This commit is contained in:
Jill 2022-08-31 17:17:21 +03:00
parent 93da919812
commit 8a5fd36b94
162 changed files with 6960 additions and 0 deletions

config/Adorn.json5 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
// Client-side settings
"client": {
// If true, floating tooltips are shown above trading stations.
"showTradingStationTooltips": true,
// If true, Adorn items will also be shown in matching vanilla item tabs.
"showItemsInStandardGroups": true,
// The fluid unit to show fluid amounts in. Options: [litres, droplets]
"displayedFluidUnit": "droplets"
// Default values for game rules in new worlds
"gameRuleDefaults": {
// If true, sleeping on sofas can skip the night.
"skipNightOnSofas": true,
// If true, kitchen sinks are infinite sources for infinite fluids.
"infiniteKitchenSinks": true,
// If true, broken trading stations drop a locked version with their contents inside.
"dropLockedTradingStations": true
// Mod compatibility toggles (enabled: true, disabled: false)
"compat": {
"byg": true,
"traverse": true,
"terrestria": true,
"cinderscapes": true,
"blockus": true,
"promenade": true,
"woods_and_mires": true,
"towelette": true,
"biomemakeover": true,
"techreborn": true

config/MouseTweaks.cfg Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@

config/NoChatReports.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
"demandOnClient": true,
"demandOnServer": false,
"enableDebugLog": false,
"convertToGameMessage": false,
"showServerSafety": true,
"hideRedChatIndicators": true,
"hideYellowChatIndicators": true,
"hideGrayChatIndicators": true,
"hideWarningToast": true,
"alwaysHideReportButton": false,
"disableTelemetry": true,
"showReloadButton": true,
"whitelistAllServers": false,
"whitelistedServers": []

View File

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
port: 0
# Supported sample rates:
# 8000
# 12000
# 24000
# 48000
sample_rate: 48000
# Voice distance
- 8
- 16
- 24
# Default voice distance
# If 0 distance will be first element from distances
default_distance: 16
# Max priority distance
# 0 = infinite
max_priority_distance: 0
# default: Everyone have permission by default
# op: Only operators have permission
# Use /vperms command to give permissions to non-operators
"voice.list": default
"voice.reconnect": default
"voice.speak": default
"voice.activation": default
"voice.priority": op
"voice.mute": op
"voice.unmute": op
"voice.mutelist": op
"voice.reload": op
"voice.permissions": op
# Example:
# Voice distance is 16
# Fade distance will be 16/8=2
# Should be int >= 1
fade_divisor: 8
priority_fade_divisor: 8
disable_voice_activation: false
# Kick players if they attempt to join without the client mod installed
client_mod_required: false
# Wait this many ticks before kicking players if they don't have the mod installed
# Value should not be set lower than 1 second (20 ticks)
client_mod_check_timeout: 60
# Disable connection logs (New client, Remove client, client timed out)
disable_logs: true
prefix: "&6[Plasmo Voice]&7 "
list: "Clients ({count}/{online_players}): {players}"
already_muted: "{player} already muted"
player_not_found: "Player not found"
not_muted: "{player} not muted"
muted_list: "Muted players:"
muted_list_entry: "&7&l{player}&7, expires: {expires}. Reason: {reason}"
muted_list_empty: "No players are muted"
mute_expires_format: "yyyy.MM.dd 'at' HH:mm:ss"
mute_expires_never: "never"
muted_perm: "{player} is permanently muted. Reason: {reason}"
muted: "Muted {player} {duration}. Reason: {reason}"
player_muted_perm: "You've been permanently muted. Reason: {reason}"
player_muted: "You've been muted {duration}. Reason: {reason}"
player_unmuted: "You've been unmuted"
unmuted: "Unmuted {player}"
mute_no_reason: "not specified"
seconds: "for %s sec"
minutes: "for %s min"
hours: "for %s h"
days: "for %s d"
weeks: "for %s w"
reconnect_sent: "Reconnect packet sent"
reloaded: "Config reloaded"
mod_missing_kick_message: "Sorry, you need to install the Plasmo Voice mod to play on this server.\nDownload here:"
not_found: "Permission not found"
already: "{player} already has {permission} ({value})"
set: "Set {permission} to {value} for {player}"
no_permission: "{player} does not have {permission}"
unset: "Unset {permission} for {player}"
check: "{player} permission check for {permission}: {value}"
mute: "Usage: /vmute <player> [duration] [reason]"
unmute: "Usage: /vunmute <player>"
# do not touch
config_version: 1.0.3

config/Spectrum.json5 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
/* The heights where citrine and topaz geodes will spawn
By default citrine will generate slightly below sea level (y=32-60)
while topaz will generate at the top of mountains (everywhere from y=82+)
if the worldgen has lots of high mountains consider raising the TopazGeodeMinFixedGenerationHeight
"CitrineGeodeMinAboveBottomGenerationHeight": 96,
"CitrineGeodeFixedMaxGenerationHeight": 55,
"TopazGeodeMinFixedGenerationHeight": 82,
"TopazGeodeMaxBelowTopGenerationHeight": 0,
// Every x chunks there is a chance for a geode to generate, Moonstone geodes do not spawn in the Overworld
"TopazGeodeChunkChance": 7,
"CitrineGeodeChunkChance": 50,
"MoonstoneGeodeChunkChance": 45,
// The amount of colored tree patches to generate every X chunks
"ColoredTreePatchChanceChunk": 75,
/* The chance that an Enderman is holding a special treasure block on spawn
Separate value for Endermen spawning in the end, since there are LOTS of them there
Those blocks do not gate progression, so it is not that drastic not finding any right away.
Better to let players stumble about them organically instead of forcing it.
"EndermanHoldingEnderTreasureChance": 0.07999999821186066,
"EndermanHoldingEnderTreasureInEndChance": 0.004999999888241291,
// Worlds where shooting stars spawn for players. Shooting Stars will only spawn for players with sufficient progress in the mod
"ShootingStarWorlds": [
// Worlds where lightning strikes can spawn Storm Stones
"LightningStonesWorlds": [
// chance for a lightning strike to spawn a Storm Stone
"LightningStonesChance": 0.4000000059604645,
/* Shooting star spawns are checked every night between time 13000 and 22000, every 100 ticks (so 90 chances per night).
By default, there is a 0.004 ^= 0.4 % chance at each of those check times. Making it ~1 shooting star spawn
per night per player that unlocked the required progression.
"ShootingStarChance": 0.004000000189989805,
"MermaidsBrushChanceChunk": 16,
"QuitoxicReedsCountPerChunk": 15,
// The biomes where Quitoxic Reeds are growing (usually swamps)
"QuitoxicReedsGenerationBiomes": [
// The time in ticks it takes a Pigment Pedestal to autocraft a vanilla crafting table recipe without upgrades
"VanillaRecipeCraftingTimeTicks": 40,
/* How fast decay will be spreading on random tick
can be used to slow down propagation speed of decay in the worlds
decay does use very few resources, but if your fear of someone letting decay
spread free or using higher random tick rates than vanilla you can limit the spreading rate here
Fading and Failing do no real harm to the world. If you turn up these values too high players
may lack the feedback they need that what they are doing is correct
1.0: every random tick (default)
0.5: Every second random tick
0.0: never (forbidden - players would be unable to progress)
"FadingDecayTickRate": 1.0,
"FailingDecayTickRate": 1.0,
"RuinDecayTickRate": 1.0,
"TerrorDecayTickRate": 1.0,
// The audio volume for Spectrums crafting blocks. Set to 0.0 to turn those sounds off completely.
"BlockSoundVolume": 0.75,
/* Enable or disable specific enchantments. Resonance and Voiding can not be disabled.
This does only disable the registration of said Enchantments, not all recipes based on them (except for Enchantment Upgrade Recipes)
"AutoSmeltEnchantmentEnabled": true,
"ExuberanceEnchantmentEnabled": true,
"InventoryInsertionEnchantmentEnabled": true,
"PestControlEnchantmentEnabled": true,
"TreasureHunterEnchantmentEnabled": true,
"DisarmingEnchantmentEnabled": true,
"FirstStrikeEnchantmentEnabled": true,
"ImprovedCriticalEnchantmentEnabled": true,
"InertiaEnchantmentEnabled": true,
"CloversFavorEnchantmentEnabled": true,
"SniperEnchantmentEnabled": true,
"TightGripEnchantmentEnabled": true,
"SteadfastEnchantmentEnabled": true,
"IndestructibleEnchantmentEnabled": true,
// The max levels for all Enchantments
"TreasureHunterMaxLevel": 3,
"DisarmingMaxLevel": 2,
"FirstStrikeMaxLevel": 2,
"ImprovedCriticalMaxLevel": 2,
"InertiaMaxLevel": 3,
"CloversFavorMaxLevel": 3,
"TightGripMaxLevel": 2,
// Exuberance increases experience gained when killing mobs. With 25% bonus XP and 5 levels this would mean 2,25x XP on max level
"ExuberanceMaxLevel": 5,
"ExuberanceBonusExperiencePercentPerLevel": 0.25,
// In vanilla, crits are a flat 50 % damage bonus. Improved Critical increases this damage by additional 50 % per level by default
"ImprovedCriticalExtraDamageMultiplierPerLevel": 0.5,
// Flat additional damage dealt with each level of the First Strike enchantment
"FirstStrikeDamagePerLevel": 2.0,
// The percentile a mobs armor/hand stacks are being dropped when hit with a Disarming enchanted weapon per the enchantments level
"DisarmingChancePerLevelMobs": 0.009999999776482582,
// If > 0 the Disarming Enchantment is able to remove armor and hand tools from a hit player. Should be a far smaller chance than for mobs
"DisarmingChancePerLevelPlayers": 0.0010000000474974513,
// The duration a glow ink sac gives night vision when wearing a glow vision helmet in seconds
"GlowVisionGogglesDuration": 240,
"GemstoneArmorHelmetProtection": 3,
"GemstoneArmorChestplateProtection": 7,
"GemstoneArmorLeggingsProtection": 5,
"GemstoneArmorBootsProtection": 3,
"GemstoneArmorToughness": 0.0,
"GemstoneArmorKnockbackResistance": 0.0,
"GemstoneArmorWeaknessAmplifier": 1,
"GemstoneArmorSlownessAmplifier": 1,
"GemstoneArmorAbsorptionAmplifier": 0,
"GemstoneArmorResistanceAmplifier": 1,
"GemstoneArmorRegenerationAmplifier": 1,
"GemstoneArmorSpeedAmplifier": 2,
"BedrockArmorHelmetProtection": 6,
"BedrockArmorLeggingsProtection": 10,
"BedrockArmorChestplateProtection": 14,
"BedrockArmorBootsProtection": 6,
"BedrockArmorToughness": 4.0,
"BedrockArmorKnockbackResistance": 0.4000000059604645,
// By Default, Roughly Enough Items will show a 'recipe not unlocked yet' screen for not yet unlocked recipes. Setting this value to false will instead not show this screen, showing no recipes whatsoever, until unlocked
"REIListsRecipesAsNotUnlocked": true,
/* If the player has Azure Dike Charges: Where should they be rendered on the screen. Default: Over the food bar
Only touch those values if you have other mods that render GUI overlays!
"azureDikeHudOffsetX": 0,
"azureDikeHudOffsetY": 0,
"azureDikeHudOffsetYWithArmor": -10,
"azureDikeHudOffsetYForEachRowOfExtraHearts": -10

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
"version": 7,
"FoodItems": {
"FriedEgg": true,
"BerryPie": true,
"HoneyedApple": true
"WateringCan": true,
"RoseGold": true,
"Ropes": true,
"EnchantmentPrecision": true,
"EnchantmentSpeed": true,
"Wrench": true,
"CopperPatina": true,
"AmethystLamp": {
"enabled": true,
"despawnChance": 0.5
"Crossbows": true,
"TridentShard": true,
"GlowStick": true,
"GildedNetherite": true,
"DepthMeter": {
"enabled": true,
"displayElevationAlways": false
"MysteriousBundle": true,
"CompostableRottenFlesh": true,
"MusicDiscs": true,
"NoteBlockAmethystSounds": true,
"ShipwreckSpyglassLoot": true,
"PocketJukebox": true,
"ChickenNugget": true,
"PoweredRailsCopperRecipe": true,
"GoldRing": true,
"GlowBerryEatGlow": {
"enabled": true,
"duration": 5
"HastePotions": true,
"BundleRecipe": true

config/adventurez.json5 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
"necromancer_spawn_weight": 1,
"nightmare_spawn_weight": 5,
// Chance for spawning when mining gold ore in nether; 1/Value
"piglin_beast_ore_spawn_chance": 30,
// Chance for spawning when killing too many piglins; 1/Value
"piglin_beast_attack_piglin_spawn_chance": 7,
"small_stone_golem_spawn_weight": 5,
// Chance for spawning when thunder occurs; 1/Value
"summoner_thunder_spawn_chance": 4,
"blaze_guardian_spawn_weight": 1,
"fungus_spawn_weight": 8,
"orc_spawn_weight": 30,
"mammoth_spawn_weight": 1,
"ender_whale_spawn_weight": 5,
"iguana_spawn_weight": 10,
// Chance for spawning when geode generates; 1/Value
"amethyst_golem_spawn_chance": 5,
"desert_rhino_spawn_weight": 1,
// Chance for spawning when desert well generates; 1/Value
"desert_rhino_well_spawn_chance": 1,
"shaman_spawn_weight": 1,
"deer_spawn_weight": 6,
"enderwarthog_spawn_weight": 1,
"allow_stone_golem_summoning": true,
"allow_the_eye_summoning": true,
"allow_dragon_hatching": true,
"allow_guardian_spawner_spawn": true,
"allow_source_stone_tp": true,
"disable_armor_bonus": false,
"resummoned_ender_dragon_drops_egg": false,
"allow_ender_dragon_nether_portal": false,
"heavy_dragon_flight": true,
"allow_special_enchant_loot": true,
"allow_extra_tooltips": true,
"allow_all_items_on_holder": false,
"warthog_rare_chance": 0.009999999776482582,
"stoned_heart_duration": 72000,
"stoned_heart_amplifier": 0,
"allow_other_dragon_hatching": false

config/ae2/common.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
"general": {
"unsupportedDeveloperTools": false,
"matterCannonBlockDamage_comment": "Enables the ability of the Matter Cannon to break blocks.",
"matterCannonBlockDamage": true,
"tinyTntBlockDamage_comment": "Enables the ability of Tiny TNT to break blocks.",
"tinyTntBlockDamage": true,
"serverOpsIgnoreSecurity_comment": "Server operators are not restricted by ME security terminal settings.",
"serverOpsIgnoreSecurity": true,
"channels_comment": "Changes the channel capacity that cables provide in AE2.",
"channels": "default",
"pathfindingStepsPerTick_comment": "The number of pathfinding steps that are taken per tick and per grid that is booting. Lower numbers will mean booting takes longer, but less work is done per tick.",
"pathfindingStepsPerTick": 4
"automation": {
"formationPlaneEntityLimit": 128
"facades": {
"allowBlockEntities_comment": "Unsupported: Allows whitelisting block entities as facades. Could work, have render issues, or corrupt your world. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.",
"allowBlockEntities": false
"craftingCPU": {
"craftingCalculationTimePerTick": 5,
"craftingSimulatedExtraction_comment": "When true: simulate extraction of all the network\u0027s contents when starting a crafting job calculation. When false: use the cached available content list (same as terminals). Enabling might work a bit better, but it will significantly reduce performance.",
"craftingSimulatedExtraction": false
"crafting": {
"inWorldSingularity_comment": "Enable the in-world crafting of singularities.",
"inWorldSingularity": true,
"disassemblyCrafting_comment": "Enable shift-clicking with the crafting units in hand to disassemble them.",
"disassemblyCrafting": true,
"growthAccelerator_comment": "Number of ticks between two crystal growth accelerator ticks",
"growthAccelerator": 10
"spatialio": {
"spatialPowerMultiplier": 1250.0,
"spatialPowerExponent": 1.35
"logging": {
"securityAuditLog": false,
"blockUpdateLog": false,
"packetLog": false,
"craftingLog": false,
"debugLog": false,
"gridLog": false,
"chunkLoggerTrace_comment": "Enable stack trace logging for the chunk loading debug command",
"chunkLoggerTrace": false
"battery": {
"chargerChargeRate_comment": "The chargers charging rate factor, which is applied to the charged items charge rate. 2 means it charges everything twice as fast. 0.5 half as fast.",
"chargerChargeRate": 1.0,
"wirelessTerminal": 1600000,
"chargedStaff": 8000,
"entropyManipulator": 200000,
"portableCell": 20000,
"colorApplicator": 20000,
"matterCannon": 200000
"worldGen": {
"spawnPressesInMeteorites": true,
"generateMeteorites": true
"wireless": {
"wirelessBaseCost": 8.0,
"wirelessCostMultiplier": 1.0,
"wirelessBaseRange": 16.0,
"wirelessBoosterRangeMultiplier": 1.0,
"wirelessBoosterExp": 1.5,
"wirelessHighWirelessCount": 64.0,
"wirelessTerminalDrainMultiplier": 1.0
"PortableCells": {
"allowDisassembly_comment": "Allow disassembly of portable cells into the recipe ingredients using shift+right-click",
"allowDisassembly": true
"PowerRatios": {
"TechReborn": 2.0,
"UsageMultiplier": 1.0
"Condenser": {
"MatterBalls": 256,
"Singularity": 256000
"tickRates": {
"_comment": " Min / Max Tickrates for dynamic ticking, most of these components also use sleeping, to prevent constant ticking, adjust with care, non standard rates are not supported or tested.",
"InterfaceMin": 5,
"InterfaceMax": 120,
"ImportBusMin": 5,
"ImportBusMax": 40,
"ExportBusMin": 5,
"ExportBusMax": 60,
"AnnihilationPlaneMin": 2,
"AnnihilationPlaneMax": 120,
"METunnelMin": 5,
"METunnelMax": 20,
"InscriberMin": 1,
"InscriberMax": 1,
"ChargerMin": 10,
"ChargerMax": 10,
"IOPortMin": 1,
"IOPortMax": 5,
"VibrationChamberMin": 10,
"VibrationChamberMax": 40,
"StorageBusMin": 5,
"StorageBusMax": 60,
"ItemTunnelMin": 5,
"ItemTunnelMax": 60,
"LightTunnelMin": 5,
"LightTunnelMax": 60
"inWorldCrystalGrowth": {
"_comment": "Settings for in-world growth of crystals."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
"general": {
"unsupportedDeveloperTools": false,
"__comment": "The number of pathfinding steps that are taken per tick and per grid that is booting. Lower numbers will mean booting takes longer, but less work is done per tick.",
"matterCannonBlockDamage": true,
"tinyTntBlockDamage": true,
"serverOpsIgnoreSecurity": true,
"channels": "default",
"pathfindingStepsPerTick": 4
"automation": {
"formationPlaneEntityLimit": 128
"facades": {
"__comment": "Unsupported: Allows whitelisting block entities as facades. Could work, have render issues, or corrupt your world. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.",
"allowBlockEntities": false
"craftingCPU": {
"craftingCalculationTimePerTick": 5
"crafting": {
"__comment": "Enable shift-clicking with the crafting units in hand to disassemble them.",
"inWorldSingularity": true,
"inWorldFluix": true,
"inWorldCrystalGrowth": true,
"disassemblyCrafting": true
"spatialio": {
"spatialPowerMultiplier": 1250.0,
"spatialPowerExponent": 1.35
"logging": {
"securityAuditLog": false,
"blockUpdateLog": false,
"packetLog": false,
"craftingLog": false,
"debugLog": false,
"__comment": "Enable stack trace logging for the chunk loading debug command",
"chunkLoggerTrace": false
"battery": {
"__comment": "The chargers charging rate factor, which is applied to the charged items charge rate. 2 means it charges everything twice as fast. 0.5 half as fast.",
"chargerChargeRate": 1.0,
"wirelessTerminal": 1600000,
"chargedStaff": 8000,
"entropyManipulator": 200000,
"portableCell": 20000,
"colorApplicator": 20000,
"matterCannon": 200000
"worldGen": {
"spawnPressesInMeteorites": true,
"generateQuartzOre": true,
"quartzOresPerCluster": 7,
"quartzOresClusterAmount": 20,
"__comment": "Biome IDs in which quartz ores should NOT be generated (i.e. minecraft:plains).",
"quartzOresBiomeBlacklist": []
"wireless": {
"wirelessBaseCost": 8.0,
"wirelessCostMultiplier": 1.0,
"wirelessBaseRange": 16.0,
"wirelessBoosterRangeMultiplier": 1.0,
"wirelessBoosterExp": 1.5,
"wirelessHighWirelessCount": 64.0,
"wirelessTerminalDrainMultiplier": 1.0
"PortableCells": {
"__comment": "Allow disassembly of portable cells into the recipe ingredients using shift+right-click",
"allowDisassembly": true
"PowerRatios": {
"TechReborn": 2.0,
"UsageMultiplier": 1.0
"Condenser": {
"MatterBalls": 256,
"Singularity": 256000
"tickRates": {
"__comment": " Min / Max Tickrates for dynamic ticking, most of these components also use sleeping, to prevent constant ticking, adjust with care, non standard rates are not supported or tested.",
"InterfaceMin": 5,
"InterfaceMax": 120,
"ImportBusMin": 5,
"ImportBusMax": 40,
"ExportBusMin": 5,
"ExportBusMax": 60,
"AnnihilationPlaneMin": 2,
"AnnihilationPlaneMax": 120,
"METunnelMin": 5,
"METunnelMax": 20,
"InscriberMin": 1,
"InscriberMax": 1,
"ChargerMin": 10,
"ChargerMax": 10,
"IOPortMin": 1,
"IOPortMax": 5,
"VibrationChamberMin": 10,
"VibrationChamberMax": 40,
"StorageBusMin": 5,
"StorageBusMax": 60,
"ItemTunnelMin": 5,
"ItemTunnelMax": 60,
"LightTunnelMin": 5,
"LightTunnelMax": 60
"inWorldCrystalGrowth": {
"__comment": "The speed multiplier to use when the crystals are submerged in the improved fluid.",
"improvedFluidTag": "",
"improvedFluidMultiplier": 2.0

config/arcanus.json5 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
// Should the Lectern Structure Processor run?
"doLecternProcessor": true,
/* Should the Bookshelf Structure Processor run? (Only
recommended in Vanilla)
"doBookshelfProcessor": true,
/* Should Stronghold Libraries have Spell Books spawn? (Does
nothing if YUNG's Better Strongholds is loaded)
"strongholdsHaveBooks": true,
// Should Ruined Portals have Spell Books spawn?
"ruinedPortalsHaveBooks": true,
/* Whether or not burnout should be applied when using too
much mana.
"haveBurnout": true,
/* The colour of objects created by spells (i.e. the laser
from Solar Strike and the wall from Arcane Wall).
"magicColour": "7ecdfb",
// The time Mana takes to refill by 1 in ticks before modifiers.
"baseManaCooldown": 20,
// The time Burnout takes to reduce by 1 in ticks before modifiers.
"baseBurnoutCooldown": 60,
// Spells that should be enabled. (Restart Required)
"spells": {
// Should Lunge be enabled? (Restart Required)
"enableLunge": true,
// Should Dream Warp be enabled? (Restart Required)
"enableDreamWarp": true,
// Should Magic Missile be enabled? (Restart Required)
"enableMagicMissile": true,
// Should Telekinetic Shock be enabled? (Restart Required)
"enableTelekineticShock": true,
// Should Heal be enabled? (Restart Required)
"enableHeal": true,
// Should Discombobulate be enabled? (Restart Required)
"enableDiscombobulate": true,
// Should Solar Strike be enabled? (Restart Required)
"enableSolarStrike": true,
// Should Arcane Barrier be enabled? (Restart Required)
"enableArcaneBarrier": true,
// The Mana costs for all the spells.
"manaCosts": {
// The Mana cost for the Lunge spell.
"lungeCastingCost": 5,
// The Mana cost for the Dream Warp spell.
"dreamWarpCastingCost": 15,
// The Mana cost for the Magic Missile spell.
"magicMissileCastingCost": 3,
// The Mana cost for the Telekinetic Shock spell.
"telekinesisCastingCost": 4,
// The Mana cost for the Heal spell.
"healCastingCost": 10,
// The Mana cost for the Discombobulate spell.
"discombobulateCastingCost": 10,
// The Mana cost for the Solar Strike spell.
"solarStrikeCastingCost": 20,
// The Mana cost for the Arcane Barrier spell.
"arcaneBarrierCastingCost": 4
/* A list of structure paths that have Bookshelves to be replaced
by Fillable Bookshelves from Arcanus.
"structuresWithBookshelves": [
/* A list of structure paths that have Lecterns to be filled
with Spell Books from Arcanus.
"structuresWithLecterns": [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"enableLooting": true,
"enableKnockback": false,
"enableFireAspect": false,
"enableModded": false,
"enableForEnchantingTable": true,
"enableDamageInEnchantingTable": true,
"allowSilkTouchWithLooting": true,
"fastCobWebBreaking": false,
"allToolsAreWeapons": false

config/blur.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
"blurExclusions": [
"fadeTimeMillis": 200,
"radius": 8,
"gradientStartColor": 75000000,
"gradientEndColor": 75000000,
"showScreenTitle": false

View File

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
"lichConfig": {
"eternalNighttime": true,
"experienceDrop": 1500,
"idleHealingPerTick": 0.20000000298023224,
"health": 300.0,
"missile": {
"statusEffectId": "minecraft:slowness",
"statusEffectDuration": 100,
"statusEffectPotency": 2,
"damage": 9.0
"comet": {
"explosionStrength": 4.0,
"destroysBlocks": true
"summonMechanic": {
"isEnabled": true,
"entitiesThatCountToSummonCounter": [
"numEntitiesKilledToDropSoulStar": 50
"towerGeneration": {
"generateLichTower": true,
"lichTowerGenerationSpacing": 100,
"lichTowerGenerationSeparation": 50
"obsidilithConfig": {
"health": 300.0,
"armor": 14.0,
"attack": 16.0,
"idleHealingPerTick": 0.5,
"experienceDrop": 1000,
"spawnPillarOnDeath": true,
"anvilAttackExplosionStrength": 4.0,
"arenaGeneration": {
"generationHeight": 90,
"generationSpacing": 64,
"generationSeparation": 32,
"generationEnabled": true
"gauntletConfig": {
"health": 250.0,
"armor": 8.0,
"attack": 16.0,
"idleHealingPerTick": 0.5,
"experienceDrop": 1000,
"spawnAncientDebrisOnDeath": true,
"energizedPunchExplosionSize": 4.5,
"normalPunchExplosionMultiplier": 1.5,
"arenaGeneration": {
"generationSpacing": 32,
"generationSeparation": 16,
"generationEnabled": true
"voidBlossomConfig": {
"health": 350.0,
"armor": 4.0,
"attack": 12.0,
"idleHealingPerTick": 0.5,
"experienceDrop": 1000,
"arenaGeneration": {
"generationSpacing": 64,
"generationSeparation": 24,
"generationEnabled": true

config/c2me-compat.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

config/c2me.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
version = 3
# (Default: 1) Configures the parallelism of global executor
globalExecutorParallelism = "default"
# Configuration for io system
# (Default: true) Whether to use async chunk loading & unloading
async = "default"
# (Default: -1) Defines which chunk compression should be used
# -1 for Vanilla default
# 1 for GZip (RFC1952) (Vanilla compatible)
# 2 for Zlib (RFC1950) (Vanilla default) (Vanilla compatible)
# 3 for Uncompressed (Fastest, but higher disk usage) (Vanilla compatible)
# Original chunk data will still readable after modifying this option
# as this option only affects newly stored chunks
# Invalid values will fall back to vanilla default
chunkStreamVersion = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to use the optimized implementation of IO system
replaceImpl = "default"
# (Default: 1536) Soft limit for io worker nbt cache
chunkDataCacheSoftLimit = "default"
# (Default: 6144) Hard limit for io worker nbt cache
chunkDataCacheLimit = "default"
# Configuration for threaded world generation
# (Default: true) Whether to allow feature generation (world decorations like trees, ores and etc.) run in parallel
# (may cause incompatibility with other mods)
allowThreadedFeatures = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to allow reducing lock radius
# (may cause incompatibility with other mods)
reduceLockRadius = "default"
# (Default: false) Whether to enable this feature
enabled = "default"
# Configuration for async scheduling system
# (Default: true) Whether to enable async and parallel scheduling
# This will reduce server thread load
# (may cause incompatibility with other mods)
enabled = "default"
# Configuration for vanilla worldgen optimizations
# (Default: true) Whether to enable aquifer optimizations to accelerate overworld worldgen
# (may cause incompatibility with other mods)
optimizeAquifer = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to enable End Biome Cache to accelerate The End worldgen
# This is no longer included in lithium-fabric
# (may cause incompatibility with other mods)
useEndBiomeCache = "default"
# Configuration for general optimizations
# (Default: true) Whether to enable mid-tick chunk tasks
# Mid-tick chunk tasks is to execute chunk tasks during server tick loop
# to speed up chunk loading and generation
# This helps chunks loading and generating under high MSPT but may raise
# MSPT when chunks are loading or generating
# Incompatible with Dimensional Threading (dimthread)
doMidTickChunkTasks = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to let async chunk request no longer block server thread
# (may cause incompatibility with other mods)
optimizeAsyncChunkRequest = "default"
# Configuration for auto-save
# (Default: ENHANCED) Defines how auto save should be handled
# VANILLA: Use vanilla auto-save behavior (auto-save performed every tick during ticking)
# ENHANCED: Use C2ME enhanced auto-save (auto-save performed when the server have spare time after ticking)
# PERIODIC: Use pre-1.18 vanilla auto-save behavior (auto-save performed every 6000 ticks during ticking)
# Please preserve quotes so this config don't break
mode = "default"
# (Default: 20000) Defines the delay in milliseconds between performing auto-save for a chunk
# This is only used when mode is set to ENHANCED
delay = "default"
# Configuration for no-tick view distance
# (Default: true) Whether to use compatibility mode to send chunks
# This may fix some mod compatibility issues
compatibilityMode = "default"
# (Default: false) Whether to ensure correct chunks within normal render distance
# This will send chunks twice increasing network load
ensureChunkCorrectness = "default"
# (Default: 12) No-tick view distance updates per tick
# Lower this for a better latency and higher this for a faster loading
updatesPerTick = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to enable no-tick view distance
enabled = "default"
# (Default: true) Whether to modify maximum view distance
enabled = "default"
# (Default: 34) Max render distance allowed in game options
maxViewDistance = "default"

config/capybara.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"debugMode": false,
"spawnWeight": 3,
"minGroupSize": 1,
"maxGroupSize": 4

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# If set to false, warnings will not get logged when a component fails to be resolved (typically due to mods being removed)
# Default value: true
log-deserialization-warnings = true
# Internal value, do not edit or your changes may be arbitrarily reset
config-version = 1

config/charm.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
#Aerial Affinity is a boots enchantment that increases mining rate when not on the ground.
"AerialAffinityEnchantment Enabled" = true
#Allows anvil repair of items with repair cost 39 or more.
"AllowTooExpensive Enabled" = true
#Place a block of amethyst under a note block to play its placement sound.
"AmethystNoteBlock Enabled" = true
#Storage for maps that automatically updates the displayed map as you explore.
"Atlases Enabled" = true
#Refills your hotbar from your inventory.
"AutoRestock Enabled" = true
#Unlocks all vanilla recipes.
"AutomaticRecipeUnlock Enabled" = true
#Azalea wood is obtainable from naturally occurring azalea trees or by growing azalea saplings.
"AzaleaWood Enabled" = true
#Right-click a bat with a bucket to capture it. Right-click again to release it and locate entities around you.
"BatBuckets Enabled" = true
#Passive and friendly mobs will heal themselves within range of a beacon with the regeneration effect.
"BeaconsHealMobs Enabled" = true
#Beekeepers are villagers that trade beekeeping items. Their job site is the beehive.
#Disabling will leave villagers of the profession in an unemployed state with decrepit data.
"Beekeepers Enabled" = true
#Ender pearl storage. A silverfish will be converted to an endermite upon touching an ender pearl block.
#Eating a chorus fruit will teleport you to the nearest ender pearl block.
"BlockOfEnderPearls Enabled" = true
#A storage block for gunpowder. It obeys gravity and dissolves in lava.
"BlockOfGunpowder Enabled" = true
#A storage block for sugar. It obeys gravity and dissolves in water.
"BlockOfSugar Enabled" = true
#Bookcases hold up to 9 stacks of books, paper and maps.
"Bookcases Enabled" = true
#Integration with Bumblezone.
"BumblezoneIntegration Enabled" = true
#Cave spiders have a chance to drop cobwebs when killed.
"CaveSpidersDropCobwebs Enabled" = true
#Experimental! Right-click (with empty hand) on any stairs block to sit down.
"Chairs Enabled" = true
#Chickens randomly drop feathers.
"ChickensDropFeathers Enabled" = true
#Add amethyst shards to item frames to make them invisible.
"ClearItemFrames Enabled" = true
#Tools with the Collection enchantment automatically pick up drops.
"CollectionEnchantment Enabled" = true
#Allows bundles to be dyed.
"ColoredBundles Enabled" = true
#Throw dye into a nether portal to change its color.
"ColoredNetherPortals Enabled" = true
#Shows cardinal points and XYZ coordinates when holding a compass.
"CompassOverlay Enabled" = true
#Coral can be combined with sea lanterns to make colored variants.
"CoralSeaLanterns Enabled" = true
#Coral Squids spawn near coral in warm oceans.
"CoralSquids Enabled" = true
#Playing a music disc in a jukebox prevents background music from playing at the same time.
"DiscsStopBackgroundMusic Enabled" = true
#Ebony is a very dark grey wood. Saplings can be found in Ancient City and Woodland Mansion chests.
"EbonyWood Enabled" = true
#Right-click on a sign with an empty hand to edit its text.
"EditableSigns Enabled" = true
#Endermites drop endermite powder that can be used to locate an End City.
"EndermitePowder Enabled" = true
#Adds custom recipes.
"ExtraRecipes Enabled" = true
#Adds more villager trades.
"ExtraTrades Enabled" = true
#Extract enchantments from any enchanted item into an empty book using the grindstone.
#The player must pay a cost (in xp levels) to extract enchantments from the item.
"ExtractEnchantments Enabled" = true
#Potion effect particles are much less obtrusive by default and can optionally be entirely hidden.
"GentlePotionParticles Enabled" = true
#Goats have a chance to drop mutton when killed.
"GoatsDropMutton Enabled" = true
#Armor returns a single ingot, leather or diamond when used on the grindstone.
"GrindableArmor Enabled" = true
#Scroll the mouse while hovering over a bundle or shulker box to change the order of its contents.
"HoverSorting Enabled" = true
#A husk has a chance to drop sand when killed.
"HusksDropSand Enabled" = true
#Husks spawn anywhere within their biome rather than just the surface.
"HusksSpawnUnderground Enabled" = true
#Nether fortress loot chests can contain enchanted armor and weapons, more diamonds, treasure enchanted books, blaze powder, and (rarely) wither skeleton skulls.
"ImprovedFortressLoot Enabled" = true
#Mansion loot chests can contain totems, enchanted armor and axes, and treasure enchanted books.
"ImprovedMansionLoot Enabled" = true
#Adds decoration and more ores to mineshafts.
"ImprovedMineshafts Enabled" = true
#Button to automatically tidy inventories.
"InventoryTidying Enabled" = true
#A functional block that speeds up cooking of clay, glass, bricks and terracotta.
"Kilns Enabled" = true
#Drop an item onto a lava bucket item to destroy it.
"LavaBucketDestroysItems Enabled" = true
#Use a noteblock while sneaking to lower its pitch by one semitone.
"LowerNoteblockPitch Enabled" = true
#Lumberjacks are villagers that trade wooden items. Their job site is the woodcutter.
#Disabling will leave villagers of the profession in an unemployed state with decrepit data.
"Lumberjacks Enabled" = true
#A map's image is shown in the item tooltip when hovering over.
"MapTooltip Enabled" = true
#Mooblooms are cow-like mobs that come in a variety of flower types.
#They spawn flowers where they walk and can be milked for suspicious stew.
"Mooblooms Enabled" = true
#Crying obsidian can be used in the construction of nether portal frames.
"MorePortalFrames Enabled" = true
#Disables the 'Chat messages can't be verified' nag when the server does not enforce secure profile.
#This is a controversial module and so is disabled by default.
"NoChatVerifiedNag Enabled" = false
#Removes trampling of farmland and crops.
"NoCropTrampling Enabled" = true
#Removes the trade discount applied when a villager is cured from zombification.
#This is an opinionated feature that changes core gameplay and so is disabled by default.
#This feature is disabled if villagerfix is present because it's better.
"NoCuredVillagerDiscount Enabled" = false
#When any action would cause a villager to become a nitwit, it becomes an unemployed villager instead.
#This is an opinionated feature that removes a gameplay element and so is disabled by default.
"NoNitwits Enabled" = false
#Tamed animals do not take direct damage from players.
"NoPetDamage Enabled" = true
#Removes the potion enchantment glint so you can see what the potion color is.
"NoPotionGlint Enabled" = true
#Removes the dark outer overlay when zooming in with the spyglass, giving you the full view.
"NoSpyglassScope Enabled" = true
#Treasure enchantments such as Mending and Soul Speed are no longer tradeable with villagers.
#This is an opinionated feature designed to force the player to explore and so is disabled by default.
"NoTreasureEnchantmentTrading Enabled" = false
#Automatically opens double doors.
"OpenBothDoors Enabled" = true
#Parrots stay on your shoulder when jumping and falling. Crouch to make them dismount.
"ParrotsStayOnShoulder Enabled" = true
#Right-clicking on a grass path block with a hoe turns it back into dirt.
"PathToDirt Enabled" = true
#Player-only pressure plates crafted using gilded blackstone.
"PlayerPressurePlates Enabled" = true
#Allows crafting from inventory if the player has a crafting table in their inventory.
"PortableCrafting Enabled" = true
#Right-click with a hoe to quickly harvest and replant a fully-grown crop.
"QuickReplant Enabled" = true
#Raid horns are sometimes dropped from raid leaders and can be used to call off or start raids.
"RaidHorns Enabled" = true
#A lantern that emits light when a redstone signal is received.
"RedstoneLanterns Enabled" = true
#A block that acts like sand but is powered like a block of redstone.
"RedstoneSand Enabled" = true
#Leather can be used to repair elytra when insomnia is disabled.
"RepairElytraFromLeather Enabled" = true
#Use netherite scrap to repair a small amount of netherite item damage.
"RepairNetheriteFromScrap Enabled" = true
#Use prismarine shards to repair a small amount of trident damage.
"RepairTridentsFromShards Enabled" = true
#The repsawn anchor can be used in the End.
#This is an opinionated feature that changes core gameplay and so is disabled by default.
"RespawnAnchorInTheEnd Enabled" = false
#An item's repair cost is shown in their tooltip when looking at the anvil screen.
"ShowRepairCost Enabled" = true
#Drag and drop items into a shulkerbox from within your inventory.
"ShulkerBoxDragDrop Enabled" = true
#A shulker box's contents is shown in the item tooltip when hovering over.
"ShulkerBoxTooltip Enabled" = true
#Increases snow layers when snowing in cold biomes
"SnowAccumulation Enabled" = true
#Allows enchanted books to stack.
"StackableEnchantedBooks Enabled" = true
#Allows potions to stack.
"StackablePotions Enabled" = true
#Allows stews to stack.
"StackableStews Enabled" = true
#A stray has a chance to drop blue ice when killed.
"StraysDropBlueIce Enabled" = true
#Strays spawn anywhere within their biome rather than just the surface.
"StraysSpawnUnderground Enabled" = true
#Anvils are 50% less likely to take damage when used.
"StrongerAnvils Enabled" = true
#The player's inventory items will be preserved in the Totem of Preserving upon death.
#By default, a new totem will always be spawned to preserve items upon dying ('Grave mode').
#If Grave mode is not enabled, you must be holding a totem in order for it to preserve your items.
"TotemOfPreserving Enabled" = true
#A totem will work from anywhere in the player's inventory as well as held in the main or offhand.
"TotemWorksFromInventory Enabled" = true
#Barrels available in all types of vanilla wood.
"VariantBarrels Enabled" = true
#Variant bars crafted from vanilla metal ingots.
"VariantBars Enabled" = true
#Bookshelves available in all types of vanilla wood.
"VariantBookshelves Enabled" = true
#Variant chains crafted from vanilla metal ingots and nuggets.
"VariantChains Enabled" = true
#Chests available in all types of vanilla wood.
"VariantChests Enabled" = true
#Ladders available in all types of vanilla wood.
"VariantLadders Enabled" = true
#Variants lanterns crafted from vanilla metal nuggets and torches.
"VariantLanterns Enabled" = true
#Mobs may spawn with different textures.
"VariantMobTextures Enabled" = true
#Villagers are attracted when the player holds a block of emeralds.
"VillagersFollowEmeraldBlocks Enabled" = true
#Wandering traders have a chance to sell maps to distant structures.
"WanderingTraderMaps Enabled" = true
#Iron rusts when in contact with water.
"WeatheringIron Enabled" = true
#A witch has a chance to drop a Potion of Luck when killed by a player.
"WitchesDropLuck Enabled" = true
#A functional block that adds more efficient recipes for crafting wooden stairs and slabs.
"Woodcutters Enabled" = true
#Allow opening the atlas while it is in the off hand.
"Open in off hand" = false
#Map scale used in atlases by default.
"Map scale" = 0
#If true, sets a keybind for swapping the item in your main hand with the first available atlas in your inventory (defaults to 'r').
"Enable keybind" = true
#Number of seconds that entities will receive the glowing effect.
"Glowing time" = 10
#Range (in blocks) in which entities will glow.
"Viewing range" = 24
#If true, the bat will take half a heart of damage when released from the bucket.
"Damage bat" = true
#A chorus fruit will teleport you to an ender pearl block within this range (in blocks).
"Chorus teleport range" = 16
#If true, eating a chorus fruit while in range of an ender pearl block will teleport you to it.
"Chorus fruit teleport" = true
#If true, a silverfish has a chance to be converted into an endermite when it is next to an ender pearl block.
"Convert silverfish to endermite" = true
#Items that may be placed in bookcases.
"Valid items" = ["minecraft:book", "minecraft:enchanted_book", "minecraft:written_book", "minecraft:writable_book", "minecraft:knowledge_book", "minecraft:paper", "minecraft:map", "minecraft:filled_map"]
#Maximum cobwebs dropped when cave spider is killed.
"Maximum drops" = 2
#If true, shows the cardinal direction that the player is facing.
Facing = true
#If true, shows the player's XYZ coordinates.
Co-ordinates = true
#If true, only show the player's X and Z coordinates (not their height/depth).
"Only show X and Z" = false
#If true, only show the compass overlay if the player is sneaking.
"Show when sneaking" = false
#Chance (out of 1.0) of a coral squid dropping coral when killed by the player.
"Drop chance" = 0.2
#Chance of coral squids spawning in warm ocean biomes.
"Spawn weight" = 50
#If true, routes additional debug messages into the standard game log.
"Debug mode" = false
#If true, Charm will add its own advancement tree.
Advancements = true
#If true, allows anvil recipes that do not require any XP cost.
"Allow zero cost anvil recipes" = true
#Maximum endermite powder dropped when endermite is killed.
"Maximum drops" = 2
#If true, adds a blast furnace recipe for smelting raw ore blocks into ore blocks.
"Ore block from raw ore block" = true
#If true, adds a recipe for Gilded Blackstone using gold nuggets and blackstone.
"Gilded Blackstone" = true
#If true, adds a recipe for the Trident using a heart of the sea, prismarine shards and crystals.
Trident = true
#If true, adds a recipe for Cyan Dye using warped roots.
"Cyan Dye from warped roots" = true
#If true, adds a recipe for Green Dye using yellow and blue dyes.
"Green Dye from yellow and blue" = true
#If true, adds a recipe for turning snow blocks back into snowballs.
"Snowballs from snow blocks" = true
#If true, adds a recipe for turning quartz blocks back into quartz.
"Quartz from quartz blocks" = true
#If true, adds a recipe for turning clay blocks back into clay balls.
"Clay balls from clay blocks" = true
#If true, adds a recipe for Soul Torches using soul sand/soul soil and sticks.
"Simpler Soul Torch" = true
#If true, adds a shapeless recipe for bread.
"Shapeless bread" = true
#If true, adds a shapeless recipe for paper.
"Shapeless paper" = true
#If true, adds a recipe for crafting bundles from leather.
"Bundle from leather" = true
#If true, librarians will buy any enchanted book in return for emeralds.
"Enchanted books" = true
#If true, armorers, weaponsmiths and toolsmiths will buy chipped or damaged anvils along with iron ingots in return for repaired anvils.
"Repaired anvils" = true
#If true, leatherworkers will sell leather in return for rotten flesh.
"Leather for rotten flesh" = true
#If true, butchers will sell beef in return for rotten flesh.
"Beef for rotten flesh" = true
#If true, leatherworkers will sell bundles in return for emeralds.
Bundles = true
#Initial cost (in xp levels) of extraction before adding on the cost of the enchantment(s).
"Initial cost" = 5
#Adds extra cost (in xp levels) if the enchantment is a 'treasure' enchantment such as Mending.
"Treasure cost" = 5
#If true, the item's repair cost will be added to the cost of extraction.
"Add item repair cost" = true
#If true, translucent particles will be rendered. If false, no particles will be rendered.
"Translucent particles" = true
#Maximum pieces of mutton dropped when goat is killed.
"Maximum drops" = 2
#Maximum sand dropped when husk is killed.
"Maximum drops" = 2
#Chance (out of 1.0) of blocks such as candles and ores spawning on the floor of corridors.
"Corridor floor blocks" = 0.03
#Chance (out of 1.0) of blocks such as lanterns spawning on the ceiling of corridors.
"Corridor ceiling blocks" = 0.02
#Chance (out of 1.0) of stone, gravel and ore spawning at the entrance of corridors.
"Corridor block piles" = 0.2
#Chance (out of 1.0) for a moss or precious ore block to spawn on a single block of the central mineshaft room.
"Room blocks" = 0.25
#Chance (out of 1.0) for a minecart to spawn in a corridor. Minecart loot is chosen from the 'Minecart loot tables'.
"Extra minecarts" = 0.2
#If 'Add minecarts' is enabled, minecarts have a chance to be filled with loot from these loot tables.
"Minecart loot tables" = ["chests/simple_dungeon", "chests/abandoned_mineshaft", "chests/village/village_temple", "chests/village/village_cartographer", "chests/village/village_mason", "chests/village/village_toolsmith", "chests/village/village_weaponsmith"]
#If true, a player or mob will trample crops unless wearing boots with feather falling enchantment.
"Require feather falling" = false
#If true, sets a keybind for opening the portable crafting table (defaults to 'v').
"Enable keybind" = true
#List of blockstate definitions for replantable crops.
"Replantable blockstates" = ["minecraft:beetroots[age=3]", "minecraft:carrots[age=7]", "minecraft:nether_wart[age=3]", "minecraft:potatoes[age=7]", "minecraft:wheat[age=7]"]
#Chance (out of 1.0) of a patrol captain dropping a raid horn when killed by the player.
"Drop chance" = 0.05
#Volume of the raid horn sound effect when used. 1.0 is maximum volume.
Volume = 0.75
#If true, leather can be used to repair elytra even when insomnia is disasbled.
"Allow when insomnia enabled" = false
#Number of levels required to restore durability.
"XP cost" = 1
#List of items repairable using netherite scrap.
"Repairable items" = ["netherite_hoe", "netherite_shovel", "netherite_axe", "netherite_pickaxe", "netherite_sword", "netherite_helmet", "netherite_chestplate", "netherite_leggings", "netherite_boots"]
#If true, placing a block on a non-full snow block will replace the snow block.
#If false, use vanilla behavior (only a snow block with a single layer will allow block replacement).
"Allow block replace" = true
#Chance (out of 1.0) of a fully accumulated snow block being converted to powder snow.
"Powder snow chance" = 0.01
#Maximum enchanted book stack size.
"Stack size" = 16
#Maximum potion stack size.
"Stack size" = 16
#Maximum stew stack size.
"Stack size" = 16
#Also apply to suspicious stew.
"Enable suspicious stew" = false
#Maximum blue ice dropped when stray is killed.
"Maximum drops" = 2
#If true, a new totem will be spawned to preserve items upon dying.
#Players do NOT need to be holding a Totem of Preserving.
"Grave mode" = true
#If true, only the owner of the totem may pick it up.
"Owner only" = false
#Mobs that have a chance to drop a totem of preserving.
#This does not apply if Grave mode is true.
"Mobs drop totems" = ["entities/witch", "entities/pillager"]
#Chest loot tables that will always contain a totem of preserving.
#This does not apply if Grave mode is true.
"Chests contain totems" = ["chests/pillager_outpost", "chests/woodland_mansion"]
#If true, the totem will preserve the player's experience and restore when broken.
"Preserve XP" = false
#If true, the coordinates where you died will be added to the player's chat screen.
"Show death position" = false
#If true, cows may spawn with different textures.
"Variant cows" = true
#If true, chickens may spawn with different textures.
"Variant chickens" = true
#If true, dolphins may spawn with different textures.
"Variant dolphins" = true
#If true, pigs may spawn with different textures.
"Variant pigs" = true
#If true, sheep face and 'shorn' textures match their wool color.
"Variant sheep" = true
#If true, snow golems may spawn with different derp faces.
"Variant snow golems" = true
#If true, squids may spawn with different textures.
"Variant squids" = true
#If true, turtles may spawn with different textures.
"Variant turtles" = true
#If true, wolves may spawn with different textures.
"Variant wolves" = true
#If true, wandering traders may spawn with different textures.
"Variant wandering traders" = true
#If true, all animals have a chance to spawn as a rare variant.
"Rare variants" = true
#Approximately 1 in X chance of a mob spawning as a rare variant.
"Rarity of rare variants" = 1000
#List of structure tags.
"Maps to structures" = ["minecraft:village", "minecraft:mineshaft", "charm:swamp_hut", "charm:igloo"]
#List of rarer structure tags.
#These are more expensive and less likely to be sold.
"Maps to rare structures" = ["charm:desert_pyramid", "charm:jungle_temple", "minecraft:ocean_ruin"]
#The chance of weathering increases according to the number of block faces touching water.
"Faces increase weathering" = true
#When more than one block face is touching water, weathering chance increases by this amount per face.
"Face multiplier" = 0.008
#Chance (out of 1.0) of a block being considered for weathering.
"Weathering chance" = 0.006
#When a block is above a bubble column, weathering chance is multiplied by this value.
"Bubble column chance multiplier" = 4.0
#Chance (out of 1.0) of a witch dropping a Potion of Luck when killed by the player.
"Drop chance" = 0.05

config/cleanchat.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
disableIcons = true
disableBar = false

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#The renderer to use for monitors. Generally this should be kept at "best" - if monitors have performance issues, you may wish to experiment with alternative renderers.
monitor_renderer = "BEST"
#The maximum distance monitors will render at. This defaults to the standard tile entity limit, but may be extended if you wish to build larger monitors.
monitor_distance = 64

View File

@ -0,0 +1,682 @@
# Determines if croptopia salt will generate in rivers. Defaults to true
generateSaltInWorld = true

config/cullleaves.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"enabled": true

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

config/debugify.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
"MC-100991": true,
"MC-108948": true,
"MC-111516": true,
"MC-112730": true,
"MC-116379": true,
"MC-119417": true,
"MC-119754": true,
"MC-121706": true,
"MC-121772": true,
"MC-121903": true,
"MC-122477": true,
"MC-122627": true,
"MC-123739": true,
"MC-124117": true,
"MC-127970": true,
"MC-12829": true,
"MC-129909": true,
"MC-132878": true,
"MC-135971": true,
"MC-140646": true,
"MC-143474": true,
"MC-145748": true,
"MC-147605": true,
"MC-14923": true,
"MC-151412": true,
"MC-155509": true,
"MC-159163": true,
"MC-160095": true,
"MC-162253": true,
"MC-165381": true,
"MC-165595": true,
"MC-176559": true,
"MC-179072": true,
"MC-183776": true,
"MC-183990": true,
"MC-193343": true,
"MC-197260": true,
"MC-199467": true,
"MC-200418": true,
"MC-2025": true,
"MC-206922": true,
"MC-214147": true,
"MC-215530": true,
"MC-215531": true,
"MC-217716": true,
"MC-223153": true,
"MC-224729": true,
"MC-22882": false,
"MC-228976": false,
"MC-231097": true,
"MC-231743": true,
"MC-232869": true,
"MC-233042": true,
"MC-237493": true,
"MC-249059": true,
"MC-26757": true,
"MC-30391": true,
"MC-31819": true,
"MC-4490": true,
"MC-46766": true,
"MC-55347": true,
"MC-577": true,
"MC-69216": true,
"MC-72151": true,
"MC-7569": true,
"MC-79545": true,
"MC-80859": true,
"MC-84873": true,
"MC-88371": true,
"MC-89146": true,
"MC-90084": true,
"MC-90683": true,
"MC-93018": true,
"MC-93384": true,
"opt_out_updater": false,
"gameplay_fixes_in_multiplayer": false,
"default_disabled": false

config/dynamicfps.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
reduceFPSWhenUnfocused = true
unfocusedFPS = 1
restoreFPSWhenHovered = true
unfocusedVolumeMultiplier = 0.25
hiddenVolumeMultiplier = 0.0
runGCOnUnfocus = false

config/effective.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"generateCascades": true,
"generateSplashes": true,
"shouldFlowingWaterSpawnParticlesOnFirstTick": true,
"lapisBlockUpdateParticleChance": 10

config/emi.css Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
/** EMI Config */
#general {
* Whether EMI is enabled and visible.
enabled: true;
* Whether cheating in items is enabled.
cheat-mode: false;
#ui {
* Whether to move status effects to the
* top of the screen.
move-effects: true;
* Whether to have the search bar in the
* center of the screen, instead of to the side.
center-search-bar: true;
* Whether to display a gray overlay when
* hovering over a stack.
show-hover-overlay: false;
* Whether to add mod name to item tooltips
* In case another mod provides behavior
append-item-mod-id: true;
* Whether an empty search should display
* craftable recipes, instead of the index.
empty-search-craftable: false;
* The amount of columns to display
* on the favorites sidebar.
* A value of zero will disable it.
max-favorite-columns: 999;
* The amount of columns to display
* on the index sidebar.
* A value of zero will disable it.
max-index-columns: 999;
* The amount of vertical margin to
* give in the recipe screen.
vertical-margin: 20;
* Prevents recipes being quick crafted
* from shifting around under the cursor.
miscraft-prevention: true;
* The unit to display fluids as.
fluid-unit: liters;
* Display cost per batch when hovering
* a recipe output
show-cost-per-batch: true;
* Whether recipes should have a button to
* set as default.
recipe-default-button: true;
* Whether recipes should have a button to
* show the recipe tree.
recipe-tree-button: true;
* Whether recipes should have a button to
* fill the ingredients in a handler.
recipe-fill-button: true;
* Whether to use the batched render system.
* Batching is faster, but may have incompatibilities
* with shaders or other mods.
use-batched-renderer: true;
#binds {
* Toggle the visibility of EMI.
toggle-visibility: "ctrl key.keyboard.o";
* Focuse the search bar.
focus-search: "ctrl key.keyboard.f";
* Display the recipes for creating an item.
view-recipes: "key.keyboard.r";
view-recipes: "key.mouse.left";
* Display the recipes that can be created
* using an item.
view-uses: "key.keyboard.u";
view-uses: "key.mouse.right";
* Favorite the item to display on the
* side of the screen opposite of
* recipies for quick access.
favorite: "key.keyboard.a";
* Display the recipe tree for a given item.
view-stack-tree: "key.keyboard.unknown";
* Display the recipe tree.
view-tree: "key.keyboard.unknown";
* Return to the previous page in EMI.
back: "key.mouse.4";
* Toggle between index and craftable
* search modes.
toggle-craftable: "key.keyboard.unknown";
* Toggle craftable filter between
* all recipes and current workstation.
toggle-local-craftable: "key.keyboard.unknown";
* When on a stack with an associated recipe:
* Move ingredients for a single result.
craft-one: "key.mouse.left";
* When on a stack with an associated recipe:
* Move ingredients for as many results as possible.
craft-all: "shift key.mouse.left";
* When on a stack with an associated recipe:
* Move ingredients for a single result
* and put in inventory if possible.
craft-one-to-inventory: "key.keyboard.unknown";
* When on a stack with an associated recipe:
* Move ingredients for as many results as possible
* and put in inventory if possible.
craft-all-to-inventory: "key.keyboard.unknown";
* When on a stack with an associated recipe:
* Move ingredients for a single result
* and put in cursor if possible.
craft-one-to-cursor: "ctrl key.mouse.left";
* Cheat in one of an item into the inventory.
cheat-one-to-inventory: "ctrl key.mouse.right";
* Cheat in a stack of an item into the inventory.
cheat-stack-to-inventory: "ctrl key.mouse.left";
* Cheat in one of an item into the cursor.
cheat-one-to-cursor: "ctrl key.mouse.middle";
* Cheat in a stack of an item into the cursor.
cheat-stack-to-cursor: "key.keyboard.unknown";
#dev {
* Whether certain development functions should be enabled.
* Not recommended for general play.
dev-mode: false;
* Whether to log untranslated tags as warnings.
log-untranslated-tags: false;
* Whether hovering the output of a recipe should show
* the recipe's EMI ID.
show-recipe-ids: false;
* Whether stacks in the index should display a highlight
* if they have a recipe default.
highlight-defaulted: false;
* Whether to display exclusion areas
highlight-exclusion-areas: false;
#persistent {
craftable: false;
local-craftable: true;

config/emojitype.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
"cool2;(•_•) ( •_•)\u003e⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)",
"dance2;ᕕ( ᐛ ) ᕗ",
"table1;(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻",
"table2;(╯°□°)╯︵ ʇɟɐɹɔǝuᴉɯ",
"table3;(╯°□°)╯︵ ƃuɐɾoɯ",
"gimme;༼ つ◕_◕༽つ",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#Indigo properties file
#Mon Aug 29 00:17:17 MSK 2022

config/fallingleaves.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
"version": 1,
"displayDebugData": false,
"enabled": true,
"leafSize": 5,
"leafLifespan": 200,
"leafSpawnRate": 10,
"coniferLeafSpawnRate": 0,
"dropFromPlayerPlacedBlocks": true,
"leavesOnBlockHit": true,
"minimumFreeSpaceBelow": 1,
"windEnabled": true,
"windlessDimensions": [
"leafSettings": {
"minecraft:jungle_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 0.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"minecraft:flowering_azalea_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"minecraft:azalea_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"minecraft:birch_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"minecraft:acacia_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"minecraft:oak_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:cinnamon_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"minecraft:dark_oak_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"minecraft:spruce_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": true
"croptopia:nectarine_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:pecan_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:cherry_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:plum_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:lemon_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:avocado_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:kumquat_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:mango_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:coconut_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:dragonfruit_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:banana_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:cashew_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:date_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:persimmon_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:starfruit_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:nutmeg_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:almond_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:walnut_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:apple_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:orange_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:apricot_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:pear_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:grapefruit_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:peach_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:fig_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"croptopia:lime_crop": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"minecraft:mangrove_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"charm:ebony_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"spectrum:magenta_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"spectrum:orange_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"spectrum:green_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"spectrum:purple_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"spectrum:light_gray_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"spectrum:blue_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"spectrum:white_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"spectrum:brown_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"spectrum:black_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"spectrum:red_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"spectrum:pink_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"spectrum:spirit_sallow_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"spectrum:light_blue_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"spectrum:cyan_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"spectrum:gray_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"spectrum:lime_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"spectrum:yellow_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"spectrum:jade_vine_petal_block": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"yttr:squeeze_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"yttr:squeezed_leaves": {
"spawnRateFactor": 1.0,
"isConiferBlock": false
"leafSpawners": [],
"fallSpawnRateFactor": 1.8,
"winterSpawnRateFactor": 0.1,
"startingSpawnRadius": 0,
"decaySpawnRateFactor": 2.6,
"maxDecayLeaves": 9

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
"worldgen": {
"generate_in_villages": true,
"min_per_village": 1,
"max_per_village": 1,
"village_waystone_weight": 2
"teleportation_cost": {
"cost_type": "level",
"cost_item": "minecraft:ender_pearl",
"base_cost": 1,
"cost_per_block_distance": 0.0,
"cost_multiplier_between_dimensions": 1.0
"discover_with_item": "none",
"take_amount_from_discover_item": 0,
"consume_infinite_knowledge_scroll_on_use": false,
"consume_local_void_on_use": true,
"free_local_void_teleport": true,
"store_waystone_data_on_sneak_break": true,
"discover_waystone_on_map_use": false,
"can_owners_redeem_payments": false,
"waystone_block_hardness": 4.0,
"waystone_block_required_mining_level": 1,
"prevent_non_owners_from_breaking_waystone": false,
"can_players_toggle_global_mode": true,
"teleportation_cooldown": {
"cooldown_ticks_when_hurt": 0,
"cooldown_ticks_from_abyss_watcher": 0,
"cooldown_ticks_from_pocket_wormhole": 0,
"cooldown_ticks_from_local_void": 0,
"cooldown_ticks_from_void_totem": 0,
"cooldown_ticks_from_waystone": 0
"disable_teleportation_from_dimensions": [],
"disable_teleportation_to_dimensions": [],
"ignore_dimension_blacklists_if_same_dimension": true,
"add_waystone_structure_piece": {
"minecraft:village/plains/houses": "village_waystone",
"minecraft:village/savanna/houses": "village_waystone",
"minecraft:village/desert/houses": "desert_village_waystone",
"minecraft:village/snowy/houses": "village_waystone",
"minecraft:village/taiga/houses": "village_waystone"

config/image2map.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"allowLocalFiles": false,
"minPermLevel": 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#Indium properties file
#Mon Aug 29 00:17:17 MSK 2022

config/inspecio.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
"jukebox": "fancy",
"sign": "fancy",
"advanced_tooltips": {
"repair_cost": true,
"lodestone_coords": false
"filled_map": {
"enabled": true,
"show_player_icon": false
"food": {
"hunger": true,
"saturation": "merged"
"containers": {
"campfire": true,
"storage": {
"enabled": true,
"compact": false,
"loot_table": true
"shulker_box": {
"enabled": true,
"compact": false,
"loot_table": true,
"color": true
"effects": {
"food": true,
"hidden_motion": true,
"beacon": true,
"potions": true,
"tipped_arrows": true,
"spectral_arrow": true
"entities": {
"fish_bucket": {
"enabled": true,
"always_show_name": false,
"spin": true
"spawn_egg": {
"enabled": true,
"always_show_name": false,
"spin": true
"pufferfish_puff_state": 2,
"armor_stand": {
"enabled": true,
"always_show_name": false,
"spin": true
"bee": {
"enabled": true,
"always_show_name": false,
"spin": true
"armor": true,
"banner_pattern": true

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
"": {
"ignore": false,
"playerSideOnly": false,
"force": false,
"buttonHints": {
"SORT": {
"horizontalOffset": 0,
"top": 0,
"bottom": 0
"horizontalOffset": 0,
"top": 0,
"bottom": 0
"horizontalOffset": 0,
"top": 0,
"bottom": 0
"horizontalOffset": 0,
"top": 0,
"bottom": 0
"horizontalOffset": 0,
"top": 0,
"bottom": 0
"horizontalOffset": 0,
"top": 0,
"bottom": 0
"horizontalOffset": 0,
"top": 0,
"bottom": 0,
"hide": true
"": {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
"ModSettings": {
"enable_updates_check": false,
"first_run": false
"GuiSettings": {
"enable_profiles_ui": false,
"continuous_crafting_saved_value": false
"AutoRefillSettings": {
"refill_before_tool_break": false,
"visual_durability_notification": false

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# LambdaBetterGrass configuration.
# The better grass mode. Values: "off", "fastest", "fast" and "fancy".
mode = "fancy"
# The better layer option.
better_layer = true
# Debug mode. Debug mode allows to output the generated texture in the debug folder of your minecraft instance.
debug = false

config/lambdynlights.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
# LambDynamicLights configuration.
# The dynamic lights mode
mode = "fancy"
# Light sources settings.
# Enables water-sensitive light sources check. This means that water-sensitive items will not light up when submerged in water.
water_sensitive_check = true
# Enable block entities light source.
block_entities = true
# Enable entities light source.
entities = true
# TNT lighting mode. May be off, simple or fancy.
tnt = "off"
# Creeper lighting mode. May be off, simple or fancy.
creeper = "simple"
bee = true
axolotl = true
egg = true
arrow = true
cow = true
magma_cube = true
pig = true
skeleton = true
llama = true
bat = true
frog = true
husk = true
hoglin = true
rabbit = true
drowned = true
experience_orb = true
dolphin = true
item = true
stray = true
turtle = true
salmon = true
wandering_trader = true
piglin_brute = true
goat = true
ocelot = true
furnace_minecart = true
horse = true
phantom = true
minecart = true
glow_squid = true
glow_item_frame = false
squid = true
parrot = true
creeper = true
enderman = true
chicken = true
trader_llama = true
donkey = true
fox = true
chest_minecart = true
tropical_fish = true
slime = true
pillager = true
iron_golem = true
zombified_piglin = true
area_effect_cloud = true
piglin = true
blaze = true
cat = true
zombie = true
guardian = true
ghast = true
sheep = true
fireball = true
player = true
pufferfish = true
potion = true
wolf = true
villager = true
tnt_minecart = true
zombie_villager = true
elder_guardian = true
small_fireball = true
boat = true
strider = true
polar_bear = true
cave_spider = true
witch = true
cod = true
spider = true
deer = true
amethyst_golem = true
gilded_stone = true
blaze_guardian = true
blaze_guardian_shield = true
soul_star = true

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# This is the configuration file for Lithium.
# This file exists for debugging purposes and should not be configured otherwise.
# You can find information on editing this file and all the available options here:
# By default, this file will be empty except for this notice.

config/malilib.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"Generic": {
"ignoredKeys": {
"keys": ""
"openGuiConfigs": {
"keys": "A,C"
"realmsCommonConfig": true

config/midnightlib.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"config_screen_list": "MODMENU",
"special_hats": true

config/minihud.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,576 @@
"InfoLineOrders": {
"infoBeeCount": 36,
"infoBiome": 19,
"infoBiomeRegistryName": 20,
"infoBlockBreakSpeed": 6,
"infoBlockInChunk": 28,
"infoBlockPosition": 6,
"infoBlockProperties": 27,
"infoChunkPosition": 7,
"infoChunkSections": 14,
"infoChunkSectionsLine": 15,
"infoChunkUpdates": 16,
"infoCoordinates": 4,
"infoCoordinatesScaled": 4,
"infoDifficulty": 18,
"infoDimensionId": 5,
"infoDistance": 33,
"infoEntities": 21,
"infoEntitiesClientWorld": 22,
"infoEntityRegistryName": 24,
"infoFacing": 8,
"infoFurnaceXp": 30,
"infoFPS": 0,
"infoHoneyLevel": 37,
"infoHorseSpeed": 36,
"infoHorseJump": 37,
"infoLightLevel": 10,
"infoLookingAtBlock": 25,
"infoLookingAtBlockInChunk": 26,
"infoLookingAtEntity": 23,
"infoMemoryUsage": 0,
"infoLoadedChunksCount": 31,
"infoParticleCount": 17,
"infoPing": 36,
"infoRegionFile": 29,
"infoRotationPitch": 12,
"infoRotationYaw": 11,
"infoServerTPS": 9,
"infoSlimeChunk": 22,
"infoSpeed": 13,
"infoSpeedAxis": 13,
"infoSpeedHV": 13,
"infoSprinting": 40,
"infoTileEntities": 32,
"infoTimeDayModulo": 35,
"infoTimeIRL": 1,
"infoTimeTotalModulo": 34,
"infoTimeWorld": 2,
"infoWorldTimeFormatted": 3
"Colors": {
"beaconRangeLvl1": "#20E060FF",
"beaconRangeLvl2": "#20FFB040",
"beaconRangeLvl3": "#20FFF040",
"beaconRangeLvl4": "#2060FF40",
"blockGridOverlayColor": "#80FFFFFF",
"conduitRange": "#2030FFFF",
"lightLevelMarkerBlockLit": "#FF209040",
"lightLevelMarkerDark": "#FFFF4848",
"lightLevelMarkerDim": "#FFC0C040",
"lightLevelMarkerSkyLit": "#FFFFFF33",
"lightLevelNumberBlockDark": "#FFC03030",
"lightLevelNumberBlockDim": "#FFC0C040",
"lightLevelNumberBlockLit": "#FF20FF40",
"lightLevelNumberSkyDark": "#FFFFF030",
"lightLevelNumberSkyDim": "#FFC0C030",
"lightLevelNumberSkyLit": "#FF40E0FF",
"randomTicksFixedOverlayColor": "#30F9F225",
"randomTicksPlayerOverlayColor": "#3030FE73",
"regionOverlayColor": "#30FF8019",
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"shapeSphereBlocky": "#6030B0B0",
"slimeChunksOverlayColor": "#3020F020",
"spawnPlayerEntityOverlayColor": "#302050D0",
"spawnPlayerLazyOverlayColor": "#30D030D0",
"spawnPlayerOuterOverlayColor": "#306900D2",
"spawnRealEntityOverlayColor": "#3030FF20",
"spawnRealLazyOverlayColor": "#30FF3020",
"spawnRealOuterOverlayColor": "#309D581A",
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"Generic": {
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"lightLevelRenderThrough": false,
"lightLevelSkipBlockCheck": false,
"lightLevelUnderWater": false,
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"offsetSubtitleHud": true,
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"shulkerDisplayRequireShift": true,
"sortLinesByLength": false,
"sortLinesReversed": false,
"structuresRenderThrough": false,
"useCustomizedCoordinateFormat": true,
"useFontShadow": false,
"useTextBackground": true,
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"setDistanceReferencePoint": {
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"shapeEditor": {
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"lightLevelMarkers": "square",
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"lightLevelNumbers": "block",
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"biomeOverlayRange": 4,
"biomeOverlayRangeVertical": 0,
"blockGridOverlayRadius": 32,
"coordinateFormat": "x: %.1f y: %.1f z: %.1f",
"dateFormatReal": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss",
"dateFormatMinecraft": "MC time: (day {DAY}) {HOUR}:{MIN}:xx",
"fontScale": 0.5,
"lightLevelMarkerSize": 0.84,
"lightLevelNumberOffsetBlockX": 0.26,
"lightLevelNumberOffsetBlockY": 0.32,
"lightLevelNumberOffsetSkyX": 0.42,
"lightLevelNumberOffsetSkyY": 0.56,
"lightLevelRange": 24,
"lightLevelThresholdDim": 0,
"lightLevelThresholdSafe": 1,
"lightLevelRenderOffset": 0.005,
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"slimeChunkOverlayRadius": -1,
"spawnableColumnHeightsOverlayRadius": 40,
"textPosX": 4,
"textPosY": 4,
"timeDayDivisor": 24000,
"timeTotalDivisor": 24000
"InfoTypeToggles": {
"infoBeeCount": true,
"infoBiome": false,
"infoBiomeRegistryName": false,
"infoBlockBreakSpeed": false,
"infoBlockInChunk": false,
"infoBlockPosition": false,
"infoBlockProperties": false,
"infoChunkPosition": false,
"infoChunkSections": false,
"infoChunkSectionsLine": false,
"infoChunkUpdates": false,
"infoCoordinates": true,
"infoCoordinatesScaled": false,
"infoDifficulty": false,
"infoDimensionId": false,
"infoDistance": false,
"infoEntities": false,
"infoEntitiesClientWorld": false,
"infoEntityRegistryName": false,
"infoFacing": true,
"infoFurnaceXp": false,
"infoFPS": true,
"infoHoneyLevel": false,
"infoHorseSpeed": false,
"infoHorseJump": false,
"infoLightLevel": false,
"infoLookingAtBlock": false,
"infoLookingAtBlockInChunk": false,
"infoLookingAtEntity": false,
"infoMemoryUsage": false,
"infoLoadedChunksCount": false,
"infoParticleCount": false,
"infoPing": true,
"infoRegionFile": false,
"infoRotationPitch": false,
"infoRotationYaw": false,
"infoServerTPS": true,
"infoSlimeChunk": false,
"infoSpeed": false,
"infoSpeedAxis": false,
"infoSpeedHV": false,
"infoSprinting": false,
"infoTileEntities": false,
"infoTimeDayModulo": false,
"infoTimeIRL": false,
"infoTimeTotalModulo": false,
"infoTimeWorld": false,
"infoWorldTimeFormatted": false
"InfoHotkeys": {
"infoBeeCount": {
"keys": ""
"infoBiome": {
"keys": ""
"infoBiomeRegistryName": {
"keys": ""
"infoBlockBreakSpeed": {
"keys": ""
"infoBlockInChunk": {
"keys": ""
"infoBlockPosition": {
"keys": ""
"infoBlockProperties": {
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"infoChunkPosition": {
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"infoChunkSections": {
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"infoChunkSectionsLine": {
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"infoChunkUpdates": {
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"infoCoordinates": {
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"infoCoordinatesScaled": {
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"infoDifficulty": {
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"infoDimensionId": {
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"infoEntities": {
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"infoEntitiesClientWorld": {
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"infoEntityRegistryName": {
"keys": ""
"infoFacing": {
"keys": ""
"infoFurnaceXp": {
"keys": ""
"infoFPS": {
"keys": ""
"infoHoneyLevel": {
"keys": ""
"infoHorseSpeed": {
"keys": ""
"infoHorseJump": {
"keys": ""
"infoLightLevel": {
"keys": ""
"infoLookingAtBlock": {
"keys": ""
"infoLookingAtBlockInChunk": {
"keys": ""
"infoLookingAtEntity": {
"keys": ""
"infoMemoryUsage": {
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"infoLoadedChunksCount": {
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"infoParticleCount": {
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"infoPing": {
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"infoRegionFile": {
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"infoRotationPitch": {
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"infoRotationYaw": {
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"infoServerTPS": {
"keys": ""
"infoSlimeChunk": {
"keys": ""
"infoSpeed": {
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"infoSpeedAxis": {
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"infoSpeedHV": {
"keys": ""
"infoSprinting": {
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"infoTileEntities": {
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"infoTimeDayModulo": {
"keys": ""
"infoTimeIRL": {
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"infoTimeTotalModulo": {
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"infoTimeWorld": {
"keys": ""
"infoWorldTimeFormatted": {
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"RendererToggles": {
"overlayBeaconRange": false,
"overlayBiomeBorder": false,
"overlayBlockGrid": false,
"overlayConduitRange": false,
"overlayLightLevel": false,
"overlayRandomTicksFixed": false,
"overlayRandomTicksPlayer": false,
"overlayRegionFile": false,
"overlaySlimeChunks": false,
"overlaySpawnableColumnHeights": false,
"overlaySpawnChunkReal": false,
"overlaySpawnChunkPlayer": false,
"overlayStructureMainToggle": false,
"shapeRenderer": false,
"debugChunkBorder": false,
"debugChunkInfo": false,
"debugChunkOcclusion": false,
"debugCollisionBoxEnabled": false,
"debugNeighborsUpdateEnabled": false,
"debugPathfindingEnabled": false,
"debugSolidFaceEnabled": false,
"debugWaterEnabled": false
"RendererHotkeys": {
"overlayBeaconRange": {
"keys": ""
"overlayBiomeBorder": {
"keys": ""
"overlayBlockGrid": {
"keys": ""
"overlayConduitRange": {
"keys": ""
"overlayLightLevel": {
"keys": "KP_0"
"overlayRandomTicksFixed": {
"keys": ""
"overlayRandomTicksPlayer": {
"keys": ""
"overlayRegionFile": {
"keys": ""
"overlaySlimeChunks": {
"keys": ""
"overlaySpawnableColumnHeights": {
"keys": ""
"overlaySpawnChunkReal": {
"keys": ""
"overlaySpawnChunkPlayer": {
"keys": ""
"overlayStructureMainToggle": {
"keys": ""
"shapeRenderer": {
"keys": ""
"debugChunkBorder": {
"keys": ""
"debugChunkInfo": {
"keys": ""
"debugChunkOcclusion": {
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"debugCollisionBoxEnabled": {
"keys": ""
"debugNeighborsUpdateEnabled": {
"keys": ""
"debugPathfindingEnabled": {
"keys": ""
"debugSolidFaceEnabled": {
"keys": ""
"debugWaterEnabled": {
"keys": ""
"StructureColors": {
"Bastion Remnant Main": "#302171F5",
"Bastion Remnant Components": "#302171F5",
"Buried Treasure Main": "#302298E6",
"Buried Treasure Components": "#302298E6",
"Desert Pyramid Main": "#30FFFF00",
"Desert Pyramid Components": "#30FFFF00",
"End City Main": "#30EB07EB",
"End City Components": "#30EB07EB",
"Igloo Main": "#300FAFE4",
"Igloo Components": "#300FAFE4",
"Jungle Temple Main": "#3099FF00",
"Jungle Temple Components": "#3099FF00",
"Mansion Main": "#30FF6500",
"Mansion Components": "#30FF6500",
"Mineshaft Main": "#30F8D650",
"Mineshaft Components": "#30F8D650",
"Nether Fortress Main": "#30FC381D",
"Nether Fortress Components": "#30FC381D",
"Nether Fossil Main": "#30868E99",
"Nether Fossil Components": "#30868E99",
"Ocean Monument Main": "#3029E6EF",
"Ocean Monument Components": "#3029E6EF",
"Ocean Ruin Main": "#300FAD83",
"Ocean Ruin Components": "#300FAD83",
"Pillager Outpost Main": "#300FAD83",
"Pillager Outpost Components": "#300FAD83",
"Ruined Portal Main": "#309F03D3",
"Ruined Portal Components": "#309F03D3",
"Shipwreck Main": "#30EB1995",
"Shipwreck Components": "#30EB1995",
"Stronghold Main": "#30009999",
"Stronghold Components": "#30009999",
"Village Main": "#3054CB4E",
"Village Components": "#3054CB4E",
"Witch Hut Main": "#30BE1DFC",
"Witch Hut Components": "#300099FF",
"Unknown Main": "#50FFFFFF",
"Unknown Components": "#50FFFFFF"
"StructureHotkeys": {
"Toggle Bastion Remnant": {
"keys": ""
"Toggle Buried Treasure": {
"keys": ""
"Toggle Desert Pyramid": {
"keys": ""
"Toggle End City": {
"keys": ""
"Toggle Igloo": {
"keys": ""
"Toggle Jungle Temple": {
"keys": ""
"Toggle Mansion": {
"keys": ""
"Toggle Mineshaft": {
"keys": ""
"Toggle Nether Fortress": {
"keys": ""
"Toggle Nether Fossil": {
"keys": ""
"Toggle Ocean Monument": {
"keys": ""
"Toggle Ocean Ruin": {
"keys": ""
"Toggle Pillager Outpost": {
"keys": ""
"Toggle Ruined Portal": {
"keys": ""
"Toggle Shipwreck": {
"keys": ""
"Toggle Stronghold": {
"keys": ""
"Toggle Village": {
"keys": ""
"Toggle Witch Hut": {
"keys": ""
"Toggle Unknown": {
"keys": ""
"StructureToggles": {
"Bastion Remnant": false,
"Buried Treasure": false,
"Desert Pyramid": false,
"End City": false,
"Igloo": false,
"Jungle Temple": false,
"Mansion": false,
"Mineshaft": false,
"Nether Fortress": false,
"Nether Fossil": false,
"Ocean Monument": false,
"Ocean Ruin": false,
"Pillager Outpost": false,
"Ruined Portal": false,
"Shipwreck": false,
"Stronghold": false,
"Village": false,
"Witch Hut": false,
"Unknown": false
"config_version": 1

config/modmenu.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
"sorting": "ascending",
"count_libraries": true,
"compact_list": false,
"count_children": true,
"mods_button_style": "classic",
"count_hidden_mods": true,
"mod_count_location": "title_screen",
"hide_mod_links": false,
"show_libraries": false,
"hide_mod_license": false,
"hide_badges": false,
"hide_mod_credits": false,
"easter_eggs": true,
"modify_title_screen": true,
"modify_game_menu": true,
"hide_config_buttons": false,
"hidden_mods": []

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
//Welcome to Mo'Structures Config!
//This config used to allow you to modify our mod's structures.
//However, Mojang changed the way structures were done.
//Now, most of our structures are fully in code.
//The purpose of this config file is to lead users to find
//the necessary resources needed to modify our structures.
//And, this is a good change.
//Not only can you now modify the generation of a structure, but you will also get
//to modify the biomes they spawn in and as much other stuff.
//All you need to know is that you will have to find
//how to make structure datapacks and use that knowledge
//to modify Mo' Structures.
//To modify the chance of a structure spawning, you will have to work with
//datapack structure_sets.
//To modify biomes, you will only have to use tags, a convenient way to modify the mod.
//To modify the structures to avoid collision to, you will also have to work with structure_sets.
//To modify the height range the terrain around the structures may be, you will also have to work iwth structure_sets.
//Go to Frqnny's Discord for questions; link is in the curseforge page.
//Below is a lilboolean, do whatever you want with him.
"lilboolean": true

config/mousewheelie.hjson Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
// General settings
general: {
// Sets the interval in milliseconds in which certain packets are fired.
// Lower numbers increase the speed but might be rejected by servers.
// default: 10
// Must be greater or equal to 1
interaction-rate: 10
// Enables using armor/elytra items to swap them with the currently equipped item.
// default: true
enable-quick-armor-swapping: true
// Enables dropping items when pressing alt and clicking on them.
// default: true
enable-alt-dropping: true
// Enables right-clicking in recipe books/villager trading to swiftly craft/trade.
// default: true
enable-quick-craft: true
// This option will treat the hotbar as a separate scope.
// This means that pushing the inventory or sorting the main inventory will not affect the hotbar and vice-versa.
// default: true
hotbar-scope: true
// This helps when you regularly move your mouse faster than the game can pick up.
// This will impact performance though.
// default: false
better-fast-dragging: false
// Sets the interval in milliseconds for singleplayer and local multiplayer.
// default: 1
// Must be greater or equal to 1
integrated-interaction-rate: 1
// Whether item types should check nbt data.
// This is for example used by scrolling and drop-clicking.
// NONE disables this, ALL checks for exactly the same nbt and SOME allows for differences in damage and echantments.
// default: SOME
item-kinds-nbt-match-mode: SOME
scrolling: {
// Enables scrolling of stacks
// default: true
enable: true
// Invert the scroll direction when scrolling items
// default: false
invert: false
// If enabled items will be moved according to whether your scrolling up or down.
// If disabled you will scroll to change the amount of items present (up will increase - down will decrease
// default: true
directional-scrolling: true
// Sets whether to by default scroll items
// out of the creative menu.
// default: true
scroll-creative-menu-items: true
// Sets whether creative mode tabs can
// be switched by scrolling over them.
// default: true
scroll-creative-menu-tabs: true
// Change sort modes. Existing sort modes are ALPHABET, RAW_ID and QUANTITY
sort: {
// Sets the sort mode for normal sorting.
// default: raw_id
primary-sort: raw_id
// Sets the sort mode for sorting whilst pressing shift.
// default: quantity
shift-sort: quantity
// Sets the sort mode for sorting whilst pressing control.
// default: alphabet
control-sort: alphabet
// Configure refill related stuff here.
refill: {
// Refills stacks in the off hand
// default: true
off-hand: true
// Refill when eating items
// default: true
eat: true
// Refill when dropping items
// default: true
drop: true
// Refill when using up items
// default: true
use: true
// Refill on other occasions
// default: true
other: true
// Enable/Disable specific rules for how to refill items
rules: {
// Tries to find any block items
// default: false
any-block: false
// Find items of the same item group
// default: false
itemgroup: false
// Try to find similar items through the item type hierarchy
// default: false
item-hierarchy: false
// Try to find similar block items through the block type hierarchy
// default: false
block-hierarchy: false
// Try to find other food items
// default: false
food: false
// Try to find equal items (no nbt matching)
// default: true
equal-items: true
// Try to find equal stacks (nbt matching
// default: true
equal-stacks: true
// Restore the refilled item to the originally selected slot.
// This will take a tad more time. You might want to turn this off on slow connections.
// default: true
restore-selected-slot: true
// Configure picking the correct tool for the currently faced block.
tool-picking: {
// Pick correct tool when middle clicking whilst holding a tool.
// default: true
hold-tool: true
// Pick correct tool when middle clicking whilst holding the same block as faced.
// default: false
hold-block: false
// Allows picking tools from the inventory.
// If disabled picking will only happen from the hotbar.
// default: true
pick-from-inventory: true

config/noindium.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
//Whether the 'missing indium' screen can show up. This config value is set to false if the user uses the checkbox.
"showIndiumScreen": true,
//Whether the 'remove optifabric' screen can show up. This config value is set to false if the user uses the checkbox.
"showOptifabricScreen": true,
//Allow the user to proceed to the Title Screen even if one of the screens shows up. Setting this to false also removes the checkbox.
"allowToProceed": true

config/okzoomer.json5 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
features: {
// Defines the cinematic camera while zooming.
// "OFF" disables the cinematic camera.
// "VANILLA" uses Vanilla's cinematic camera.
// "MULTIPLIED" is a multiplied variant of "VANILLA".
cinematic_camera: "OFF",
// Reduces the mouse sensitivity when zooming.
reduce_sensitivity: true,
// Adds transitions between zooms.
// "OFF" disables transitions.
// "SMOOTH" replicates Vanilla's dynamic FOV.
// "LINEAR" removes the smoothiness.
zoom_transition: "SMOOTH",
// The behavior of the zoom key.
// "HOLD" needs the zoom key to be hold.
// "TOGGLE" has the zoom key toggle the zoom.
// "PERSISTENT" makes the zoom permanent.
zoom_mode: "HOLD",
// Allows to increase or decrease zoom by scrolling.
zoom_scrolling: true,
// Adds zoom manipulation keys along with the zoom key.
extra_keybinds: true,
// Adds an overlay in the screen during zoom.
// "VIGNETTE" uses a vignette as the overlay.
// "SPYGLASS" uses the spyglass overlay with the vignette texture.
// The vignette texture can be found at: assets/okzoomer/textures/misc/zoom_overlay.png
zoom_overlay: "OFF"
values: {
// The divisor applied to the FOV when zooming.
zoom_divisor: 4.0,
// The minimum value that you can scroll down.
minimum_zoom_divisor: 1.0,
// The maximum value that you can scroll down.
maximum_zoom_divisor: 50.0,
// The number which is decremented or incremented by zoom scrolling.
// Used when the zoom divisor is above the starting point.
scroll_step: 1.0,
// The number which is decremented or incremented by zoom scrolling.
// Used when the zoom divisor is below the starting point.
lesser_scroll_step: 0.5,
// The multiplier used for smooth transitions.
smooth_multiplier: 0.75,
// The multiplier used for the multiplied cinematic camera.
cinematic_multiplier: 4.0,
// The minimum value which the linear transition step can reach.
minimum_linear_step: 0.125,
// The maximum value which the linear transition step can reach.
maximum_linear_step: 0.25
tweaks: {
// Allows for resetting the zoom with the middle mouse button.
reset_zoom_with_mouse: true,
// If pressed, the "Save Toolbar Activator" keybind will be unbound if there's a conflict with the zoom key.
unbind_conflicting_key: false,
// If enabled, the spyglass overlay texture is used instead of Ok Zoomer's overlay texture.
use_spyglass_texture: false,
// If enabled, the zoom will use spyglass sounds on zooming in and out.
use_spyglass_sounds: false,
// Shows toasts when the server imposes a restriction.
show_restriction_toasts: true,
// Prints a random owo in the console when the game starts. Enabled by default until full release.
print_owo_on_start: true

config/origins_server.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
"performVersionCheck": true,
"origins": {
"origins:enderian": {
"enabled": true,
"origins:throw_ender_pearl": true,
"origins:water_vulnerability": true,
"origins:pumpkin_hate": true,
"origins:extra_reach": true,
"origins:ender_particles": true,
"origins:damage_from_potions": true
"moborigins:witch": {
"enabled": true,
"moborigins:better_potions": true,
"moborigins:potion_action": true,
"moborigins:witch_particles": true,
"moborigins:pillager_aligned": true,
"moborigins:illager": true
"moborigins:drowned": {
"enabled": true,
"moborigins:trident_expert": true,
"moborigins:water_vision": true,
"moborigins:guardian_ally": true,
"moborigins:water_combatant": true,
"moborigins:undead": true,
"moborigins:zombie_hunger": true,
"moborigins:surface_slowness": true,
"origins:carnivore": true
"origins:human": {
"enabled": true
"moborigins:evoker": {
"enabled": true,
"moborigins:summon_fangs": true,
"moborigins:lower_totem_chance": true,
"moborigins:pillager_aligned": true,
"moborigins:illager": true
"origins:feline": {
"enabled": true,
"origins:fall_immunity": true,
"origins:sprint_jump": true,
"origins:velvet_paws": true,
"origins:nine_lives": true,
"origins:weak_arms": true,
"origins:scare_creepers": true,
"origins:cat_vision": true
"origins:elytrian": {
"enabled": true,
"origins:elytra": true,
"origins:launch_into_air": true,
"origins:aerial_combatant": true,
"origins:light_armor": true,
"origins:claustrophobia": true,
"origins:more_kinetic_damage": true
"origins:shulk": {
"enabled": true,
"origins:shulker_inventory": true,
"origins:natural_armor": true,
"origins:strong_arms": true,
"origins:strong_arms_break_speed": true,
"origins:no_shield": true,
"origins:more_exhaustion": true
"moborigins:bee": {
"enabled": true,
"moborigins:stinger": true,
"moborigins:flower_power": true,
"moborigins:queen_bee": true,
"moborigins:small_bug": true,
"moborigins:bee_wings": true,
"origins:vegetarian": true
"moborigins:guardian": {
"enabled": true,
"moborigins:guardian_spikes": true,
"moborigins:guardian_ally": true,
"moborigins:prismarine_skin": true,
"moborigins:surface_weakness": true,
"moborigins:slippery": true,
"origins:water_breathing": true,
"origins:water_vision": true,
"origins:aqua_affinity": true,
"origins:swim_speed": true,
"origins:like_water": true,
"origins:aquatic": true,
"origins:conduit_power_on_land": true,
"origins:air_from_potions": true
"origins:merling": {
"enabled": true,
"origins:water_breathing": true,
"origins:water_vision": true,
"origins:aqua_affinity": true,
"origins:swim_speed": true,
"origins:like_water": true,
"origins:aquatic": true,
"origins:conduit_power_on_land": true,
"origins:air_from_potions": true
"origins:phantom": {
"enabled": true,
"origins:phantomize": true,
"origins:translucent": true,
"origins:phasing": true,
"origins:invisibility": true,
"origins:burn_in_daylight": true,
"origins:hunger_over_time": true,
"origins:fragile": true,
"origins:phantomize_overlay": true
"moborigins:wolf": {
"enabled": true,
"moborigins:wolf_body": true,
"moborigins:full_moon": true,
"moborigins:alpha_wolf": true,
"moborigins:wolf_howl": true,
"moborigins:wolf_pack": true,
"origins:carnivore": true
"origins:arachnid": {
"enabled": true,
"origins:climbing": true,
"origins:master_of_webs": true,
"origins:carnivore": true,
"origins:fragile": true,
"origins:arthropod": true
"origins:blazeborn": {
"enabled": true,
"origins:fire_immunity": true,
"origins:nether_spawn": true,
"origins:burning_wrath": true,
"origins:hotblooded": true,
"origins:water_vulnerability": true,
"origins:flame_particles": true,
"origins:damage_from_snowballs": true,
"origins:damage_from_potions": true
"moborigins:elder_guardian": {
"enabled": true,
"moborigins:elder_spikes": true,
"moborigins:elder_magic": true,
"moborigins:mining_fatigue_immune": true,
"moborigins:guardian_ally": true,
"moborigins:prismarine_skin": true,
"moborigins:surface_weakness": true,
"moborigins:slippery": true,
"origins:water_breathing": true,
"origins:water_vision": true,
"origins:aqua_affinity": true,
"origins:swim_speed": true,
"origins:like_water": true,
"origins:aquatic": true,
"origins:conduit_power_on_land": true,
"origins:air_from_potions": true
"origins:avian": {
"enabled": true,
"origins:slow_falling": true,
"origins:fresh_air": true,
"origins:like_air": true,
"origins:tailwind": true,
"origins:lay_eggs": true,
"origins:vegetarian": true
"moborigins:fox": {
"enabled": true,
"moborigins:timid_creature": true,
"moborigins:better_berries": true,
"moborigins:careful_gatherer": true,
"moborigins:item_collector": true,
"moborigins:sly": true,
"moborigins:small_fox": true
"moborigins:snowgolem": {
"enabled": true,
"origins:water_vulnerability": true,
"moborigins:temperature": true,
"moborigins:overheat": true,
"moborigins:melting": true,
"moborigins:stronger_snowballs": true,
"moborigins:snow_trail": true,
"moborigins:frigid_strength": true
"moborigins:slime": {
"enabled": true,
"moborigins:bouncy": true,
"moborigins:slime_color": true,
"moborigins:split": true,
"moborigins:small_weak": true,
"origins:fall_immunity": true
"moborigins:strider": {
"enabled": true,
"origins:fire_immunity": true,
"origins:nether_spawn": true,
"origins:water_vulnerability": true,
"moborigins:lava_walk": true,
"moborigins:surface_slowness": true,
"moborigins:rideable_creature": true,
"moborigins:strider_shake": true,
"moborigins:warped_fungus_eater": true

config/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#PlayerAbilityLib configuration file
#If alwaysLogTamperWarnings is set to false, external update messages will be logged only once per game session
#Sat Aug 27 19:59:45 MSK 2022

config/patchouli.json5 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
// Set this to true to disable advancement locking for ALL books, making all entries visible at all times. Config Flag: advancements_disabled
"disableAdvancementLocking": false,
// Granular list of Book ID's to disable advancement locking for, e.g. [ "botania:lexicon" ]. Config Flags: advancements_disabled_<bookid>
"noAdvancementBooks": [],
// Enable testing mode. By default this doesn't do anything, but you can use the config flag in your books if you want. Config Flag: testing_mode
"testingMode": false,
// Set this to the ID of a book to have it show up in players' inventories, replacing the recipe book.
"inventoryButtonBook": "",
// Set this to true to use Shift instead of Ctrl for the inventory quick lookup feature.
"useShiftForQuickLookup": false,
// Set how to handle text overflow: OVERFLOW the text off the page, TRUNCATE overflowed text, or RESIZE everything to fit. Relogin after changing.
"textOverflowMode": "RESIZE"

config/power_config.json5 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
"resourcesAndCooldowns": {
"hudOffsetX": 0,
"hudOffsetY": 0
"tooltips": {
"showUsabilityHints": true,
"compactUsabilityHints": false
"executeCommand": {
"permissionLevel": 2,
"showOutput": false

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"importModdedItems": true,
"blacklistedRSLoottablesFromImportingModdedItems": ""

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"requireHoe": true,
"harvestInRadius": true,
"useHunger": true

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"time": 80,
"fade": 20,
"resolution": "Normal",
"disableCamera": true,
"archiveScreenshots": false,
"updateWorldIcon": false

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
"exhaustionPerHarvest": 0.005,
"additionalLogging": false,
"crops": {
"wheatEnabled": true,
"wheatStage": 7,
"netherWartEnabled": true,
"netherWartStage": 3,
"carrotEnabled": true,
"carrotStage": 7,
"potatoEnabled": true,
"potatoStage": 7,
"beetrootEnabled": true,
"beetrootStage": 3

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
"quality": {
"weather_quality": "DEFAULT",
"leaves_quality": "DEFAULT",
"enable_vignette": true
"advanced": {
"arena_memory_allocator": "ASYNC",
"allow_direct_memory_access": true,
"enable_memory_tracing": false,
"use_advanced_staging_buffers": true,
"cpu_render_ahead_limit": 3
"performance": {
"chunk_builder_threads": 0,
"always_defer_chunk_updates": false,
"animate_only_visible_textures": true,
"use_entity_culling": true,
"use_adaptive_sync": true,
"use_particle_culling": true,
"use_fog_occlusion": true,
"use_block_face_culling": true
"notifications": {
"hide_donation_button": true

config/things.json5 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
// Whether gleaming ore should generate. Unless you plan on making custom recipes, turning this off is a bad idea
"generateGleamingOre": true,
// Disables trinket support for apples
"appleTrinket": true,
// How much faster the wax gland should make you
"waxGlandMultiplier": 10.0,
// The base durability of the infernal scepter
"infernalScepterDurability": 64,
// Whether Things should prevent beacons from giving someone haste when they already have momentum
"nerfBeaconsWithMomentum": true,
// Globally disables Things trinket rendering
"renderTrinkets": true,
// Only disables trinket rendering for apples
"renderAppleTrinket": true,
// Whether container blocks locked by a Container Key should be unbreakable
"makeLockedContainersUnbreakable": false,
// How many ender pearls the displacement tome uses per teleport
"displacementTomeFuelConsumption": 1,
// How much walking speed the socks should add per level, base is 0.1, default is 0.02
"sockPerLevelSpeedAmplifier": 0.019999999552965164,
"effectLevels": {
"mossNecklaceRegen": 2,
"miningGloveMomentum": 2,
"riotGauntletStrength": 1

config/visuality.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
"slimeEnabled": true,
"chargeEnabled": true,
"sparkleEnabled": true,
"soulEnabled": true,
"waterCircles": {
"density": 10,
"radius": 16,
"enabled": true,
"colored": true
"hitParticlesEnabled": true,
"hitParticleEntries": [
"shinyArmorEnabled": true,
"shinyArmorEntries": [
"shinyBlocksEnabled": true,
"shinyBlockEntries": [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"brewingstand": true,
"jukebox": true,
"jukebox_fake_block": true,
"furnace": true,
"smoker_particles": true,
"blast_furnace_particles": true,
"coloredItems": true,
"coloredLilypad": true,
"potionEnchantmentGlint": true

config/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
#Configuration file for VMP
#Mon Aug 29 00:16:57 MSK 2022

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"blocks": [
"blockEntityTypes": [],
"entityTypes": [
"configVersion": 0,
"pluginHash": [

config/waila/waila.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
"general": {
"displayTooltip": true,
"shiftForDetails": false,
"displayMode": "TOGGLE",
"hideFromPlayerList": true,
"hideFromDebug": true,
"enableTextToSpeech": false,
"rateLimit": 250,
"maxHealthForRender": 40,
"maxHeartsPerLine": 10
"overlay": {
"position": {
"align": {
"x": "CENTER",
"y": "TOP"
"anchor": {
"x": "CENTER",
"y": "TOP"
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"bossBarsOverlap": false
"color": {
"alpha": 80,
"themes": [
"id": "waila:dark",
"backgroundColor": 1250067,
"gradientStart": 3684408,
"gradientEnd": 2368548,
"fontColor": 10526880
"id": "waila:vanilla",
"backgroundColor": 1048592,
"gradientStart": 5243135,
"gradientEnd": 2621567,
"fontColor": 10526880
"activeTheme": "waila:vanilla"
"scale": 1.0
"formatter": {
"modName": "§9§o%s",
"blockName": "§f%s",
"fluidName": "§f%s",
"entityName": "§f%s",
"registryName": "§8%s"
"configVersion": 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"waila": {
"show_blocks": true,
"show_fluids": false,
"show_entities": true,
"show_icon": true,
"show_mod_name": true,
"show_registry": false,
"show_entity_hp": true,
"show_states": false,
"show_pos": false
"minecraft": {
"item_entity": true,
"override.infested": true,
"override.trapped_chest": true,
"override.powder_snow": true,
"pet.owner": true,
"furnace_contents": true,
"jukebox.record": true,
"spawner_type": true,
"crop_progress": true,
"redstone.lever": true,
"redstone.repeater": true,
"redstone.comparator": true,
"redstone.level": true,
"": true,
"level.composter": true,
"level.honey": true,
"note_block.type": true,
"note_block.note": "SHARP",
"note_block.int_value": false,
"pet.hide_unknown_owner": false

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
"worldgen": {
"generate_in_villages": true,
"village_waystone_weight": 5
"teleportation_cost": {
"cost_type": "level",
"cost_item": "minecraft:ender_pearl",
"base_cost": 1,
"cost_per_block_distance": 0.0,
"cost_multiplier_between_dimensions": 1.0
"discover_with_item": "none",
"take_amount_from_discover_item": 0,
"consume_infinite_knowledge_scroll_on_use": false,
"consume_local_void_on_use": true,
"free_local_void_teleport": true,
"store_waystone_data_on_sneak_break": true,
"can_owners_redeem_payments": false,
"waystone_block_hardness": 4.0,
"waystone_block_required_mining_level": 1,
"prevent_non_owners_from_breaking_waystone": false,
"can_players_toggle_global_mode": true,
"teleportation_cooldown": {
"cooldown_ticks_when_hurt": 0,
"cooldown_ticks_from_abyss_watcher": 0,
"cooldown_ticks_from_pocket_wormhole": 0,
"cooldown_ticks_from_local_void": 0,
"cooldown_ticks_from_waystone": 0

config/yttr.css Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
/* Yttr config file. Based on a subset of CSS. My crusade to make cursed configs continues... */
#general {
* If set to "on", some quality-of-life changes to compensate for latency will be made. However,
* these changes also make cheating easier, so they should only be used on a whitelisted server
* with a trusted playerbase.
* Currently, this causes the rifle firing system to trust the player instead of performing
* timing on the server side. This makes timing firing the rifle feel much better, but a hacked
* client can get perfect shots every time.
trust-players: off;
* If set to "on", enables inside-jokes and various chaos. Nothing destructive.
shenanigans: on;
* If set to "on", Overworld void holes created through other means than a Bedrock Breaker (e.g.
* creative breaking) will still create Void Geysers. Turn this off if you have other mods that
* need void holes for their own reasons.
convert-void-holes: on;
#client {
* If set to "on", cleaved slopes will try to feel smooth. Kind of buggy, but when it works it's
* awesome.
slope-smoothing: on;
* If set to "on", force-disables OpenGL compatibility mode. "auto" acts as "on" on macOS, and
* "off" everywhere else.
* Running Yttr under the OpenGL Core Profile is NOT SUPPORTED, and may lead to RENDER BUGS and
force-opengl-core: auto;
* The color of the ingame configuration menu.
config-color: pink;
#rifle {
* If set to "off", the Void rifle mode will be disabled. It provides an easy way to destroy
* massive amounts of blocks very cheaply (once sufficiently far into Yttr's progression) and
* can be a griefing tool.
* Yttr adds a command, /yttr:void_undo, that allows operators to undo individual voids or all
* voids performed by a player. Additionally, voids are logged to console.
* If that's not enough for you, this nuclear option off switch is offered.
allow-void: on;
* If set to "off", the Explode rifle mode will be disabled. It provides a relatively cheap way
* to create normal vanilla explosions. If set to "soft", the explosions will not break any
* blocks, but will still damage entities and set off Bedrock Breakers.
* DISABLING THIS BREAKS YTTR'S PROGRESSION. You need to provide an alternate way to create
* Void Geysers and obtain Bedrock Shards. If you are afraid of explosions, it's recommended to
* use "soft" rather than "off".
allow-explode: on;
* If set to "off", the Fire rifle mode will be disabled. It provides a way to light fires, and
* destroy blocks in #yttr:fire_mode_instabreak instantly.
allow-fire: on;
#worldgen {
* Generate Gadolinite ore in the overworld, a source of Yttrium and Neodymium, plus a bonus
* source of iron.
* DISABLING THIS BREAKS YTTR'S PROGRESSION. You need to provide an alternate way to get
* Yttrium and Neodymium.
gadolinite: on;
* Generate Brookite ore in the overworld, an ore specifically for tools and decorative blocks.
* In the future, Yttr progression will require Brookite; for now, disabling this is safe.
brookite: on;
* Generate Squeeze Trees in the overworld, providing an easy source of sponges, Delicace, and
* a convenient way to flood areas with water.
* Squeeze Trees are not required for Yttr progression.
squeeze-trees: on;
* Generate the Wasteland biome.
* The Wasteland is not required for Yttr progression.
wasteland: on;
* Replace the Nether's bottom bedrock with unremovable "Core Lava" and barriers. This exists
* to help tie together Yttr's lore, but it provides an easy source of infinite lava, may break
* other mods that expect bedrock under the nether, and it's hard to get out of if you fall in.
core-lava: on;
* Replace the Nether's ceiling and top bedrock with the "Scorched Summit", a new biome.
* In the future, Yttr progression will require visiting the Summit; for now, disabling this is
* safe.
* If you're concerned about balance, accessing the Nether ceiling is already a solved problem
* without any mods. Just removing the bedrock and providing this much more interesting
* replacement makes more sense than you think.
scorched: on;
* Perform Scorched retrogeneration in Nether chunks that still have bedrock.
* Won't destroy existing structures.
scorched-retrogen: on;
* Generate "Roots of Continuity" on the underside of small End islands.
* DISABLING THIS BREAKS YTTR'S PROGRESSION. You need to provide an alternate way to access
* Drops of Continuity.
continuity: on;

index.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,735 @@
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hash = "82549a703487c950c47201456e6d4d12da424dbeb6c583ff49b432fa6b909f192c7909cde9564d92bff96792b90262518fbd7110ad040d088cd6d29791498f1b"
mod-id = "kKwy3HU9"
version = "JB2PhlW1"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
name = "Better Ping Display [Fabric]"
filename = "BetterPingDisplay-Fabric-1.19-1.1.1.jar"
side = "client"
url = ""
hash-format = "sha1"
hash = "619331a589027fe5bc8bf401afb076bcf0ecc6c0"
mod-id = "MS1ZMyR7"
version = "bjFzDt1o"

mods/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
name = "Blur (Fabric)"
filename = "blur-2.6.0.jar"
side = "client"
mode = "url"
url = ""
hash-format = "sha512"
hash = "73a44c706ec38907e1dadf41c3dd98ddf06c771ee03d10a45bc129a50a4b54f363179d594227bfdb4c23def2622fb3c56c0c0204d4cd0df2eaea3304352cb2f2"
mod-id = "NK39zBp2"
version = "S0scZppQ"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
name = "Boat Item View"
filename = "Boat-Item-View-Fabric-1.19.1-1.19.2-0.0.4.jar"
side = "client"
url = ""
hash-format = "sha1"
hash = "8f0540293306a2b514b9d2229c88b27ad48ffe3d"
mod-id = "BdKIyOLe"
version = "6ntFgSkW"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
name = "Bosses of Mass Destruction"
filename = "BOMD-1.4.2-1.19.jar"
side = "both"
mode = "metadata:curseforge"
url = ""
hash-format = "sha1"
hash = "24e519fa0ccf775ecfa60a3ef10365d185218f0d"
file-id = 3931112
project-id = 438365

mods/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
name = "Concurrent Chunk Management Engine"
filename = "c2me-fabric-mc1.19.2-0.2.0+alpha.8.37.jar"
side = "both"
mode = "url"
url = ""
hash-format = "sha512"
hash = "089bc7039560d0a10b33ea8ebaf6898b8ce0932dcb4cd0fba450ba706ffa03b64f8f08a45fadb76eb2090e74427bb53d65cf202af5beb4b850b913f584485f32"
mod-id = "VSNURh3q"
version = "4JyDag4R"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
name = "Capybara [Fabric]"
filename = "capybara-1.19-1.0.5.jar"
side = "both"
mode = "metadata:curseforge"
url = ""
hash-format = "sha1"
hash = "9ebac318a16780ec2575df9d3d19c05fc81f109f"
file-id = 3846866
project-id = 549031

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
name = "Cardinal Components API"
filename = "cardinal-components-api-5.0.1.jar"
side = "both"
mode = "metadata:curseforge"
url = ""
hash-format = "sha1"
hash = "5a7b5e83ca14115934b01ae8840474c6446a45ec"
file-id = 3858315
project-id = 318449

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
name = "CC: Restitched"
filename = "cc-restitched-1.101.2.jar"
side = "both"
mode = "url"
url = ""
hash-format = "sha512"
hash = "c1c3b80489ce7341135c06dadf9a9f344ad4ef5165699aa56364e7cb4d585b0b02a3407a3bb7f3884b0cd33655362e04c247c2c0b7dbfc9faa69d3564ce3f30a"
mod-id = "eldBwa5V"
version = "3S6HU7nl"

mods/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
name = "Charm"
filename = "charm-fabric-1.19.2-4.2.2.jar"
side = "both"
mode = "url"
url = ""
hash-format = "sha512"
hash = "0a74806e220c91f87308c76b16c64b1fe9aeb3d813ee0d417b4e5a0e7661d0f295888ee66d4fac36faa8d40cc5c1a9429f8c08c3017703831ade6675491e5325"
mod-id = "pOQTcQmj"
version = "UlK9nEGG"

mods/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
name = "Charmonium"
filename = "charmonium-fabric-1.19-4.1.0.jar"
side = "client"
url = ""
hash-format = "sha1"
hash = "b2c270fdf3a497d5e6997331690521eb94deeb91"
mod-id = "bpii4Xsa"
version = "5R346bKJ"

mods/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
name = "Clean Chat"
filename = "cleanchat-1.0.0+1.19.1.jar"
side = "both"
mode = "url"
url = ""
hash-format = "sha512"
hash = "8290d7def50d981ee245a647b9a615f81b9db89f800e02309547f564e379c2ac02576ed657e3c99704ac53f27bd2796dde39c3d1c84dd6e1a2876d2ba7c94920"
mod-id = "9FbtEclR"
version = "42PJCKZQ"

mods/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
name = "Cloth Config API"
filename = "cloth-config-8.0.75-fabric.jar"
side = "both"
mode = "url"
url = ""
hash-format = "sha512"
hash = "a6fb5bbb4ddd14ecb3a907e48a3ce2485430e4713a8b0326b001c4a25ed2c1d9e36e1279f3bbb99e8cabcf13801eff0d43563c3505ee80687347f73212661923"
mod-id = "9s6osm5g"
version = "hg9bSXT3"

mods/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
name = "Croptopia"
filename = "Croptopia-1.19.2-FABRIC-2.1.0.jar"
side = "both"
mode = "metadata:curseforge"
url = ""
hash-format = "sha1"
hash = "5db488049857ed3918d25b4c4c1f80687b4e2885"
file-id = 3947783
project-id = 415438

mods/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
name = "Cull Leaves"
filename = "cullleaves-2.3.4.jar"
side = "client"
mode = "url"
url = ""
hash-format = "sha512"
hash = "407f80facdb1952e281697759302e1d28d5f459f0193630414f6c0252c2917fe77b7f48daaf70ef2814315948c9e4240278ddaf301b7150aa70ff5e4e0846c22"
mod-id = "GNxdLCoP"
version = "NbNf9rLK"

mods/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
name = "Debugify"
filename = "Debugify-2.5.0.jar"
side = "both"
mode = "url"
url = ""
hash-format = "sha512"
hash = "51057a50a9369061d8bcfdd4f78988a9cf43cc24421e6c0df02d06f993446f99290b77203ddc077a1c36a89f9260facf6e3b6e28915d2118965d51a23df96dc3"
mod-id = "QwxR6Gcd"
version = "KB2xqwsT"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
name = "Decorative Blocks"
filename = "Decorative Blocks-fabric-1.19.2-3.0.0.jar"
side = "both"
mode = "metadata:curseforge"
url = ""
hash-format = "sha1"
hash = "5b1d7f70ac2a1bfe759b6a22f4e23fa868e72c87"
file-id = 3941637
project-id = 362528

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
name = "Detail Armor Bar"
filename = "DetailArmorBar-2.6.2+1.19-fabric.jar"
side = "client"
url = ""
hash-format = "sha1"
hash = "64dd079c62377e93f75215a6181b0c8cf5d45310"
mod-id = "hAt6ty93"
version = "CYUWiMZh"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
name = "Disable Insecure Chat Toast"
filename = "DisableInsecureChatToast-mc1.19.1-1.1.0.jar"
side = "both"
mode = "url"
url = ""
hash-format = "sha512"
hash = "7f5e1a8a3c91e7cad79e612a4de5159f7615c4fa6ffd69da1648f0ef1b9ad743bd79923902b8bf224e1fc17dac6e926708abaaad3446037f747f39baa1cfcf84"
mod-id = "i090SePT"
version = "UGKpfpZ6"

mods/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
name = "Drogtor the Nickinator"
filename = "drogtor-1.1.3.jar"
side = "both"
url = ""
hash-format = "sha1"
hash = "498aa746366befa056abe43860af0cfd78c6ea54"
mod-id = "yepDrPAy"
version = "VqASPoLT"

mods/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
name = "Dynamic FPS"
filename = "dynamic-fps-2.2.0.jar"
side = "both"
mode = "url"
url = ""
hash-format = "sha512"
hash = "a1758446706b095b1352851a68e45f0807fccd00cbc736db9c7275e6468ea07507b6f89e3ef16f0fa46c87797c5e246a364266d0266f36d7821c2979b5542347"
mod-id = "LQ3K71Q1"
version = "g9FOSLTq"

mods/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
name = "Enhanced Block Entities"
filename = "enhancedblockentities-0.7.1+1.19.jar"
side = "client"
url = ""
hash-format = "sha1"
hash = "78dd28b7d94ef3883e817a328be9e1d66aedaa24"
mod-id = "OVuFYfre"
version = "s76PBY7D"

mods/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
name = "Effective 💦"
filename = "effective-1.2.2.jar"
side = "both"
mode = "metadata:curseforge"
url = ""
hash-format = "sha1"
hash = "ae7007d53d5ee15d9e46240c004acc5630eac676"
file-id = 3823332
project-id = 556381

mods/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
name = "EMI"
filename = "emi-0.3.4+1.19.jar"
side = "both"
mode = "url"
url = ""
hash-format = "sha512"
hash = "67b7d9c4bd77657ff4dd184c11bab8af495e933ed27d636447d1a4de4449ff7d3262c26146a5c200a94e20d512700576c52c708ef62a97863f0e3ae56e06be18"
mod-id = "fRiHVvU7"
version = "LAmIsYNr"

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More