "OFF"
values: {
// The divisor applied to the FOV when zooming.
zoom_divisor: 4.0,
// The minimum value that you can scroll down.
minimum_zoom_divisor: 1.0,
// The maximum value that you can scroll down.
maximum_zoom_divisor: 50.0,
// The number which is decremented or incremented by zoom scrolling.
// Used when the zoom divisor is above the starting point.
scroll_step: 1.0,
// The number which is decremented or incremented by zoom scrolling.
// Used when the zoom divisor is below the starting point.
lesser_scroll_step: 0.5,
// The multiplier used for smooth transitions.
smooth_multiplier: 0.75,
// The multiplier used for the multiplied cinematic camera.
cinematic_multiplier: 4.0,
// The minimum value which the linear transition step can reach.
minimum_linear_step: 0.125,
// The maximum value which the linear transition step can reach.
maximum_linear_step: 0.25
tweaks: {
// Allows for resetting the zoom with the middle mouse button.
reset_zoom_with_mouse: true,
// If pressed, the "Save Toolbar Activator" keybind will be unbound if there's a conflict with the zoom key.
unbind_conflicting_key: false,
// If enabled, the spyglass overlay texture is used instead of Ok Zoomer's overlay texture.
use_spyglass_texture: false,
// If enabled, the zoom will use spyglass sounds on zooming in and out.
use_spyglass_sounds: false,
// Shows toasts when the server imposes a restriction.
show_restriction_toasts: true,
// Prints a random owo in the console when the game starts. Enabled by default until full release.
print_owo_on_start: true

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
"requireHoe": true,
"harvestInRadius": true,
"useHunger": true

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
"time": 80,
"fade": 20,
"resolution": "Normal",
"disableCamera": true,
"archiveScreenshots": false,
"updateWorldIcon": false

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"exhaustionPerHarvest": 0.005,
"exhaustionPerHarvest": 0,
"additionalLogging": false,
"crops": {
"wheatEnabled": true,
@ -13,4 +13,4 @@
"beetrootEnabled": true,
"beetrootStage": 3

View File

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
"quality": {
"weather_quality": "DEFAULT",
"leaves_quality": "DEFAULT",
"enable_vignette": true
"advanced": {
"arena_memory_allocator": "ASYNC",
"allow_direct_memory_access": true,
"enable_memory_tracing": false,
"use_advanced_staging_buffers": true,
"cpu_render_ahead_limit": 3
"performance": {
"chunk_builder_threads": 0,
"always_defer_chunk_updates": false,
"animate_only_visible_textures": true,
"use_entity_culling": true,
"use_adaptive_sync": true,
"use_particle_culling": true,
"use_fog_occlusion": true,
"use_block_face_culling": true
"notifications": {
"hide_donation_button": true

View File

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
"slimeEnabled": true,
"chargeEnabled": true,
"sparkleEnabled": true,
"soulEnabled": true,
"waterCircles": {
"density": 10,
"radius": 16,
"enabled": true,
"colored": true
"hitParticlesEnabled": true,
"hitParticleEntries": [
"shinyArmorEnabled": true,
"shinyArmorEntries": [
"shinyBlocksEnabled": true,
"shinyBlockEntries": [

View File

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
"blocks": [
"blockEntityTypes": [],
"entityTypes": [
"configVersion": 0,
"pluginHash": [

View File

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
"general": {
"displayTooltip": true,
"shiftForDetails": false,
"hideShiftText": false,
"displayMode": "TOGGLE",
"hideFromPlayerList": true,
"hideFromDebug": true,
"enableTextToSpeech": false,
"rateLimit": 250
"overlay": {
"position": {
"align": {
"x": "CENTER",
"y": "TOP"
"anchor": {
"x": "CENTER",
"y": "TOP"
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"bossBarsOverlap": false
"color": {
"alpha": 80,
"themes": [
"id": "waila:dark",
"backgroundColor": 1250067,
"gradientStart": 3684408,
"gradientEnd": 2368548,
"fontColor": 10526880
"id": "waila:vanilla",
"backgroundColor": 1048592,
"gradientStart": 5243135,
"gradientEnd": 2621567,
"fontColor": 10526880
"activeTheme": "waila:dark"
"scale": 1.0
"formatter": {
"modName": "§9§o%s",
"blockName": "§f%s",
"fluidName": "§f%s",
"entityName": "§f%s",
"registryName": "§8%s"
"configVersion": 1

View File

@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
"waila": {
"show_blocks": true,
"show_fluids": false,
"show_entities": true,
"show_icon": true,
"icon_position": "MIDDLE",
"show_mod_name": false,
"show_registry": false
"minecraft": {
"item_entity": true,
"pet.owner": true,
"pet.hide_unknown_owner": false,
"attribute.block_position": false,
"attribute.block_state": false,
"attribute.entity_position": false,
"": true,
"attribute.absorption": true,
"attribute.armor": true,
"attribute.compact": false,
"attribute.icon_per_line": 25,
"attribute.long_health_max": 100,
"attribute.long_armor_max": 100,
"furnace_contents": true,
"jukebox.record": true,
"timer.grow": true,
"timer.breed": true,
"override.trapped_chest": true,
"override.powder_snow": true,
"override.infested": true,
"breaking_progress.enabled": true,
"breaking_progress.color": -1426063361,
"breaking_progress.bottom_only": false,
"spawner_type": true,
"crop_progress": true,
"redstone.lever": true,
"redstone.repeater": true,
"redstone.comparator": true,
"redstone.level": true,
"": true,
"level.composter": true,
"level.honey": true,
"note_block.type": true,
"note_block.note": "SHARP",
"note_block.int_value": false

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
* timing on the server side. This makes timing firing the rifle feel much better, but a hacked
* client can get perfect shots every time.
trust-players: off;
trust-players: on;
* If set to "on", enables inside-jokes and various chaos. Nothing destructive.

View File

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View File

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