diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5b0a804 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +--- +name: Bug report +about: Create a report to help us improve +title: "[BUG]" +labels: bug +assignees: '' + +--- + +**Describe the bug** +A clear and concise description of what the bug is. + +**To Reproduce** +Steps to reproduce the behavior: +1. Go to '...' +2. Click on '....' +3. Scroll down to '....' +4. See error + +**Expected behavior** +A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. + +**Screenshots** +If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. + +**Desktop (please complete the following information):** + - OS: [e.g. iOS] + - Browser [e.g. chrome, safari] + - Version [e.g. 22] + +**Smartphone (please complete the following information):** + - Device: [e.g. iPhone6] + - OS: [e.g. iOS8.1] + - Browser [e.g. stock browser, safari] + - Version [e.g. 22] + +**Additional context** +Add any other context about the problem here. diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8137475 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +--- +name: Feature request +about: Suggest an idea for this project +title: "[FEATURE REQUEST]" +labels: enhancement +assignees: '' + +--- + +**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** +A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...] + +**Describe the solution you'd like** +A clear and concise description of what you want to happen. + +**Describe alternatives you've considered** +A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered. + +**Additional context** +Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here. diff --git a/.vscode/settings.json b/.vscode/settings.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6604e6f --- /dev/null +++ b/.vscode/settings.json @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +{ + "python.linting.flake8Enabled": true, + "python.linting.enabled": true, + "python.linting.flake8Args": [ + "--ignore=E501, E261, E302, E231, E226, F401, E221, W503, E722, E711, E712, F841", + ], +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/readme.md b/readme.md index 8bcf375..3b40bdf 100644 --- a/readme.md +++ b/readme.md @@ -1,54 +1,18 @@ -# TwitFix - +# Twxtter/sixFix +(A fork of TwitFix) Basic flask server that serves fixed twitter video embeds to desktop discord by using either the Twitter API or Youtube-DL to grab tweet video information. This also automatically embeds the first link in the text of non video tweets (API Only) +Regarding what happened to TwitFix: http://blog.hirob.in/2022-05-16-Goodbye-TwitFix/ + ## How to use (discord side) -just put the url to the server, and directly after, the full URL to the tweet you want to embed - -**I now have a copy of this running on a Linode server, you can use it via the following url** - ``` -https://fxtwitter.com/[twitter video url] or [last half of twitter url] (everything past twitter.com/) +https://twxtter.com/[twitter video url] or [last half of twitter url]) ``` -You can also simply type out 'fx' directly before 'twitter.com' in any valid twitter video url, and that will convert it into a working TwitFix url, for example: +You can also simply type out `s/i/x` on PC and iOS after sending a twitter link to discord, and it will edit the last message (The link) to replace the first i with x. -![example](example.gif) - -**Note**: If you enjoy this service, please considering donating via [Ko-Fi](https://ko-fi.com/robin_universe) to help cover server costs - -## Child Projects: - -[TwitFix-Bot](https://github.com/robinuniverse/TwitFix-Bot) - A discord bot for automatically converting normal twitter links posted by users into twitfix links - -[TwitFix-Extension](https://github.com/robinuniverse/TwitFix-Extension) - A browser extention that lets you right click twitter videos to copy a twitfix link to your clipboard - -# Monthly Contributors - -TwitFix is run for free, period, I have no plans to monetize it directly in any way ( no ads, no premium accounts with more features ) so I rely on donations to keep TwitFix running, and I have created the option to [donate on a monthly basis using my KoFi](https://ko-fi.com/robin_universe#tier16328580186740) - - - -Here's a a list of the people who help to keep this project alive! ( current total monthly - $49!!! ) - -1. [$3] First Contributor and Twitter Funnyman **Chris Burwell** ( [@countchrisdo](https://twitter.com/countchrisdo) on Twitter ) - -2. [$9] Previously highest Contributor, Suspciously wealthy furry, and a very loving friend **Vectrobe** ( [@Vectrobe](https://twitter.com/Vectrobe) on Twitter ) - -3. [$10] New highest monthly contributor, **helloitscrash**! - -4. [$6] A Mysterious and **Anonymous** contributor... - -5. [$10] One of the highest contributors, **Ryan Vilbrandt**! - -6. [$3] **Starcat13**, the one with the coolest sounding name - -7. [$5] THE LIGHT THROUGH WHICH GOD SPEAKS TO THIS EARTH: **Statek** - -8. [$3] **Impulse**, probably the source cheat - -9. [$3] a STRONG contendor for coolest name, "**Lost in Art & Magic**" +**Note**: If you enjoy this service, please considering donating via [Ko-Fi](https://ko-fi.com/twxtter) to help cover server costs ## How to run (server side) @@ -58,7 +22,7 @@ I have included some files to give you a head start on setting this server up wi ### Config -TwitFix generates a config.json in its root directory the first time you run it, the options are: +Twxtter generates a config.json in its root directory the first time you run it, the options are: **API** - This will be where you put the credentials for your twitter API if you use this method @@ -90,13 +54,19 @@ This project is licensed under the **Do What The Fuck You Want Public License** ## Other stuff -Going to `https://fxtwitter.com/latest/` will present a page that shows the all the latest tweets that were added to the database, use with caution as results may be nsfw! Current page created by @DorukSaga +We check for t.co links in non video tweets, and if one is found, we direct the discord useragent to embed that link directly, this means that twitter links containing youtube / vimeo links will automatically embed those as if you had just directly linked to that content + + + +## Other stuff + +Going to `https://twxtter.com/latest/` will present a page that shows the all the latest tweets that were added to the database, use with caution as results may be nsfw! Current page created by @DorukSaga Using the `/dir/` endpoint will return a redirect to the direct MP4 link, this can be useful for downloading a video Using the `/dl/` or appending a `.mp4` will make the server download the video and return a static, locally hosted copy -Using the subdomain `d.fxtwitter.com/` will redirect to a direct MP4 url hosted on Twitter +Using the subdomain `d.twxtter.com/` will redirect to a direct MP4 url hosted on Twitter Using the `/info/` endpoint will return a json that contains all video info that youtube-dl can grab about any given video @@ -108,6 +78,7 @@ Using `/api/top/` will return a json with the most hit tweet in the database. Ta Using `/api/stats/` will return a json with some stats about TwitFix's activity (embeds, new cached links, API hits, downloads). Takes param `?=date"YYYY-MM-DD"` to return a specific day, otherwise will return today's stats to far -Advanced embeds are provided via a `/oembed.json?` endpoint - This is manually pointing at my server in `/templates/index.html` and should be changed from `https://fxtwitter.com/` to whatever your domain is +Advanced embeds are provided via a `/oembed.json?` endpoint - This is manually pointing at my server in `/templates/index.html` and should be changed from `https://twxtter.com/` to whatever your domain is -We check for t.co links in non video tweets, and if one is found, we direct the discord useragent to embed that link directly, this means that twitter links containing youtube / vimeo links will automatically embed those as if you had just directly linked to that content +# NOTICE +## This is _**NOT**_ actively monitored by anyone working on Twxtter. All tweets are public ally accessible. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/coconut.jpg b/static/coconut.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a2b105 Binary files /dev/null and b/static/coconut.jpg differ diff --git a/static/favicon.ico b/static/favicon.ico index 6928b70..0e1b19f 100644 Binary files a/static/favicon.ico and b/static/favicon.ico differ diff --git a/twitfix.ini b/twitfix.ini index 199a452..d70c962 100644 --- a/twitfix.ini +++ b/twitfix.ini @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module = wsgi:app master = true processes = 5 -socket = twitfix.sock +socket = sixFix.sock chmod-socket = 660 vacuum = true diff --git a/twitfix.py b/twitfix.py index b74cd3e..4005c41 100644 --- a/twitfix.py +++ b/twitfix.py @@ -1,4 +1,15 @@ -from flask import Flask, render_template, request, redirect, Response, send_from_directory, url_for, send_file, make_response, jsonify +from flask import ( + Flask, + render_template, + request, + redirect, + Response, + send_from_directory, + url_for, + send_file, + make_response, + jsonify, +) from flask_cors import CORS import youtube_dl import textwrap @@ -20,36 +31,38 @@ generate_embed_user_agents = [ "facebookexternalhit/1.1", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.57 Safari/537.36", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 10.0; en-US; Valve Steam Client/default/1596241936; ) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.117 Safari/537.36", - "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 10.0; en-US; Valve Steam Client/default/0; ) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.117 Safari/537.36", - "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_1) AppleWebKit/601.2.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0.1 Safari/601.2.4 facebookexternalhit/1.1 Facebot Twitterbot/1.0", + "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 10.0; en-US; Valve Steam Client/default/0; ) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.117 Safari/537.36", + "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_1) AppleWebKit/601.2.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0.1 Safari/601.2.4 facebookexternalhit/1.1 Facebot Twitterbot/1.0", "facebookexternalhit/1.1", - "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; Valve Steam FriendsUI Tenfoot/0; ) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.105 Safari/537.36", - "Slackbot-LinkExpanding 1.0 (+https://api.slack.com/robots)", - "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.10; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0", - "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Discordbot/2.0; +https://discordapp.com)", - "TelegramBot (like TwitterBot)", - "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; January/1.0; +https://gitlab.insrt.uk/revolt/january)", - "test"] + "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; Valve Steam FriendsUI Tenfoot/0; ) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.105 Safari/537.36", + "Slackbot-LinkExpanding 1.0 (+https://api.slack.com/robots)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.10; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Discordbot/2.0; +https://discordapp.com)", + "TelegramBot (like TwitterBot)", + "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; January/1.0; +https://gitlab.insrt.uk/revolt/january)", + "test", +] # Read config from config.json. If it does not exist, create new. if not os.path.exists("config.json"): with open("config.json", "w") as outfile: default_config = { - "config":{ - "link_cache":"json", - "database":"[url to mongo database goes here]", - "table":"TwiFix", - "method":"youtube-dl", - "color":"#43B581", - "appname": "TwitFix", - "repo": "https://github.com/robinuniverse/twitfix", - "url": "https://fxtwitter.com" - }, - "api":{"api_key":"[api_key goes here]", - "api_secret":"[api_secret goes here]", - "access_token":"[access_token goes here]", - "access_secret":"[access_secret goes here]" - } + "config": { + "link_cache": "json", + "database": "[url to mongo database goes here]", + "table": "TwiFix", + "method": "youtube-dl", + "color": "#43B581", + "appname": "TwitFix", + "repo": "https://github.com/robinuniverse/twitfix", + "url": "https://fxtwitter.com", + }, + "api": { + "api_key": "[api_key goes here]", + "api_secret": "[api_secret goes here]", + "access_token": "[access_token goes here]", + "access_secret": "[access_secret goes here]", + }, } json.dump(default_config, outfile, indent=4, sort_keys=True) @@ -61,151 +74,235 @@ else: f.close() # If method is set to API or Hybrid, attempt to auth with the Twitter API -if config['config']['method'] in ('api', 'hybrid'): - auth = twitter.oauth.OAuth(config['api']['access_token'], config['api']['access_secret'], config['api']['api_key'], config['api']['api_secret']) +if config["config"]["method"] in ("api", "hybrid"): + auth = twitter.oauth.OAuth( + config["api"]["access_token"], + config["api"]["access_secret"], + config["api"]["api_key"], + config["api"]["api_secret"], + ) twitter_api = twitter.Twitter(auth=auth) -link_cache_system = config['config']['link_cache'] +link_cache_system = config["config"]["link_cache"] if link_cache_system == "json": link_cache = {} if not os.path.exists("config.json"): with open("config.json", "w") as outfile: - default_link_cache = {"test":"test"} + default_link_cache = {"test": "test"} json.dump(default_link_cache, outfile, indent=4, sort_keys=True) - f = open('links.json',) + f = open( + "links.json", + ) link_cache = json.load(f) f.close() elif link_cache_system == "db": - client = pymongo.MongoClient(config['config']['database'], connect=False) - table = config['config']['table'] + client = pymongo.MongoClient(config["config"]["database"], connect=False) + table = config["config"]["table"] db = client[table] -@app.route('/bidoof/') + +@app.route("/bidoof/") def bidoof(): - return redirect("https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/291764448757284885/937343686927319111/IMG_20211226_202956_163.webp", 301) + return redirect( + "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/291764448757284885/937343686927319111/IMG_20211226_202956_163.webp", + 301, + ) -@app.route('/discord/') + +@app.route("/thisiswhatrunstwxtter/") def discord(): - return redirect("https://discord.gg/ztz2hHwZXv", 301) + return redirect( + "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/932899721767448607/976472084974829568/unknown.png", + 301, + ) -@app.route('/stats/') + +@app.route("/stats/") def statsPage(): today = str(date.today()) stats = getStats(today) - return render_template('stats.html', embeds=stats['embeds'], downloadss=stats['downloads'], api=stats['api'], linksCached=stats['linksCached'], date=today) + return render_template( + "stats.html", + embeds=stats["embeds"], + downloadss=stats["downloads"], + api=stats["api"], + linksCached=stats["linksCached"], + date=today, + ) -@app.route('/latest/') + +@app.route("/latest/") def latest(): - return render_template('latest.html') + return render_template("latest.html") -@app.route('/copy.svg') # Return a SVG needed for Latest + +@app.route("/copy.svg") # Return a SVG needed for Latest def icon(): - return send_from_directory(os.path.join(app.root_path, 'static'), - 'copy.svg',mimetype='image/svg+xml') + return send_from_directory( + os.path.join(app.root_path, "static"), "copy.svg", mimetype="image/svg+xml" + ) -@app.route('/font.ttf') # Return a font needed for Latest + +@app.route("/font.ttf") # Return a font needed for Latest def font(): - return send_from_directory(os.path.join(app.root_path, 'static'), - 'NotoColorEmoji.ttf',mimetype='application/octet-stream') + return send_from_directory( + os.path.join(app.root_path, "static"), + "NotoColorEmoji.ttf", + mimetype="application/octet-stream", + ) -@app.route('/top/') # Try to return the most hit video + +@app.route("/top/") # Try to return the most hit video def top(): - vnf = db.linkCache.find_one(sort = [('hits', pymongo.DESCENDING)]) - desc = re.sub(r' http.*t\.co\S+', '', vnf['description']) - urlUser = urllib.parse.quote(vnf['uploader']) + vnf = db.linkCache.find_one(sort=[("hits", pymongo.DESCENDING)]) + desc = re.sub(r" http.*t\.co\S+", "", vnf["description"]) + urlUser = urllib.parse.quote(vnf["uploader"]) urlDesc = urllib.parse.quote(desc) - urlLink = urllib.parse.quote(vnf['url']) - print(" ➤ [ ✔ ] Top video page loaded: " + vnf['tweet'] ) - return render_template('inline.html', page="Top", vidlink=vnf['url'], vidurl=vnf['url'], desc=desc, pic=vnf['thumbnail'], user=vnf['uploader'], video_link=vnf['url'], color=config['config']['color'], appname=config['config']['appname'], repo=config['config']['repo'], url=config['config']['url'], urlDesc=urlDesc, urlUser=urlUser, urlLink=urlLink, tweet=vnf['tweet']) + urlLink = urllib.parse.quote(vnf["url"]) + print(" ➤ [ ✔ ] Top video page loaded: " + vnf["tweet"]) + return render_template( + "inline.html", + page="Top", + vidlink=vnf["url"], + vidurl=vnf["url"], + desc=desc, + pic=vnf["thumbnail"], + user=vnf["uploader"], + video_link=vnf["url"], + color=config["config"]["color"], + appname=config["config"]["appname"], + repo=config["config"]["repo"], + url=config["config"]["url"], + urlDesc=urlDesc, + urlUser=urlUser, + urlLink=urlLink, + tweet=vnf["tweet"], + ) -@app.route('/api/latest/') # Return some raw VNF data sorted by top tweets + +@app.route("/api/latest/") # Return some raw VNF data sorted by top tweets def apiLatest(): - bigvnf = [] + bigvnf = [] - tweets = request.args.get("tweets", default=10, type=int) - page = request.args.get("page", default=0, type=int) + tweets = request.args.get("tweets", default=10, type=int) + page = request.args.get("page", default=0, type=int) if tweets > 15: tweets = 1 - vnf = db.linkCache.find(sort = [('_id', pymongo.DESCENDING)]).skip(tweets * page).limit(tweets) + vnf = ( + db.linkCache.find(sort=[("_id", pymongo.DESCENDING)]) + .skip(tweets * page) + .limit(tweets) + ) for r in vnf: bigvnf.append(r) print(" ➤ [ ✔ ] Latest video API called") - addToStat('api') - return Response(response=json.dumps(bigvnf, default=str), status=200, mimetype="application/json") + addToStat("api") + return Response( + response=json.dumps(bigvnf, default=str), + status=200, + mimetype="application/json", + ) -@app.route('/api/top/') # Return some raw VNF data sorted by top tweets + +@app.route("/api/top/") # Return some raw VNF data sorted by top tweets def apiTop(): - bigvnf = [] + bigvnf = [] - tweets = request.args.get("tweets", default=10, type=int) - page = request.args.get("page", default=0, type=int) + tweets = request.args.get("tweets", default=10, type=int) + page = request.args.get("page", default=0, type=int) if tweets > 15: tweets = 1 - vnf = db.linkCache.find(sort = [('hits', pymongo.DESCENDING )]).skip(tweets * page).limit(tweets) + vnf = ( + db.linkCache.find(sort=[("hits", pymongo.DESCENDING)]) + .skip(tweets * page) + .limit(tweets) + ) for r in vnf: bigvnf.append(r) print(" ➤ [ ✔ ] Top video API called") - addToStat('api') - return Response(response=json.dumps(bigvnf, default=str), status=200, mimetype="application/json") + addToStat("api") + return Response( + response=json.dumps(bigvnf, default=str), + status=200, + mimetype="application/json", + ) -@app.route('/api/stats/') # Return a json of a usage stats for a given date (defaults to today) + +@app.route( + "/api/stats/" +) # Return a json of a usage stats for a given date (defaults to today) def apiStats(): try: - addToStat('api') + addToStat("api") today = str(date.today()) desiredDate = request.args.get("date", default=today, type=str) stat = getStats(desiredDate) - print (" ➤ [ ✔ ] Stats API called") - return Response(response=json.dumps(stat, default=str), status=200, mimetype="application/json") + print(" ➤ [ ✔ ] Stats API called") + return Response( + response=json.dumps(stat, default=str), + status=200, + mimetype="application/json", + ) except: - print (" ➤ [ ✔ ] Stats API failed") + print(" ➤ [ ✔ ] Stats API failed") -@app.route('/') # If the useragent is discord, return the embed, if not, redirect to configured repo directly + +@app.route( + "/" +) # If the useragent is discord, return the embed, if not, redirect to configured repo directly def default(): - user_agent = request.headers.get('user-agent') + user_agent = request.headers.get("user-agent") if user_agent in generate_embed_user_agents: - return message("TwitFix is an attempt to fix twitter video embeds in discord! created by Robin Universe :)\n\n💖\n\nClick me to be redirected to the repo!") + return message( + "Twxtter is an attempt to fix twitter video embeds in discord! :)\n\n💖\n\nClick me to be redirected to the repo!" + ) else: - return redirect(config['config']['repo'], 301) + return redirect(config["config"]["repo"], 301) -@app.route('/oembed.json') #oEmbed endpoint + +@app.route("/oembed.json") # oEmbed endpoint def oembedend(): - desc = request.args.get("desc", None) - user = request.args.get("user", None) - link = request.args.get("link", None) + desc = request.args.get("desc", None) + user = request.args.get("user", None) + link = request.args.get("link", None) ttype = request.args.get("ttype", None) - return oEmbedGen(desc, user, link, ttype) + return oEmbedGen(desc, user, link, ttype) -@app.route('/') # Default endpoint used by everything + +@app.route("/") # Default endpoint used by everything def twitfix(sub_path): - user_agent = request.headers.get('user-agent') + user_agent = request.headers.get("user-agent") match = pathregex.search(sub_path) print(request.url) - if request.url.startswith("https://d.fx"): # Matches d.fx? Try to give the user a direct link + if request.url.startswith( + "https://d.fx" + ): # Matches d.fx? Try to give the user a direct link if user_agent in generate_embed_user_agents: - print( " ➤ [ D ] d.fx link shown to discord user-agent!") + print(" ➤ [ D ] d.fx link shown to discord user-agent!") if request.url.endswith(".mp4") and "?" not in request.url: return dl(sub_path) else: - return message("To use a direct MP4 link in discord, remove anything past '?' and put '.mp4' at the end") + return message( + "To use a direct MP4 link in discord, remove anything past '?' and put '.mp4' at the end" + ) else: print(" ➤ [ R ] Redirect to MP4 using d.fxtwitter.com") return dir(sub_path) elif request.url.endswith(".mp4") or request.url.endswith("%2Emp4"): twitter_url = "https://twitter.com/" + sub_path - + if "?" not in request.url: clean = twitter_url[:-4] else: @@ -215,32 +312,68 @@ def twitfix(sub_path): elif request.url.endswith(".json") or request.url.endswith("%2Ejson"): twitter_url = "https://twitter.com/" + sub_path - + if "?" not in request.url: clean = twitter_url[:-5] else: clean = twitter_url - print( " ➤ [ API ] VNF Json api hit!") + print(" ➤ [ API ] VNF Json api hit!") - vnf = link_to_vnf_from_api(clean.replace(".json","")) + vnf = link_to_vnf_from_api(clean.replace(".json", "")) if user_agent in generate_embed_user_agents: - return message("VNF Data: ( discord useragent preview )\n\n"+ json.dumps(vnf, default=str)) + return message( + "VNF Data: ( discord useragent preview )\n\n" + + json.dumps(vnf, default=str) + ) else: - return Response(response=json.dumps(vnf, default=str), status=200, mimetype="application/json") + return Response( + response=json.dumps(vnf, default=str), + status=200, + mimetype="application/json", + ) - elif request.url.endswith("/1") or request.url.endswith("/2") or request.url.endswith("/3") or request.url.endswith("/4") or request.url.endswith("%2F1") or request.url.endswith("%2F2") or request.url.endswith("%2F3") or request.url.endswith("%2F4"): + elif ( + request.url.endswith("/1") + or request.url.endswith("/2") + or request.url.endswith("/3") + or request.url.endswith("/4") + or request.url.endswith("%2F1") + or request.url.endswith("%2F2") + or request.url.endswith("%2F3") + or request.url.endswith("%2F4") + ): twitter_url = "https://twitter.com/" + sub_path - + if "?" not in request.url: clean = twitter_url[:-2] else: clean = twitter_url - image = ( int(request.url[-1]) - 1 ) + image = int(request.url[-1]) - 1 return embed_video(clean, image) + elif ( + request.url.endswith("/1p") + or request.url.endswith("/2p") + or request.url.endswith("/3p") + or request.url.endswith("/4p") + or request.url.endswith("%2F1p") + or request.url.endswith("%2F2p") + or request.url.endswith("%2F3p") + or request.url.endswith("%2F4p") + ): + twitter_url = "https://twitter.com/" + sub_path + + if "?" not in request.url: + clean = twitter_url[:-3] + else: + clean = twitter_url + + image = int(request.url[-2]) - 1 + return embed_video(clean, image, raw=True) + if match is not None: twitter_url = sub_path @@ -257,56 +390,74 @@ def twitfix(sub_path): else: return message("This doesn't appear to be a twitter URL") -@app.route('/other/') # Show all info that Youtube-DL can get about a video as a json + +@app.route( + "/other/" +) # Show all info that Youtube-DL can get about a video as a json def other(sub_path): - otherurl = request.url.split("/other/", 1)[1].replace(":/","://") + otherurl = request.url.split("/other/", 1)[1].replace(":/", "://") print(" ➤ [ OTHER ] Other URL embed attempted: " + otherurl) res = embed_video(otherurl) return res -@app.route('/info/') # Show all info that Youtube-DL can get about a video as a json + +@app.route( + "/info/" +) # Show all info that Youtube-DL can get about a video as a json def info(sub_path): - infourl = request.url.split("/info/", 1)[1].replace(":/","://") + infourl = request.url.split("/info/", 1)[1].replace(":/", "://") print(" ➤ [ INFO ] Info data requested: " + infourl) - with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL({'outtmpl': '%(id)s.%(ext)s'}) as ydl: + with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL({"outtmpl": "%(id)s.%(ext)s"}) as ydl: result = ydl.extract_info(infourl, download=False) return result -@app.route('/dl/') # Download the tweets video, and rehost it + +@app.route("/dl/") # Download the tweets video, and rehost it def dl(sub_path): - print(' ➤ [[ !!! TRYING TO DOWNLOAD FILE !!! ]] Downloading file from ' + sub_path) - url = sub_path + print(" ➤ [[ !!! TRYING TO DOWNLOAD FILE !!! ]] Downloading file from " + sub_path) + url = sub_path match = pathregex.search(url) if match is not None: twitter_url = url if match.start() == 0: twitter_url = "https://twitter.com/" + url - - mp4link = direct_video_link(twitter_url) - filename = (sub_path.split('/')[-1].split('.mp4')[0] + '.mp4') - PATH = ( './static/' + filename ) + mp4link = direct_video_link(twitter_url) + filename = sub_path.split("/")[-1].split(".mp4")[0] + ".mp4" + + PATH = "./static/" + filename if os.path.isfile(PATH) and os.access(PATH, os.R_OK): print(" ➤ [[ FILE EXISTS ]]") else: print(" ➤ [[ FILE DOES NOT EXIST, DOWNLOADING... ]]") - addToStat('downloads') + addToStat("downloads") mp4file = urllib.request.urlopen(mp4link) - with open(('/home/robin/twitfix/static/' + filename), 'wb') as output: + with open(("/home/robin/twitfix/static/" + filename), "wb") as output: output.write(mp4file.read()) - print(' ➤ [[ PRESENTING FILE: '+ filename +', URL: https://fxtwitter.com/static/'+ filename +' ]]') - r = make_response(send_file(('static/' + filename), mimetype='video/mp4', max_age=100)) - r.headers['Content-Type'] = 'video/mp4' - r.headers['Sec-Fetch-Site'] = 'none' - r.headers['Sec-Fetch-User'] = '?1' + print( + " ➤ [[ PRESENTING FILE: " + + filename + + ", URL: https://fxtwitter.com/static/" + + filename + + " ]]" + ) + r = make_response( + send_file(("static/" + filename), mimetype="video/mp4", max_age=100) + ) + r.headers["Content-Type"] = "video/mp4" + r.headers["Sec-Fetch-Site"] = "none" + r.headers["Sec-Fetch-User"] = "?1" return r - -@app.route('/dir/') # Try to return a direct link to the MP4 on twitters servers + + +@app.route( + "/dir/" +) # Try to return a direct link to the MP4 on twitters servers def dir(sub_path): - user_agent = request.headers.get('user-agent') - url = sub_path + user_agent = request.headers.get("user-agent") + url = sub_path match = pathregex.search(url) if match is not None: twitter_url = url @@ -324,180 +475,226 @@ def dir(sub_path): else: return redirect(url, 301) -@app.route('/favicon.ico') # This shit don't work + +@app.route("/favicon.ico") # This shit don't work def favicon(): - return send_from_directory(os.path.join(app.root_path, 'static'), - 'favicon.ico',mimetype='image/vnd.microsoft.icon') + return send_from_directory( + os.path.join(app.root_path, "static"), + "favicon.ico", + mimetype="image/vnd.microsoft.icon", + ) -def direct_video(video_link): # Just get a redirect to a MP4 link from any tweet link + +def direct_video(video_link): # Just get a redirect to a MP4 link from any tweet link cached_vnf = getVnfFromLinkCache(video_link) if cached_vnf == None: try: vnf = link_to_vnf(video_link) addVnfToLinkCache(video_link, vnf) - return redirect(vnf['url'], 301) - print(" ➤ [ D ] Redirecting to direct URL: " + vnf['url']) + return redirect(vnf["url"], 301) + print(" ➤ [ D ] Redirecting to direct URL: " + vnf["url"]) except Exception as e: print(e) return message("Failed to scan your link!") else: - return redirect(cached_vnf['url'], 301) - print(" ➤ [ D ] Redirecting to direct URL: " + vnf['url']) + return redirect(cached_vnf["url"], 301) + print(" ➤ [ D ] Redirecting to direct URL: " + vnf["url"]) -def direct_video_link(video_link): # Just get a redirect to a MP4 link from any tweet link + +def direct_video_link( + video_link, +): # Just get a redirect to a MP4 link from any tweet link cached_vnf = getVnfFromLinkCache(video_link) if cached_vnf == None: try: vnf = link_to_vnf(video_link) addVnfToLinkCache(video_link, vnf) - return vnf['url'] - print(" ➤ [ D ] Redirecting to direct URL: " + vnf['url']) + return vnf["url"] + print(" ➤ [ D ] Redirecting to direct URL: " + vnf["url"]) except Exception as e: print(e) return message("Failed to scan your link!") else: - return cached_vnf['url'] - print(" ➤ [ D ] Redirecting to direct URL: " + vnf['url']) + return cached_vnf["url"] + print(" ➤ [ D ] Redirecting to direct URL: " + vnf["url"]) + def addToStat(stat): - #print(stat) + # print(stat) today = str(date.today()) try: - collection = db.stats.find_one({'date': today}) - delta = ( collection[stat] + 1 ) - query = { "date" : today } - change = { "$set" : { stat : delta } } - out = db.stats.update_one(query, change) + collection = db.stats.find_one({"date": today}) + delta = collection[stat] + 1 + query = {"date": today} + change = {"$set": {stat: delta}} + out = db.stats.update_one(query, change) except: - collection = db.stats.insert_one({'date': today, "embeds" : 1, "linksCached" : 1, "api" : 1, "downloads" : 1 }) + collection = db.stats.insert_one( + {"date": today, "embeds": 1, "linksCached": 1, "api": 1, "downloads": 1} + ) def getStats(day): - collection = db.stats.find_one({'date': day}) + collection = db.stats.find_one({"date": day}) return collection -def embed_video(video_link, image=0): # Return Embed from any tweet link + +def embed_video(video_link, image=0, raw=False): # Return Embed from any tweet link cached_vnf = getVnfFromLinkCache(video_link) if cached_vnf == None: try: vnf = link_to_vnf(video_link) addVnfToLinkCache(video_link, vnf) - return embed(video_link, vnf, image) + return embed(video_link, vnf, image, raw) except Exception as e: print(e) return message("Failed to scan your link!") else: - return embed(video_link, cached_vnf, image) + return embed(video_link, cached_vnf, image, raw) -def tweetInfo(url, tweet="", desc="", thumb="", uploader="", screen_name="", pfp="", tweetType="", images="", hits=0, likes=0, rts=0, time="", qrt={}, nsfw=False): # Return a dict of video info with default values + +def tweetInfo( + url, + tweet="", + desc="", + thumb="", + uploader="", + screen_name="", + pfp="", + tweetType="", + images="", + hits=0, + likes=0, + rts=0, + time="", + qrt={}, + nsfw=False, +): # Return a dict of video info with default values vnf = { - "tweet" : tweet, - "url" : url, - "description" : desc, - "thumbnail" : thumb, - "uploader" : uploader, - "screen_name" : screen_name, - "pfp" : pfp, - "type" : tweetType, - "images" : images, - "hits" : hits, - "likes" : likes, - "rts" : rts, - "time" : time, - "qrt" : qrt, - "nsfw" : nsfw + "tweet": tweet, + "url": url, + "description": desc, + "thumbnail": thumb, + "uploader": uploader, + "screen_name": screen_name, + "pfp": pfp, + "type": tweetType, + "images": images, + "hits": hits, + "likes": likes, + "rts": rts, + "time": time, + "qrt": qrt, + "nsfw": nsfw, } return vnf + def link_to_vnf_from_api(video_link): print(" ➤ [ + ] Attempting to download tweet info from Twitter API") - twid = int(re.sub(r'\?.*$','',video_link.rsplit("/", 1)[-1])) # gets the tweet ID as a int from the passed url + twid = int( + re.sub(r"\?.*$", "", video_link.rsplit("/", 1)[-1]) + ) # gets the tweet ID as a int from the passed url tweet = twitter_api.statuses.show(_id=twid, tweet_mode="extended") # For when I need to poke around and see what a tweet looks like - #print(tweet) - imgs = ["","","","", ""] + # print(tweet) + imgs = ["", "", "", "", ""] print(" ➤ [ + ] Tweet Type: " + tweetType(tweet)) # Check to see if tweet has a video, if not, make the url passed to the VNF the first t.co link in the tweet if tweetType(tweet) == "Video": - if tweet['extended_entities']['media'][0]['video_info']['variants']: + if tweet["extended_entities"]["media"][0]["video_info"]["variants"]: best_bitrate = 0 - thumb = tweet['extended_entities']['media'][0]['media_url'] - for video in tweet['extended_entities']['media'][0]['video_info']['variants']: - if video['content_type'] == "video/mp4" and video['bitrate'] > best_bitrate: - url = video['url'] + thumb = tweet["extended_entities"]["media"][0]["media_url"] + for video in tweet["extended_entities"]["media"][0]["video_info"][ + "variants" + ]: + if ( + video["content_type"] == "video/mp4" + and video["bitrate"] > best_bitrate + ): + url = video["url"] elif tweetType(tweet) == "Text": - url = "" + url = "" thumb = "" else: - imgs = ["","","","", ""] + imgs = ["", "", "", "", ""] i = 0 - for media in tweet['extended_entities']['media']: - imgs[i] = media['media_url_https'] + for media in tweet["extended_entities"]["media"]: + imgs[i] = media["media_url_https"] i = i + 1 - #print(imgs) + # print(imgs) imgs[4] = str(i) - url = "" - images= imgs - thumb = tweet['extended_entities']['media'][0]['media_url_https'] + url = "" + images = imgs + thumb = tweet["extended_entities"]["media"][0]["media_url_https"] qrt = {} - if 'quoted_status' in tweet: - qrt['desc'] = tweet['quoted_status']['full_text'] - qrt['handle'] = tweet['quoted_status']['user']['name'] - qrt['screen_name'] = tweet['quoted_status']['user']['screen_name'] + if "quoted_status" in tweet: + qrt["desc"] = tweet["quoted_status"]["full_text"] + qrt["handle"] = tweet["quoted_status"]["user"]["name"] + qrt["screen_name"] = tweet["quoted_status"]["user"]["screen_name"] - text = tweet['full_text'] + text = tweet["full_text"] - if 'possibly_sensitive' in tweet: - nsfw = tweet['possibly_sensitive'] + if "possibly_sensitive" in tweet: + nsfw = tweet["possibly_sensitive"] else: nsfw = False vnf = tweetInfo( - url, - video_link, - text, thumb, - tweet['user']['name'], - tweet['user']['screen_name'], - tweet['user']['profile_image_url'], - tweetType(tweet), - likes=tweet['favorite_count'], - rts=tweet['retweet_count'], - time=tweet['created_at'], - qrt=qrt, + url, + video_link, + text, + thumb, + tweet["user"]["name"], + tweet["user"]["screen_name"], + tweet["user"]["profile_image_url"], + tweetType(tweet), + likes=tweet["favorite_count"], + rts=tweet["retweet_count"], + time=tweet["created_at"], + qrt=qrt, images=imgs, - nsfw=nsfw - ) - + nsfw=nsfw, + ) + return vnf + def link_to_vnf_from_youtubedl(video_link): print(" ➤ [ X ] Attempting to download tweet info via YoutubeDL: " + video_link) - with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL({'outtmpl': '%(id)s.%(ext)s'}) as ydl: + with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL({"outtmpl": "%(id)s.%(ext)s"}) as ydl: result = ydl.extract_info(video_link, download=False) - vnf = tweetInfo(result['url'], video_link, result['description'].rsplit(' ',1)[0], result['thumbnail'], result['uploader']) + vnf = tweetInfo( + result["url"], + video_link, + result["description"].rsplit(" ", 1)[0], + result["thumbnail"], + result["uploader"], + ) return vnf -def link_to_vnf(video_link): # Return a VideoInfo object or die trying - if config['config']['method'] == 'hybrid': + +def link_to_vnf(video_link): # Return a VideoInfo object or die trying + if config["config"]["method"] == "hybrid": try: return link_to_vnf_from_api(video_link) except Exception as e: print(" ➤ [ !!! ] API Failed") print(e) return link_to_vnf_from_youtubedl(video_link) - elif config['config']['method'] == 'api': + elif config["config"]["method"] == "api": try: return link_to_vnf_from_api(video_link) except Exception as e: print(" ➤ [ X ] API Failed") print(e) return None - elif config['config']['method'] == 'youtube-dl': + elif config["config"]["method"] == "youtube-dl": try: return link_to_vnf_from_youtubedl(video_link) except Exception as e: @@ -505,21 +702,29 @@ def link_to_vnf(video_link): # Return a VideoInfo object or die trying print(e) return None else: - print("Please set the method key in your config file to 'api' 'youtube-dl' or 'hybrid'") + print( + "Please set the method key in your config file to 'api' 'youtube-dl' or 'hybrid'" + ) return None + def getVnfFromLinkCache(video_link): if link_cache_system == "db": collection = db.linkCache - vnf = collection.find_one({'tweet': video_link}) + vnf = collection.find_one({"tweet": video_link}) # print(vnf) - if vnf != None: - hits = ( vnf['hits'] + 1 ) - print(" ➤ [ ✔ ] Link located in DB cache. " + "hits on this link so far: [" + str(hits) + "]") - query = { 'tweet': video_link } - change = { "$set" : { "hits" : hits } } - out = db.linkCache.update_one(query, change) - addToStat('embeds') + if vnf != None: + hits = vnf["hits"] + 1 + print( + " ➤ [ ✔ ] Link located in DB cache. " + + "hits on this link so far: [" + + str(hits) + + "]" + ) + query = {"tweet": video_link} + change = {"$set": {"hits": hits}} + out = db.linkCache.update_one(query, change) + addToStat("embeds") return vnf else: print(" ➤ [ X ] Link not in DB cache") @@ -533,95 +738,122 @@ def getVnfFromLinkCache(video_link): print(" ➤ [ X ] Link not in json cache") return None + def addVnfToLinkCache(video_link, vnf): if link_cache_system == "db": try: out = db.linkCache.insert_one(vnf) print(" ➤ [ + ] Link added to DB cache ") - addToStat('linksCached') + addToStat("linksCached") return True except Exception: print(" ➤ [ X ] Failed to add link to DB cache") return None elif link_cache_system == "json": link_cache[video_link] = vnf - with open("links.json", "w") as outfile: + with open("links.json", "w") as outfile: json.dump(link_cache, outfile, indent=4, sort_keys=True) return None + def message(text): return render_template( - 'default.html', - message = text, - color = config['config']['color'], - appname = config['config']['appname'], - repo = config['config']['repo'], - url = config['config']['url'] ) + "default.html", + message=text, + color=config["config"]["color"], + appname=config["config"]["appname"], + repo=config["config"]["repo"], + url=config["config"]["url"], + ) -def embed(video_link, vnf, image): - print(" ➤ [ E ] Embedding " + vnf['type'] + ": " + vnf['url']) - - desc = re.sub(r' http.*t\.co\S+', '', vnf['description']) - urlUser = urllib.parse.quote(vnf['uploader']) + +def embed(video_link, vnf, image, raw=False): + print(" ➤ [ E ] Embedding " + vnf["type"] + ": " + vnf["url"]) + + desc = re.sub(r" http.*t\.co\S+", "", vnf["description"]) + urlUser = urllib.parse.quote(vnf["uploader"]) urlDesc = urllib.parse.quote(desc) urlLink = urllib.parse.quote(video_link) - likeDisplay = ("\n\n💖 " + str(vnf['likes']) + " 🔁 " + str(vnf['rts']) + "\n") - - try: - if vnf['type'] == "": - desc = desc - elif vnf['type'] == "Video": - desc = desc - elif vnf['qrt'] == {}: # Check if this is a QRT and modify the description - desc = (desc + likeDisplay) - else: - qrtDisplay = ("\n─────────────\n ➤ QRT of " + vnf['qrt']['handle'] + " (@" + vnf['qrt']['screen_name'] + "):\n─────────────\n'" + vnf['qrt']['desc'] + "'") - desc = (desc + qrtDisplay + likeDisplay) - except: - vnf['likes'] = 0; vnf['rts'] = 0; vnf['time'] = 0 - print(' ➤ [ X ] Failed QRT check - old VNF object') - - if vnf['type'] == "Text": # Change the template based on tweet type - template = 'text.html' - if vnf['type'] == "Image": - image = vnf['images'][image] - template = 'image.html' - if vnf['type'] == "Video": - urlDesc = urllib.parse.quote(textwrap.shorten(desc, width=220, placeholder="...")) - template = 'video.html' - if vnf['type'] == "": - urlDesc = urllib.parse.quote(textwrap.shorten(desc, width=220, placeholder="...")) - template = 'video.html' - - color = "#7FFFD4" # Green + likeDisplay = "\n\n💖 " + str(vnf["likes"]) + " 🔁 " + str(vnf["rts"]) + "\n" + imagecount = "Twitter" - if vnf['nsfw'] == True: - color = "#800020" # Red + try: + if vnf["type"] == "": + desc = desc + elif vnf["type"] == "Video": + desc = desc + elif vnf["qrt"] == {}: # Check if this is a QRT and modify the description + desc = desc + likeDisplay + else: + qrtDisplay = ( + "\n─────────────\n ➤ QRT of " + + vnf["qrt"]["handle"] + + " (@" + + vnf["qrt"]["screen_name"] + + "):\n─────────────\n'" + + vnf["qrt"]["desc"] + + "'" + ) + desc = desc + qrtDisplay + likeDisplay + except: + vnf["likes"] = 0 + vnf["rts"] = 0 + vnf["time"] = 0 + print(" ➤ [ X ] Failed QRT check - old VNF object") + + if vnf["type"] == "Text": # Change the template based on tweet type + template = "text.html" + if vnf["type"] == "Image": + image = vnf["images"][image] + if vnf["images"][4] != "1": + imagecount = "Twitter (" + vnf["images"][4] + " images in post)" + if raw == True: + template = "img.html" + else: + template = "image.html" + if vnf["type"] == "Video": + urlDesc = urllib.parse.quote( + textwrap.shorten(desc, width=220, placeholder="...") + ) + template = "video.html" + if vnf["type"] == "": + urlDesc = urllib.parse.quote( + textwrap.shorten(desc, width=220, placeholder="...") + ) + template = "video.html" + + color = "#7FFFD4" # Green + + if vnf["nsfw"] == True: + color = "#800020" # Red return render_template( - template, - likes = vnf['likes'], - rts = vnf['rts'], - time = vnf['time'], - screenName = vnf['screen_name'], - vidlink = vnf['url'], - pfp = vnf['pfp'], - vidurl = vnf['url'], - desc = desc, - pic = image, - user = vnf['uploader'], - video_link = video_link, - color = color, - appname = config['config']['appname'], - repo = config['config']['repo'], - url = config['config']['url'], - urlDesc = urlDesc, - urlUser = urlUser, - urlLink = urlLink ) + template, + likes=vnf["likes"], + rts=vnf["rts"], + time=vnf["time"], + screenName=vnf["screen_name"], + vidlink=vnf["url"], + pfp=vnf["pfp"], + vidurl=vnf["url"], + desc=desc, + pic=image, + imagecount=imagecount, + user=vnf["uploader"], + video_link=video_link, + color=color, + appname=config["config"]["appname"], + repo=config["config"]["repo"], + url=config["config"]["url"], + urlDesc=urlDesc, + urlUser=urlUser, + urlLink=urlLink, + ) -def tweetType(tweet): # Are we dealing with a Video, Image, or Text tweet? - if 'extended_entities' in tweet: - if 'video_info' in tweet['extended_entities']['media'][0]: + +def tweetType(tweet): # Are we dealing with a Video, Image, or Text tweet? + if "extended_entities" in tweet: + if "video_info" in tweet["extended_entities"]["media"][0]: out = "Video" else: out = "Image" @@ -633,17 +865,18 @@ def tweetType(tweet): # Are we dealing with a Video, Image, or Text tweet? def oEmbedGen(description, user, video_link, ttype): out = { - "type" : ttype, - "version" : "1.0", - "provider_name" : config['config']['appname'], - "provider_url" : config['config']['repo'], - "title" : description, - "author_name" : user, - "author_url" : video_link - } + "type": ttype, + "version": "1.0", + "provider_name": config["config"]["appname"], + "provider_url": config["config"]["repo"], + "title": description, + "author_name": user, + "author_url": video_link, + } return out + if __name__ == "__main__": - app.config['SERVER_NAME']='localhost:80' - app.run(host='') + app.config["SERVER_NAME"] = "localhost:80" + app.run(host="") diff --git a/wsgi.py b/wsgi.py index 456d4ba..7637b73 100644 --- a/wsgi.py +++ b/wsgi.py @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ from twitfix import app if __name__ == "__main__": # listen on to facilitate testing with real services - app.run(host='') \ No newline at end of file + app.run(host="")